posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 04:39 PM
im seeing, the words false flag flown about, more than lindsey lohan at drug fuelled sex party. I am fully expecting someone to come forward in a few
weeks, and say elvis and eminem were false flags, to make black people hate white people, because they destroyed tradition. Thus proving once again
whitey does it better, Or that the american government have tainted millions of packets of lucky charms, because they bringing out there own brand to
combat the recesion.
Or hitlers death was a false flag, so He could actually escape to take over the warlock, ninja tiger adonis blood familys of analsend, in where he
decided to teach a mister sheen about. How to take over the world through dogs and cats. Thus sheen funded the film "Cars" in preperation for the
film cats and dogs. But first the asians were planning a film Called Kat UN DOG, at which point scared for his life mr sheen, contacted heil Hitler,
and hitler gave his life for mr sheen, by turning himself into a giant atom bomb and it split in the air, because of some cheese it hit, these was
nagasaki and hiroshima.
This is now claimed as a american attack because of a false flag about a false flag which went wrong about a false flag, then insert a false flag, you
end up with two flags, a mexican and a bar stool.
In other words stop claiming false flags