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US Marines posed with Nazi symbol in Afghanistan

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posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:37 AM
I don't look at anyone different because they're a civilian. On the contrary, it's the civilians that look at US differently. We're "warmongers," "psychopaths," "pawns," "corporate mercenaries," etc. I've read it all. (for a perfect example view ZIPMATTs post above.) This website is largely anti american, and the military and ex military are in the extreme minority. People forget that we made our way and joined ATS for a reason. To show we're NOT like everyone else, and yet all that happens here is we get belittled and spat on with anti military, anti american rhetoric on a consistent basis. 90% of the posts I read here are by bigots claiming to oppose bigotry.

Hold your horses because I remember that people can change their minds , transform and move on .

And cited against your view , it was British Soldiers working with American deployments in Iraq , who gave views over what they (alot of) US forces were like .
They were

1. Shocked


2. Disgusted

because :

Read this thread .

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Whatever man. Your mind is made just like 90% of this website.

"deny ignorance.

everyone except for military.
you guys aren't welcome here."

I'm out. Thanks for the awesome look into the "alternative" and "open minded" part of the internet.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by r3axion

Marine Scout Snipers "pussies," "cowards

Hey bud even my granny could kill a man at 1.5 miles away with a sniper rifle. Sorry it is an act of cowardness in my book too... Just like bombing people from the sky with planes and sending drone planes over to do the dirty work..

Then I guess the mightiest military machine going around picking on third world countries is an act of cowardness too.. Funny how the US won have a go at Russia or China..

What about when the gencoide was occuring in Kosovo and the UN wanted to send in active ground troops. Well it never happened becuase the US was to scared to put troops on the ground and vetod it and as a result a lot of innocent civilians died.. The British should have gone and done the job without them

Yes the American troops fight like cowards. I have friends in the British army that have said that too. Sometimes you cannot see the wood for the trees..

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by purplemer

Hey bud even my granny could kill a man at 1.5 miles away with a sniper rifle.

The rest of your post doesn't even merit a read after that giant LOL of a line.

You might as well add "shooting guns" to your list of "cowardice" as well. That's what you're getting at here.
edit on 2-10-12 by r3axion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by bjarneorn

Originally posted by r3axion

I don't look at anyone different because they're a civilian. On the contrary, it's the civilians that look at US differently. We're "warmongers," "psychopaths," "pawns," "corporate mercenaries," etc.

To take part in a war, outside your country ... is being a warmonger, and a pawn ... and generally stupid. You should feel insulted, because it IS an insult.

After WWII, American soldier murdered over a million german soldiers by starvation. Their only crime, was to follow orders ... these soldiers had nothing to do, with what was done in the concentration camps.

YOU ARE AND WILL BE JUDGED, the same way you judged these Germans. You copy theri symbols, you copy their warfare ... and go on a frenzy to murder, pillage and sodomize people around the world.

So, prepare yourself for the consequences ... you desereve the same treatment, the victims had. These CIVILIANS DEMAND that you disobey orders, and have a consicience, because that IS WHAT YOU DEMANDED OF THE GERMANS:

All bickering (and semantics) aside ,That is a very truthful observation and point of view which should not be exclusive to any military force in particular.

Star for that !

Of course to some this a big 'no no' and all military divisions and in particular marines should be hailed and honored and put on a pedestalwithout question,wether they were war in a invading force spilling blood simply because they were ordered to or just went to bootcamp.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:59 AM
DUDE what you guys don't seem to get is that it doesn't matter!!! the SS has been in Scout Sniper before you or I were born and used way before I was born... BLACKS have SS thunderbolts on their NECKS. WE DOMINATED GERMANY AND WE CAN MAKE A MOCKERY OF THEIR SYMOBOLS AS WELL AS USE THEIR MOST IMPORTANT ONES AS TROPHY'S TO SHOW RESPECT TO THE ORIGINAL SS AS WELL AS THE FACT WE KICKED THIER ASS AND NOW ANYBODY CAN PROUDLY WHERE THE SS LIGHTING BOLT IF THEY EARNED IT REGARDLESS OF RACE... shhhheeessh can't people understand?

I mean during the crusades we were the muslims mortal enemies, yet we adobted they're ARABIC NUMERAL SYSTEM... does that mean were heretics?? No it's means we owned parts of their culture and took it back to ours for good use... Same difference!

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Whatever man. Your mind is made just like 90% of this website.

"deny ignorance.

everyone except for military.
you guys aren't welcome here."

I'm out. Thanks for the awesome look into the "alternative" and "open minded" part of the internet.

It is called public opinion ,you might want to take note sometimes. Not everyone is drilled to automatically assume that anything marine or army is "awesome".

Some people have their own opinions and views.
Deal with it?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Rafe_

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Whatever man. Your mind is made just like 90% of this website.

"deny ignorance.

everyone except for military.
you guys aren't welcome here."

I'm out. Thanks for the awesome look into the "alternative" and "open minded" part of the internet.

It is called public opinion ,you might want to take note sometimes. Not everyone is drilled to automatically assume that anything marine or army is "awesome".

Some people have their own opinions and views.
Deal with it?

Have your "public opinion" on a thread that asks for your opinion on the military industrial complex, not on a thread thats topic is discussing a flag.

stop trolling and get over yourself bigot.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Swing80s

How many times are you going to re-post that? This is the fourth time already on 2 pages. Wouldn't You think people seen it already ? Give it a rest ok .

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Rafe_

It's a public opinion.
Deal with it?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Whatever man. Your mind is made just like 90% of this website.

"deny ignorance.

everyone except for military.
you guys aren't welcome here."

I'm out. Thanks for the awesome look into the "alternative" and "open minded" part of the internet.

No again I have good respect for professional soldiering , and would happily join if the were really necessary . But they are not even about defence .
Its a rip off , the state the governement , everything . You are not the one percent of the one percent . Everyone is being ripped off by puppet masters who encourage a bit of hateful spite along with a good dose of national socialism . What ? Yes national socialism . Social Nationalism ring any bells? Put any flags up ? , neo whatever, nasty state ripoff.
Murderous, controlling, medically dead, nasty rip .

Yes we close our minds after we see the evidence . Unless you have new evidence that recent history has been, 'ok' with us. In the end you have individual drive towards moral obligation . While the threat is remains hidden it remains deadly. To you , I or anyone .

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:06 AM

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by r3axion

Originally posted by Rafe_

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by ZIPMATT

Whatever man. Your mind is made just like 90% of this website.

"deny ignorance.

everyone except for military.
you guys aren't welcome here."

I'm out. Thanks for the awesome look into the "alternative" and "open minded" part of the internet.

It is called public opinion ,you might want to take note sometimes. Not everyone is drilled to automatically assume that anything marine or army is "awesome".

Some people have their own opinions and views.
Deal with it?

Have your "public opinion" on a thread that asks for your opinion on the military industrial complex, not on a thread thats topic is discussing a flag.

stop trolling and get over yourself bigot.

And who do you think you are thinking you can dictate which opinion can be discussed in relation to any topic. The topic has implications,These ARE being discussed so once again ,deal with it.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Rafe_

The funny thing is...your posts have nothing to do with the topic

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:12 AM
Maybe they had just been to a Kiss concert and thought the SS looked cool for "Sniper Scouts"?

Nah, doubtful, shame on them, it's bloody obvious what it is, no decency at all!

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

There is nothing wrong with Swastika which has been used in India since ancient times, even before Hitler used it. Swastika symbol in India is a religious symbol. Not everywhere the Swastika symbol is evil the symbol is sacred to us. The soldiers posed with a sign SS which can be anything, dont make a hill out of mole.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:13 AM

Notice in todays world, the American helmet, looks alot like the old helmet, in the pic of the German.

Or just maybe they know the zionist jews are using their ass and used this flag to say [SNIP].
edit on 9-2-2012 by mackey1224uk because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2012 by burdman30ott6 because: DO NOT evade the automatic censors

The US adapted the German helmet style because it's a better design that gives you better protection.
If you go compare it like that than the whole American military would be nazi because the nazi's made the first assault rifles, ballistic missiles, jets, etc etc

edit on 10-2-2012 by Jauk3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by Rafe_

It's a public opinion.
Deal with it?

I pointed out that he re-posted a copy of his post multiple times over and over again. It is usually referred to as 'Spam' so i was even being nice about it.

Re-posting the same post over and over again is a 'public opinion' now according to you.

I understand now why you have such a hard time understanding all of what is being said.

edit on 10-2-2012 by Rafe_ because: type-o

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Rafe_

Originally posted by r3axion
reply to post by Rafe_

It's a public opinion.
Deal with it?

I pointed out that he re-posted a copy of his post multiple over and over again. It is usually referred to as 'Spam' so i was even being nice about it.

Re-posting the same post over and over again is a 'public opinion' now according to you.

I understand now why you have such a hard time understanding all of what is being said.

So you are spamming as well? Would a public protest with chanting be "spam" too?

Come on, at least attempt to make your bigoted hypocrisy a little less blatant
edit on 2-10-12 by r3axion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Echo3Foxtrot

My grandfather fought so I could tell you NO.

That's what YOU don't get. You think that ordinary citizens should respect YOU because you took the time to sign up for the armed forces.

There are plenty of soldiers who gave their lives so I could have an opinion of my own. I salute them.

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