I live in the southeast portion of the country and was wondering if anyone knew what was up with Comcast. It keeps going to signal problem in your
area and gives 800 # to call.l but when I disconnect and reconnect broadcast comes back. It rained a little yesterday and last night nothing today.
I thought they said this only happened with the dish? Just wondering if anyone else experienced this. Not the bill it's paid.
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8-2-2012 by 1loserel2 because: correct typo
I get that from time to time. The best i can figure is that it has something to do with the cable box that causes it to get out of wack. Sometimes i
can change the channel and change back and it goes away, other times i have to cut power to the cable box for 30 seconds or so. I am using one of the
tiny cable boxes for secondary Televisions in the home.
I dont watch TV very much, so most of the time it pops up i have no idea how long its been there lol.
You need to call CS and request an RF Tech due to moisture issues in an external coupling. Tell them when it rains your signal drops out. They will
check the couplings from the street on into the external Netowrk Interface.
I used to do tech support for HSD. It is the only way to fix it.
edit on 8/2/12 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)