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They're Here Tomorrow!!!!

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posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:52 AM
Start selling Alien Glow Sticks & Masks.

Seriously though, I'll sit and watch it all unfold. We instantly become the inferior species on the planet so we have to find our place.

I'd also be collecting money from the people I've made bets with re: Aliens visiting in our lifetime.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:16 AM
Well, thousands of ships.... Maybe that is their way of sending greeting parties to all the city representatives. Must try to be fair as they would not want one country to have the upper hand. Think about it.. If aliens came to the US we would all be happy. But, if they went to Tahiti and did representation through there we would not be happy, or what about Iran or North Korea? Well, if they know this, they would send in fleets to every part of the world to what they respect everyone.
If they came and surrounded the globe to try and contact us, who do they contact? See, we run into the dame problems above. It would be complicated for them...
Only the UN would be the main place I guess, but not every country is represented there either. hmmmm.....

Now, that would be stupid to throw everything we had at them just for entering our planet. Heck this planet is not even ours, other than the fact WE claimed it. What if the universe does not work like that? After all, we are just temporarily using it till our sun decides otherwise or we ruin it so bad. Ok, so say they come into our atmosphere to be peaceful, then we launch an attack. Ok, they speed out of here and regroup.... Well, can you now blame them for taking us as hostile and taking us out? Look at the Bin Laden.. He took a good shot at us and he are dismantling him and any followers. If we did that to them, maybe they would have the same reaction. hmmmmm things to think about.

I for one would be very happy and watch TV allot. Hell, if they landed I would probably be there and try to meet them. It would fascinate me. Not all things unknown to me make me scared and defensive. I of course would prepare for both situation, but I would take the peaceful route first.

I would enjoy the show and hope that the world just became enlightened.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:21 AM
there is a lot of agression towards greeting visitors from outside of earth.. is this because it is human nature to maintain control as we have been top of the evolutionary ladder on earth for so long... would we get defensive because we we would no longer be "the most intelligent beings known to man"...
I would say that total annihalation would be the option to take, if these "Aliens" would come to Earth then firstly ask why? the same reason that we are friendly to dogs, cats and other Animals... to gain an understanding of them and to control them.. I am sure this 'control' would not just be a human trait and is something that walks hand in hand with power. why would an alien species want to be on a level the same as us? they would only want to pet some of us, enslave others and eat the rest...

I don't think I would retaliate, I would grab a PHAT greens stash and go to a desolate field in the middle of nowhere... the most deserted place would be the best.. why would they look for me when everyone else is going crazy in their cars, stuck in the city, that would surely grab their attention more... they can't find you if they don't know to look for you....

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:22 AM
We are an adaptive species. How we managed to survive the early to mid stages of the Cold War, I have no idea. But we did. I think we'll be around a while, and if ET's show up, unless they just irradicate the planet, we'll still be here. Our nature.


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:24 AM
So thousands of space ships are coming, and I don't know whats gonna happen? What do I do?

Spark up a j, and go surfing. Hopefully they'll come after some sick Jeanne swell... that would be epic! Surfing Double overhead sets, and then getting beamed up by Scottie. Life is good.

[edit on 17-9-2004 by oui]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:29 AM
Personally I'd be sitting in the lounge room, decked out with my tinfoil hat, popcorn and sawn off shotgun, staring at the tellie waiting for updates and hoping to hell they are friendly... oh and being depressed cos it's the end of the world and I never got to sleep with that hot chick down the road

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:37 AM
Don't forget the pictures!

Grab my cameras.
Somebody better get some photos of this.

Some nice close ,crisp, focused pictures.
Within the cameras range, and resolution.

Might give Ufology a credibility boost.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 03:10 AM
What would I do?? I would have so much sex my gf couldnt walk a straight line if she had to.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 03:38 AM
WOW thousands ugh, well guess i'll be preparing for a possible invasion

If it only is a couple then I would not worry much cause they'll most probably be refugees or explorers

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
I would run to the nearest martial arts supply store and buy all the
ninja death stars that they have...

well, as we learned from another thread, the ET's can be killed by ninja death stars...

OMG!!! tooooo funny!

i would pack up my family, my guns and whatnot and get away from major cities for awhile. id hang out there till we knew if they were hostiles or not...

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by MacKiller
enrage you missed the joke.

I was talking about illegal aliens.

my bad

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Hey good point.....

There would still be disbeliever's saying "their not aliens that our govenment" and then start the whole debunking thing...
So when it happens get your picks out and your tape recorder - Digital Camcorder and get all the eveidence you need ...cos you know the debunkers would just love t say its the govenment and the NWO.

It maybe worth while to address a few historical issues such as Which "alleged" events they were part of and which they were not, and if you could also ask for them documentary evidence to prove it; then that would also prove useful.

I would go to the South Pole...Well out of the way grab some tiniies and have few cold beers, build me a igloo - I believe thats a rare skill! and hope they never find me.... may also take a trip to Lake Vostock as well -- believe theres a few sites to see around that region!


Boon Dog

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Now, that would be stupid to throw everything we had at them just for entering our planet. Heck this planet is not even ours, other than the fact WE claimed it. What if the universe does not work like that? After all, we are just temporarily using it till our sun decides otherwise or we ruin it so bad. Ok, so say they come into our atmosphere to be peaceful, then we launch an attack. Ok, they speed out of here and regroup.... Well, can you now blame them for taking us as hostile and taking us out? Look at the Bin Laden.. He took a good shot at us and he are dismantling him and any followers. If we did that to them, maybe they would have the same reaction. hmmmmm things to think about.

thanks for this quote,this is what i feel i can probably relate to most as a personal feeling-however thanks for the other funny posts,dont get me wrong the first sign of hostilities id be getting well and truly "tooled up" and taking as many of with me as i could!

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 09:57 AM

Kidnapp one, and do strange sexual things to it.

Now this is a worry?

originally posted by annoymous-yeah,i wonder why?

[edit on 17-9-2004 by optimus fett]

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