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The Con To Become Gods: Let The People Destroy Themsleves [TJWC]

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posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:50 AM
For many years now we have reigned supreme. When my life began, I was the child of a banker and a carpenter. The family had little wealth, but we had a vast collection of academic material. Most of the material we pocessed was thought to have vanished several centuries before. These works and references were the catalyist towards my eventual plan to sieze ownership of this reality.

I began studying the material when i was old enough to read. This was acceptionally early in my developement as my education began at just a few weeks. My parents told me, from the time i could remember and moving forward, that i was here to spawn a new existence. A new reality for humanity. This is the task i have prepared for my entire life. But, how is it that one person could usher in a new era for humanity?

My research led me to a man who only ever identified himself as the Word, or the Light. He said that in my mission, if I were to use his name, or any name, I would with out a doubt fail. I did not understand this, until the time came to be. For how would using an individuals name hinder me in my mission of worldy change? This took me many years, and many rounds of trial and error to understand what the Word was telling me. Along with his insite and perspective, the Word also gave me a great ability; i received an understand of time from the Word. I was emplained how time is based on perception, and perception is passed genetically. This lesson, as i was told, if i could fully grasp, could be used as the main foundation of my mission.

Along with the understanding of time, a technique was taught to me as well. This technique allowed me to distort my perception of time and reality, which alowed me to "move through time". I moved through several decades to gain access to greater knowledge, and to continue to comprise a stadegy towards my lifes mission. This journey took me 33 years to complete. But by the end of my education, the plan was sound, and the actions began.

I took myself back several thousands of years in to histories beginings. In these times, the people were much less advanced than they are in modern times. While the basics of every aspect of life were in place; the primitive scale of theology was ripe for the changing. I slowly introduced my self to many tribes of native peoples, and slowly learned from what they believe, and how their cultures dictate their perception and realities. This period of learning and communicatin with one another allowed me to become accepted by these peoples, and not looked at as an enemy. I slowly began to teach the people basic concepts of the universe. I showed them where several stars, and star systems were located, and told them great stories of tavel in space from the times i was from. These concepts also incompases concepts of math, astrology, numerology, alchemy, astronomy, as well as natural remedies for any sort of ailment.

In time, the native peoples began to worship me as a Sky God. My legond spread as being "a new" creator, and to some the arrival of the only creator. After so long, "a new" was shortened to Anu, and i was givin the title of Lord. Because I had shared the knowledge of his planet and the stars, the people of the world began to recognize my legond, and recognized that I had made a home in the Atlantic Ocean. This soon become known as Atlanticopols (later shortened to Atlantis). It had felt as though my mission had been completed. In my reign, i had built several giant power plants. All across the globe. These power plants provided free energy, and brought about a technology revolution unlike any other time in history. The power, and fame of Atlantis, and newly givin name of Lord Anu soon fell out favor, with the growing number of peoples who believed that the knowledge i was sharing, and the technology i was helping to build, as it was said to be the work of the destroyer, not the creator. When the gates of Atlantis were sieged by the masses, I set in motion a nuclear holocoust to eliminate those who wished to end my mission. I built a large craft which was filled with the loyal scientists and region leaders, as well as a great seed bank, and a compilation of a male and female being from every group of animal species I could aquire. When the craft was completed and loaded, the world was flooded from the destruction caused by my actions.

I felt terrible that in my atempts to improve humanity, and create a global citizenship, i had mislead the people to no longer comply with my truth of life. And in doing so, the only measures i was left with was to completely start over. All of those people, and all of that time was lost. I returned several years later to try again.

This age was one of extreme prosperity, in relation to my mission. I learned from the first attempt that the people could not be priviledged to all of the knowledge I contained. For with too mch knowledge comes too many egos. I had to keep a stable of individuals close, but even then, they had to work very hard to still never know of some of my greater secrets. Work hard we did. In this second attempt to claim the masses for my new humanity, i decided to not fix myslef in the position of THE god. No, this is what caused the collapse of my first reign. But, if the people were to make the assumption the I am He, then in turn, He will be I, for as long as i remain humble, and "die" a marytar, my legond will not destroy itself but live on. So with my foundation of 12 followers, we roamed the land in search of the sick and the poor. Those peoples were chosen as they already had a disloyalty to the Kings of the time, for they were whom the poor blamed for their poverty. By using the knowledge of herbal remidies, and quantum healing, i had gathered as a child, i was able to travel the globe performing miracles for the sick and poor. After many years of doing this, and aquiring more and more followers, the Kings and leaders of this time began to take notice, and grew angry towards my message. I was using my words to distract people from my goal. My teachings helped to instill in the people that they were made from a higher being. My message said that to have a happy life, people must submit to this higher authority and worship this being with devoute blind faith. And if they did so, they would be rewarded with peace in the after life. The message grew slowly, and faced much opposition. This is where my plan to change humanity took a sudden move for the dark side.

I had grown to dispise this species that my mission was to bring to a new reality. However, i realized that the new reality was never described to me. I had been working to lead the people, but i had no idea where to take them. But the growing negativety towards humanity gave me the greatest diversion of all. Tell them the answers while guiding them to submission.

The movement i had started with my teachings of an all knowing, and all present God, was strongly opposed by government leaders. So i realized i should not give the people the choice to believe or not to believe. If the people choose, the poeple choose wrong. This was the realization i had with my teachings. I showed a very easy formula for how we should live our lives, but the people chose to kill those whom openly followed my teachings. So the masses must be made to be fearful of the choices they make. I must instill fear into every person of every belief.
edit on 9/2/12 by masqua because: Title edit by author request

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:26 AM
Violence became the reality for all peoples for the next several hundred years. My persona of teacher and healer was put to death in front of the masses. This helped to do several things. People were inspired by the "death" of this leader and the death helped to strengthen their faith in my teachings. This took time but steadily happened across the region, and eventully the globe. But, this also helped to further distract people from the real truths of life which were naturally available at the time. Most religions, even if slightly different in actions, had the same foundation and teachings. By me claiming to be of one group, yet acting and referencing my self as a new group, dissent and prejudice claimed the mindset of the other religions. This was the basis for my eventual culling of the masses. When one believes in God, and wars for their God, the loss of life is justified in thier cllective mentality. Less people will bring less ressistence.

Shortly after the introduction of my teaching and the new religion which formed, the birth of the diversion came in to existense. For i knew if i stuck to the belief that God is above and we are inferior, eventually human ego will say enough, and the ego will convinse the individual they are God. And this belief in an interconnectedness and that each individual as qualities of God, and acting as God, will unlitmately ruin my teachings of a supreme ruler of spirituality. So i introduced this beast to humanity before humanity had the chanch to comprehend its intention.

The first step in the plan was to unite the largest political power on the globe with the new religion i had created. This was easy to accomplish as the political leaders of this nation were all influenced by the knowledge i had shared with them under the guise of a humble german banker, the creation and manipulatin of currency. I had practiced said knowledge for centuries proir, but with a country of such size and strength, I made the practice a secret in circles which gave me greater influence with leaders of the times. Once the country was united under the new religion, the second phase came to reality.

The enemy must not be foreign to the objective. This would imply too many variables. So the emeny is created to give entertainment for an ultimate goal. I created the new religion, and i created a movement i credited to being Enlightened. The goal of this religion was to counter the other i had started by teaching the opposite of its foundation. the religion was about a supreme god, to whom we must submit, and through him will we live in eternal peace, but the movement of enlightenment was centered around the beliefs of science, and that religions were measures to control the public. The enlightenment movement would bring the realization that we are in control, not a supreme god. When these ideas where created, I was in a time when violence regined judgement, and wars were common between conflicting ideologies. So after creating these movements i started the never ending war of faith. for ultimately there are two choices in life we can make, to be God, or o be sheep. By my creation of the new religion, and by my leading the Enlightenment movement, I controlled both heads of the beast.

Many years passed with the continued war between faith and enlightenment. All the while, i continued to practice monetary manipulation, and continued to share this abaility in select circles. This period in history gave me an amazing opportunity to come in to pocession of nearly all of the great wealth of the world.The wealth began to convince we i really was God, and that anything which i desired was mine because it was my blood right. I began to take many wifes and created several branches to my lineage. Much the same as my initial 12 followers of the new religion, I mated with 12 different families, creating 12 new bloodlines from my origional bloodline. We would continue to prosper for many more centuries as I grew complasent with my accomplishments.

A few hundred years I new that a great power had to be created. A power which could be used to inforce strength and control of other countries. This was going to be a land with amazing new possibilities. But this land was already inhabited by many great cultures which were still living by the knowledge i had spread from my first attempts with Atlantis. This was going to greatly lower my chances of success, for everytime i traveled to survey the new land, i was recognized as Lord Anu. When my bloodlines came to this land, our first order of business was to erradicate these remembering peoples. The knowledge they had was devestating to my goal, and needed to be removed from exisence.

It took a few hundred years, but this new land was settled and the old surviving knowledge was eliminated. This land began to prosper like none other.

(still more)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Ok, so what is your name.

Or you could tell us should have a few by now.

And what should we do to be the best we can?

How can we get rid of the corruption and start again with a new perspective,

where everyone is equal, and no one wants to kill anyone?

If you are who you claim to be, how about pop up right here with me, I have a boatload of questions,

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:04 PM
When the land reached a point where all of the great minds of other nation were leaving to this new land, it was decided that this new nation can no longer stand united and prosperous. A distraction was created to captivate the masses, it worked s well that people are still controlled by this diversion today, racism. We spread the notion that one portion of the nation wanted to ruin the other by either eliminating slavery, or forcing people of other races in to slavery. This distraction fed in nicely to my paradigm of submitting to God, or being God. The slaves felt they were inferior and thus easier to bring to being submissive to authority, and those whom said it was wrong were those whom believed they were not submisive to a God. This helped to strengthen my hypothesis that the relgion and antithesis i had created would keep the masses in distraction, fighting themselves, and never even looking for me.

The split in the new nation caused a great war. Because my bloodlines had grown to not only hold positions of influence in this country and others, but because we were the ones who funded both sides of the conflict, i accumulated wealth that i had originally only dreamed of. But the past several centuries of my complasency, some of my suppressed knowledge has been leaked to the public. So of my lineage have been careless in their actions and our blood is slightly becoming public knowledge. While our mystery helped to keep our mission in secret, individuals were starting to speak ot against my future world order.

My mission was in jeapordy. So the last diversion I created was to give people the answers they were speculating on, but not the correct answers. To distract people from the free energy we supressed, and the advanced technologies we had created, I created the idea of aliens from other worlds. To distract people from the control, i used the same mannor i had in previous centuries, by providing the masses wih food and entertainment. As long as they were fed, and occupied, they could not regain their natural intuition and abililties, for they would never question any oppression unless they felt they could directly feel the affects. To distract people from and evidence I had left from the past, i monopolized the educational systems and only taught my edited version of history. And to keep the seperation of resources between the haves and have nots, my bloodlines has always continued to manipulate money.

This worked so well that all of the distractions played in to one another and people began to really buy in to the belief there was a cable of elites who controlled all eceonomies, education, and goverments; while also believing these elites are reptilian entities who can travel transdementionally and hide in peopes skin. Everyone knew of my mission, yet no one new of my mission. Well, they thought they did.

Many centuries back, durning a journey through a land along the center of the planet, I had encountered a group of natives. I had shared my knowledge with them, and helped them to build a few pwer plant structures, but upon leaving the land, i had left a countdown calendar. This calander ended on the specific date i would again come to own complete control of this planet. This date was very special to me.

The hype surroundng the supposed implication of this calander grew for many many years. People claimed this to be the end of the world, that aliens would return for good or bad purposes on this day, or that humanity would reach a higher level of conciousness of this date. Those were all fantastic theories, but only I knew he truth. The thruth was, this was the day I origionally set back to found Atlantis. The world i had know, was now a hiddeous monster of what used to be. To look down upon the planet, it would appear to have a cancer spreading all over its body. There was violence, war, hate, and all things negative. While some light was still visible, the possitive had almost all but been destroyed. My religious conflict had manifested in to my reality. For where i was once saviour, i am now the bringer of death.

What i did next was the only correct thing i could do; I again reset the clock on humanity. The political layout of the time made the starting of a global nuclear war very simple to instigate. When the world was made right, I knew that i could no longer play God. My mission was not failed in this decision, for I had realized that my mission, when givin, was centered upon me. Me finding the answers to a better life, and me helping to teach others. But i had become filled with greed, and consumed by power. My lust for these things brought people nothing but suffering and pain. I had forgotten where i had began, and was focued on where i could go. I had forgotten to take the time to improve and beter myslef, as i was consumed with controlling all others.

I think this time around i will let humanity control intself.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by rbnhd76
Ok, so what is your name.

Or you could tell us should have a few by now.

And what should we do to be the best we can?

How can we get rid of the corruption and start again with a new perspective,

where everyone is equal, and no one wants to kill anyone?

If you are who you claim to be, how about pop up right here with me, I have a boatload of questions,

wtf does all that mean lol? lol, this is a short story, not really me lol. ill try and answer any questions that you have though most def. I did not use specific names or places as the story is not compossed to be fact, but is presented to allow people to put themselves in the place of the narrator, and to feel a connection to the events in the story, as they can relate them back to real life
edit on 9-2-2012 by JAsay1LOVE because: spelling

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by JAsay1LOVE

Since ATS is originally a conspiracy site I think this happens a lot with "Creative Writing" people are always WHO ARE YOU? You want to do what??? Because they post before they read or don't realize what forum the OP is in. lol

Nice story but spooky hopefully the war is not too bad for us to restart...

p.s. check your spelling...
edit on 9-2-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by abeverage

lol good call.

stay in touch as i recognise there are many typos, and details i skimmed through or didnt explaine. things could be worded better. I posted the story as i wrote it today at work lol. i was a little rushed and i am terrible at spelling to begin with lol. I understand its a short story so i will not add much more in terms of length, but i will def be revising this work, and making it much much more presentable.

i just proof read it myself and could only laugh at the many mistakes.

i will fix, please stay tuned...

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