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Rossen Reports: Anyone can buy guns, no questions asked

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posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Where does the right to bear arms break into divisions?
What do background checks actually accomplish?
Just to make sure the average person isn't a felon?
Criminals will get guns no matter what.
They don't get background checks when buying black market guns.
So why do citizens need thorough examinations?
Does anyone seriously believe that this will solve anything?
How foolish to think that all these regulations are needed.

Guns protect honest people from the dishonest.

Herein lies the problem...

The second amendment grants the ability for citizens to bear arms.
That right will not be infringed.

There is no other way to put is clear cut.
They didn't say, citizens can only buy shotguns or semi-automatic rifles.
If we allow these "gun-control" idiots to further deteriorate our right, it's our fault.
This right guarantees citizens the ability to protect themselves from harm.
Foreign or domestic.

In my opinion it was put there to force the gov't to be aware that if it becomes to tyrannical, the citizens have the ability and means to put the gov't back in its respective place.

But for some reason, people are so scared of "the big, bad gov't" that they agree with these gun-control advocats in the ignorant reasoning that gun control actually controls crime.

Criminals will get guns with or without laws.

It is up to us citizens to protect ourselves from said criminals.
That is why it was added to our Constitution.

Do not let these people fool you into thinking that our second amendment needs changed.
Thats how the UK and Australia lost their rights, if they ever had any.
The only people who want gun control are those who want more control.

Do not fear the government.
Fear the people.

edit on 9-2-2012 by havok because: Clarity!

edit on 9-2-2012 by havok because: More info

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:11 AM
Wish they had done it in Calif.
the last reporter that tried it almost got arrested him self.

In Calif its not only illegal to sell a gun without a background check but its also illegal to attempt to buy a gun without going through a background check.

I know of a number of people that can legally buy guns in Calif that go to AZ or NV to buy guns as first you have to pay $40 just for the background check plus taxes and and the state has a record for all guns you buy in Calif
Many gun owner from Calif go to other states just to buy unregistered guns in case the state or feds try to outlaw guns then try to collect them.

The really strange part is in Calif and the rest of the US i can still buy everything i need to build a bomb from local stores. And i am not taking about buying reloading powder and using it, I am taking about making high explosives from common chemicals from hardware, auto-parts and grocery stores and i could with no problem buy enough to level a city block if i was a terrorist. Just be glad i am not a terrorist

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by havok
Do not let these people fool you into thinking that our second amendment needs changed.
Thats how the UK and Australia lost their rights, if they ever had any.
The only people who want gun control are those who want more control.

gun control laws only make honest gun owners criminals because they want to protect their family and themselves which happens to be our constitutional right.

I'm not saying that honest gun owners go out and commit crimes, I'm saying that the gun control law makers look at us as criminals because we own guns.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by TGRHredux
reply to post by tonycliffs

Either the local shops get with the program and cease price-gouging or they do what seems to be the popular thing right now and jack up their transfer fee to some obscene price until they piss off enough customers they go out of business or the federal government gets with the program and drops the FFL for profit crap and opens NICS up to any tranfer.

I completely agree. Local shops need to get with the times. Now for me, all of the on-line gun shops I have gone to have required me to have the gun transferred through my local gun store. Cost me an extra $35 for the transfer fee.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by KnightFire
Because the next step is to make a law taking away the rights of gun owners to privately purchase and sell firearms.

So essentially you want practically anyone to be able to buy guns and with most of those then having the right to re-sell it with profit as preeminent motive? How do you feel about the sale of fully automatic weapons, attached grenade launchers and squad automatic weapons?

Where does the second amendment stop and private well equipped armies/criminal gangs begin and what will want to purchase for 'home defense' when the criminals have automatic weapons and start cooperating so they may still be able to overwhelm you?

Do you really believe that you can protect yourself from 'the government' that can and will send people after you that have both the weaponry and the disposition to level your house when you resist with automatic fire?

There is a point when self defense becomes farcical and as has always been the case the only way to really resist the government is if the citizens have common goals and ultimately do stand together; how well armed this resistance is of no comparative consequence to how united&organized they are.

The problem with the average 'gun nut' is that they do not seem to be able to play well with others and they, like the gypsies and other 'dangerous' ( rightfully classified so by the government) 'elements' will be locked up or otherwise isolated before the general public figures out that they have lost a group of people that would probably have greatly aided them in a common struggle against a tyrannical government. That is if the people don't just vote the tyrant into power in the first place.

But that's just what i think as in South-Africa those who have guns are by no means good enough in their employment to make a significant difference if they ever had to use it against someone who could shoot back. In fact most South Africa gun owners are so bad at owning guns that 'we' lose or get robbed of more than 50 guns a day.. That's not much compared to the 1/4 million that gets lost or stolen in the US per year but suffice to say while gun ownership is that high criminals have easy access to them without gun owners gaining anything but a utterly misinformed sense of security.


posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:58 PM
I have never heard of buying guns online. I have never been to a website that sold guns online. But I do know this: More people are killed by doctors each day in America than are killed by guns.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:02 PM
J saw this article and right away I went out and bought myself another gun.

Anyone want to ask me any questions?

And I might just go out tomorrow and buy msyelf another gun.

Anyone else have any more questions?

I mean, you can ask all the questions you want.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by StellarX

Originally posted by KnightFire
Because the next step is to make a law taking away the rights of gun owners to privately purchase and sell firearms.

The problem with the average 'gun nut' is


There is your problem right there. You have automatically rounded up every legal gun owner and dumped them all into the bin labeled "gun nut". The American Rifleman Magazine, one of the official publications of the National Rifle Association, each month prints a column entitled "The Armed Citizen". These are factual accounts of legally armed citizens who have defended themselves and others from criminals with their firearms. They have done this for decades. There is no shortage of proof on file that shows an armed citizenry saves lives.

The real nuts are the people who keep attacking legal firearms owners without any evidence to back their claims.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

There seems to be some confusion about the "online" thing.

What they're doing in this article isnt going to some site like or and having them delivered to their door.

What they're doing is browsing sites like and classifieds or even local paper classifieds and buying directly from a person.

I believe it's an intentionally disingenuous attempt at deceit to project this as some form of e-commerce akin to but that's what the media always does.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I have never heard of buying guns online. I have never been to a website that sold guns online. But I do know this: More people are killed by doctors each day in America than are killed by guns.

check out this site -

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by groingrinder

There seems to be some confusion about the "online" thing.

What they're doing in this article isnt going to some site like or and having them delivered to their door.

What they're doing is browsing sites like and classifieds or even local paper classifieds and buying directly from a person.

I believe it's an intentionally disingenuous attempt at deceit to project this as some form of e-commerce akin to but that's what the media always does.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
There is your problem right there. You have automatically rounded up every legal gun owner and dumped them all into the bin labeled "gun nut".

Actually i said that gun nuts are the people who give gun owners in general a bad name by creating the wrong image in the public mind of how average gun owners interact with others and with their guns. I believe that if you can not tell the difference between 'gun nuts' and the large majority of gun owners your probably part of the problem and if you feel offended your probably a gun nut.

The American Rifleman Magazine, one of the official publications of the National Rifle Association, each month prints a column entitled "The Armed Citizen". These are factual accounts of legally armed citizens who have defended themselves and others from criminals with their firearms. They have done this for decades. There is no shortage of proof on file that shows an armed citizenry saves lives.

There is absolutely no doubt that some armed citizens are preventing crimes from being committed against them but i have never believed otherwise and certainly do not wish to suggest so here! As for the last claim as related to safeguarding themselves against criminal elements they might be saving their own lives but i, and many others , do not believe that that should be the only consideration when discussing a armed citizenry.

The real nuts are the people who keep attacking legal firearms owners without any evidence to back their claims.

There is a great deal of 'evidence' to go around but it can be hard to discern between all the propaganda being spread by the various 'sides' in this discussion. At this point i should add that i do not have anything against the principle of a armed citizenry or individual gun ownership but do think that everyone can benefit by a fuller understanding of the positive and negative aspects related to it.

The problem with gun nuts is that in their minds there just does not seem to be any down side to a armed society even when it's pointed out that the vast majority of gun owners pose a greater threat to themselves, their extended families&spouses than they do any would be criminals.

That being said i think the world would be a much nicer place, after the dust settles obviously, if EVERY person on earth could be or were issued with a automatic rifle and handgun and as much ammunition as they would like. I am all for everyone being armed but right now the guns seems to practically all be in the wrong hands.


posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by StellarX

Originally posted by KnightFire
Because the next step is to make a law taking away the rights of gun owners to privately purchase and sell firearms.

So essentially you want practically anyone to be able to buy guns and with most of those then having the right to re-sell it with profit as preeminent motive? How do you feel about the sale of fully automatic weapons, attached grenade launchers and squad automatic weapons?

I want law abiding gun owners to be treated as they are, law abiding. With all the rules law makers want to put in place, only makes law abiding gun owners feel like they are doing something wrong by owning a gun. I don't feel this way because it's my constitutional right to bear arms.

We all know the criminals already have guns and if they don't, they know where to go and it's not a gun show. I say they aren't getting them at gun show because if you haven't been to one lately, there is always a few deputy sheriffs there. They're not there just to keep the peace and provide security. In fact, the gun show organizations either bring in their own security or pay special duty pay to off duty officers, trooper. or deputy sheriffs to provide security.

How do you feel about the sale of fully automatic weapons, attached grenade launchers and squad automatic weapons? My first question would be as a seller, why do you need one?

Second, what's the difference in a fully automatic vs. a semi-automatic? Nothing, they both fire the same amount of ammo and if you have a fast trigger finger you don't need full auto. I guess what I'm saying is, if a person is not properly trained to use the gun, then they shouldn't have it until they have been trained. If a person is, it doesn't matter if it's full auto or semi auto because that person will hit their target either way.

Grenade launchers, lol, I laugh at this because anyone can go buy one as long as it's registered with a class 2 license. Now, go find ammo for it. You average thug isn't carrying around grenade projectiles in their pocket. If you look, the people that have those are well financed drug cartels and they are getting them on the black market outside of the US. Here again, not at a gun show.

I understand your concern and I don't want to have the 10 year old down the street brandishing an M60 or a China Lake because they used it in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. But to a true collector that has never even had a parking ticket, why are our hands tied, when the criminal's hands are not?

They need to go after the criminals and stop preventing law abiding citizens from having something they want.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:03 PM
Apparently you can buy all the schizophrenia inducing methamphetamine you questions asked.

And there doesn't seem to be a lot of questions asked about how much meth is coming across the Mexican border.

15 tons of pure meth seized in Mexico - CBS News

That's a lot of schizophrenia inducing methampehtamine...Too much fot feel completey comfortable with.

What do you call a meth-head breaking into your house in the middle of the night?

If you're well armed and protected, you can call him whatever you want to call him.
edit on 10-2-2012 by tonycliffs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by KnightFire

Yes I have purchased firearms from Gunbroker. There is a mandatory FFL exchange involved as in any gun purchase.They cannot send any FFL item to you and NFA items (machineguns,silencers etc) must involve a class 3 dealer ,they aren't legal in all states, and I have never heard of ANY class 3 owner committing any crime with a several thousand dollar gun.So yes I'm quite comfortable with those who obtain them legally.

edit on 10-2-2012 by cavtrooper7 because: grammatic error from errant fingers

edit on 10-2-2012 by cavtrooper7 because: didn't finish my statement

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