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lds mormon primary president child abuser in alaska

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posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 05:42 PM
My apologies if this has been posted in the wrong place and ask the mods if they could determine the right place please ,

I have used the search function and frankly am quite surprised there is not a thread discussing this incident. If there actually is but I failed to find again my apologies.

As far as my commenting on this video, again my apologies, I just happened upon it whilst looking for something else and am so shocked for once in my life am utterly speechless.

What is it with religious people why can they often be the most cruelest of our species ?

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:17 PM
So she cares enough to discipline her kid.
The idea of punishment is not to be nice. The child lied and the mother is correcting the child. In my house the only offence that guarantees a smack is lying. After a few smacks my kids dont lie to me anymore

Hell the kid isnt being sold in to prostitution or stoned. I have children that boys age who eat chilli sauce as a daily occurrence, cos they like it, and believe it or not millions of people only have access to cold showers.
Slight over reaction.
I have seen on this website a Judge mistreat a daughter, the comparison here is not the same.

When I was a kid (and I had non Christian parents) if I done something wrong and told the truth I got beaten. That taught me to lie.
If I didnt do anything wrong and I told the truth, I was suspected of lying and got beaten. I dont mean a cold shower and a chilli shooter, I got beaten.

What a silly over reaction about disciplining a child. I guarantee some atheists and agnostics do far worse to their kids than this woman has done here.

The video is a small glimpse in to this woman's parental role, to judge it on that one action is absurd.
"Dont vote for a mormon, they are freemason occultists goatriders" would be a far better thread title
edit on 8-2-2012 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by ChristianJihad

Looks kinda like the military, you break them down then rebuild them.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by ChristianJihad

You obviously have a thing against religious people. The fact this woman is lds is beside the point, as is you placing "primary president" in your title, although it's obvious why you did that, too. The facts of the case are that she was trying to get on the Dr. Phil show. Her first attempt, when she just yelled at the kid, failed, so the show suggested she should up the ante. So she had her daughter film the second attempt to get on the show, which you see here. Dr. Phil's producers asked for the film to see if she could "make the cut."

She was convicted of mis-demeanor child abuse BECAUSE SHE FILMED IT. In other words, this wasn't about discipline; it was about publicity. And as far as that goes, the Dr. Phil show used questionable methods and I would fault the show more than the Mom in this case.

As far as this being "child abuse," I call nonsense. The kid was in no way permanetly harmed. He was inconvenienced for a few minutes. Dry him off and he will be fine, but I bet he thinks twice before lying again. If more parents practiced sterner disciplne, maybe we wouldn't have the crop of entitlement kids we do today who freak out every time someone looks cross-eyed at them and want everything just because they do. I personally wouldn't use the hot sauce trick, but a cold shower like that seems just fine to me. The western world has become wussified to the point of being ridiculous.
edit on 2/8/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 11:57 PM
She did it to get on TV??
What the hell?? Lock the nutter of a mother up and throw away the key, Doc Phil must run an insane asylum show to want this crap on TV. He should be locked up as well for encouraging this stupidity.
There is something wrong with America. This is not about disciplining her child, its just all about her.
She is USING her child as a STAGE PROP in a play where she is the movie star
Its blatant child abuse, I got it wrong with my first reply.
edit on 8-2-2012 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by borntowatch
She did it to get on TV??
What the hell?? Lock the nutter of a mother up and throw away the key, Doc Phil must run an insane asylum show to want this crap on TV. He should be locked up as well for encouraging this stupidity.
There is something wrong with America. This is not about disciplining her child, its just all about her.
She is USING her child as a STAGE PROP in a play where she is the movie star
Its blatant child abuse, I got it wrong with my first reply.
edit on 8-2-2012 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

Yeah, that sucks. She was a drama queen and I agree with you, but your comments on discipline were right on. You're not wrong there. It's just that this was a massive set-up by Dr. Phil.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by schuyler

As far as this being "child abuse," I call nonsense. The kid was in no way permanetly harmed

Whoa, the evil woman was convicted for child abuse !!

Permanent harm ??

So it's ok to physically or mentally harm little people but not permanent ?

Let me get this straight when a person is small, lacking the mental maturity and wherewithal of a bigger person maturity, it is quite ok to use violence or threats of violence in order to make the smaller person comply with the wishes of the bigger person ?

Obviously we should apply the same reasoning to the child's mother should we not ?

When dad comes home he discovers that his dinner is not on the table and the child is screaming blue murder and not tucked up in bed.

Mum is obviously less mature of mind than dad as he is the head of the household, so quite rightly dad gives mum a good slap around the face for non compliance .

The little boy grows up and gets his own wife in and he has learned over the years that in order to make another person comply with his wishes he only has to reason that the other person is in some way inferior to him.
Needless to say that when his wife fails to comply with rules it is quite acceptable for him to fill her mouth with something that will burn her then give her a cold shower.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by schuyler

You obviously have a thing against religious people

No just the things they often do

The fact this woman is lds is beside the point, as is you placing "primary president" in your title

The fact that the woman is a so called "latter day saint" is very much the point, on one hand her bible tells her that it is outrageous to hurt kids yet on the other, naughty boys should be put to death.

As a species we are now wringing our hands and despair at how violent our world has become, yet are too arrogant to see that nurturing little people with violence and not reason has brought us as a species to where we are now .

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by schuyler

As far as this being "child abuse," I call nonsense. The kid was in no way permanetly harmed

Whoa, the evil woman was convicted for child abuse !!

Permanent harm ??

So it's ok to physically or mentally harm little people but not permanent ?

Let me get this straight when a person is small, lacking the mental maturity and wherewithal of a bigger person maturity, it is quite ok to use violence or threats of violence in order to make the smaller person comply with the wishes of the bigger person ?

Obviously we should apply the same reasoning to the child's mother should we not ?

When dad comes home he discovers that his dinner is not on the table and the child is screaming blue murder and not tucked up in bed.

Mum is obviously less mature of mind than dad as he is the head of the household, so quite rightly dad gives mum a good slap around the face for non compliance .

The little boy grows up and gets his own wife in and he has learned over the years that in order to make another person comply with his wishes he only has to reason that the other person is in some way inferior to him.
Needless to say that when his wife fails to comply with rules it is quite acceptable for him to fill her mouth with something that will burn her then give her a cold shower.

You had better get it straight...YES

"when a person is small, lacking the mental maturity and wherewithal of a bigger person maturity, it is quite ok to use violence or threats of violence in order to make the smaller person comply with the wishes of the bigger person ?"
YES thats called Parental Responsibility. Its what an adult is supposed to do. Correct a child. My son never paid attention to the roads, never. It got to a point where if he didnt loomk for cars he got a smack. He learned quick smart to look after that.
I could suggest countless other incidences, though they would be lost on some.

Your point about the mature teaching the immature is lost here, what isnt lost is your out and out ridiculous suggestion of husbands hitting wives.
Where did that come from and what are you going on about.
Suddenly you have lost any valid argument or reasoning by attacking everyone who was disciplined as a child. Probably 90% of the poppulation.
You just jumped the shark.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by schuyler

The fact that the woman is a so called "latter day saint" is very much the point, on one hand her bible tells her that it is outrageous to hurt kids yet on the other, naughty boys should be put to death.

How did you ever get from a cold shower to putting children to death? You are not listening and your reaction is extreme. One. More. Time. The woman was convicted of misdemeanor child abuse because SHE FILMED IT and was more interested in getting on Dr. Phil than disciplining her child. THAT'S what happened. The child was not hurt. The child was inconvenienced. And, yes, pain is a part of discipline and always has been up until recently when liberals have made it so that you can't look sideways at someone without being called an abuser.

Note that this was a misdemeanor, not a felony. In other words, it was a slap on the wrist brought about because the scene was televised and the prosecutor was under considerable pressure to "do something." In truth, had it not been nationally televised she would never have been charged. Her sentence was three years of "informal probation," with no jail time and no fine. "Informal probation" means no one checks up on her and she does not need to report to anyone.

Then you get off on "Let's treat the woman the same way." Well, let's not. That's a straw man you just made up so you could criticize it. There's absolutely nothing there to suggest the marital relationship is treated the same way. And there's absolutely nothing in the vid itself that points to "lds mormon primary president" You stuck that in there because that's your own prejudice. You're letting your imagination run away from you here.
edit on 2/9/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
reply to post by ChristianJihad

You obviously have a thing against religious people. The fact this woman is lds is beside the point, as is you placing "primary president" in your title, although it's obvious why you did that, too. The facts of the case are that she was trying to get on the Dr. Phil show. Her first attempt, when she just yelled at the kid, failed, so the show suggested she should up the ante. So she had her daughter film the second attempt to get on the show, which you see here. Dr. Phil's producers asked for the film to see if she could "make the cut."

She was convicted of mis-demeanor child abuse BECAUSE SHE FILMED IT. In other words, this wasn't about discipline; it was about publicity. And as far as that goes, the Dr. Phil show used questionable methods and I would fault the show more than the Mom in this case.

As far as this being "child abuse," I call nonsense. The kid was in no way permanetly harmed. He was inconvenienced for a few minutes. Dry him off and he will be fine, but I bet he thinks twice before lying again. If more parents practiced sterner disciplne, maybe we wouldn't have the crop of entitlement kids we do today who freak out every time someone looks cross-eyed at them and want everything just because they do. I personally wouldn't use the hot sauce trick, but a cold shower like that seems just fine to me. The western world has become wussified to the point of being ridiculous.
edit on 2/8/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

Spoken like a true child abuser. If anything the geriatric generations use the law to protect themselves as they rape and cannibalize the younger generations.

And often the parents who freak out the most when their child lies tend to be pathological liars themselves(akin to a partner obsessed that "their partner is cheating on them", because they themselves are cheating as well).


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