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posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 05:19 PM

61,000 people across the UK received emergency food hand-outs from The Trussell Trust’s charity foodbanks in 2010-11, 50% more than the previous year.
Foodbank recipients are not the homeless; they are low-income working families who hit an unexpected crisis, people made redundant or people experiencing benefits delays.

Remember what the Cameron mantra is ........... " were all in this together "

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 05:56 PM
Yup, I am one of the people who has had to use those foodbanks. I was made redundant from NHS last year, Then developed serious health problems. I've been employed constantly for the last 19 years. Never had to claim benefits before all this (And I really REALLY hate having to survive off handouts). In one year I've gone from a hard working IT professional earning good money to just barely surviving. 'In it together' HA! that makes me laugh. Damn tories!, In fact Damn UK government.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:42 PM
hi op

bloody crappy government and the crap that it lets in
had to go into town
big issue seller was a bloody immigrant
ffs she couldnt speak properly she kept shouting in a high pitched voice
"beeeeg eeeesh"
here in the midlands, i play spot the white man on the walk to town
iv still not broke my record of 15
its the flood of immigrants that have came here in the last 10+yrs (thx blair)
and another thing that peees me offffff
this stigmata among the young that have got it into their heads that...
britain let in immigrants to fill the jobs that we lazy british refused to do..
what a pile of bs
a quick history search for you brainwashed young uns
britain took immigrants in to help rebuild britain in the early 50s(around the end of rationing)
britain was very much damaged and many men killed, the gap had to be filled temp
quite a few immigrants went home after earning a decent wage and savings
if anything to blame is the bloody paracitical government/s
and tony his blairness for selling us out.
sorry rant ended b4 a removal is enforced

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Anon77

Annon77 , having been employed for the last 19 years , that must come as a massive wake-up call through no fault of your own , the people are locked in through mortgage and rent , if only a quarter of the UK were to say F**k this
Cameron and Clegg would # bricks....this is not a utopian dream it would create a ripple effect.

You swallow your pride and stay fit to see these evil scum merchants brought to account at some point.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by davesmart

I live just outta Brum and know exactly what you are saying Tony Blair knew what he was doing by letting vast swathes of people into the UK.............kerching lot's of future Labour votes , to the point of being forced on mass to vote Labour . We now , the tax payer pay for Tony's security
you couldn't make it up

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Droidinvoid

61,000 people across the UK received emergency food hand-outs from The Trussell Trust’s charity foodbanks in 2010-11, 50% more than the previous year.
Foodbank recipients are not the homeless; they are low-income working families who hit an unexpected crisis, people made redundant or people experiencing benefits delays.

Remember what the Cameron mantra is ........... " were all in this together "

You mean people who have had their jobs stolen away and sent overseas where the corporations who own said companies can pay a slave labor force 2 pennies a day to do what you were making 12 bucks an hour to do? Hey, people in the U.S. know exactly how that feels. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and Robinhood is taking a nap somewhere. It ain;t bad yet but its coming. There's going to be a major food crisis worldwide before much longer because its what the Illuminati are working towards.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

Your not kidding! I've never been unemployed before. I've worked ever since leaving school and earned myself a degree through OU and multiple IT qualifications at the same time! Job loss was a massive shock, The benefits system is a joke too, It seems if your an unskilled brainless idiot who's never worked a day in your life, spends half your time stoned or drunk and can't be bothered to look for work 'Because you make more money on benefits' they give you as many benefits as they can. If however you are like me (as I suspect many fellow ATS'ers are) hard working, law abiding, etc then you get screwed at every turn.

This country is a complete mess, Immigration out of control, Don't even get me started on the utterly ridiculous human rights laws we have! And that bunch of bloody idiots in London couldn't care less! Sorry for getting seriously ranty here but... Well.. GAAAH Word's fail me!

Ahh well, I guess this comment will land me on some government watch list as a potential trouble causer. I think that's why most people wont stand up and be heard, fear of being locked up for 'Inciting public disorder' , Just look at some of the people they have locked up following the riots.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Anon77

Annon77 , use ATS as a cathartic release for your stress / angst , there are plenty of members who will happily debate with you on topics that effect yourself and others. The moderators do a brilliant job . Check out the RANT forum
to really blow steam off. Glad to have you on ATS

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

There's going to be a major food crisis worldwide before much longer because its what the Illuminati are working towards.

Lonewolf , you have hit the nail on the head from across the pond , we are all in this horrible reality.

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