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Digital recreation of UFO

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posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:07 AM
I figure I might as well post this here even though I posted it else ware. I haven�t gotten any feedback from the previous sighting report, but I think there are enough opinioned people here to give me a little feedback. It�s my hope in that by doing this that I might hear from some other people that may have seen the same thing. Also, I hope that anyone having seen this UFO and then see this animation or picture will know that they aren�t crazy.

I�m not trying to pass these pictures off as a real UFO that I have captured on film. I�m not trying to hoax anyone into believing that these are real life pictures. To be honest all of the hoaxes, all of the flying hubcap photos, are annoying and a detriment to everyone who might be trying to find a sliver of truth. What I AM trying to do is reproduce, or simulate as best that I can what I saw.

Also, I don�t believe that I have anything to gain by posting this here. I know you all are conspiracy oriented, so let me assure you that I am not working to mislead anyone, though I do wish that I could be paid for the time that has gone into this. It would be nice, but I believe it�s highly improbable for any studio to hire some kooky UFO nut off of a web board over a UFO animation. So I�m not doing this to make a job prospect. I find it more probable that Stephen Spielberg or someone will take the description and work that I have done and use it in close encounters from the 27th dimension or whatever.

The following icon links to the 1026x768 version, and my avatar is probably the best that I can do for an animation right now with *free* web hosting.

Here is the story of my sighting as best as I can remember:

I moved back to Clarksville Iowa in the summer of 1994 where I ended up staying with a friend. My friend's sister, (name withheld), early one morning ran up to the east window from the living room and yelled, "What the f*** is that?" And she ran outside. I went to the window and saw what I thought was a police car, a very odd thing to see in a town of less than two-thousand people at 3am. I followed her outside and we watched.

It was immediately apparent that the object was in the air and was moving closer. It flashed red and white, and at times was hard to look at. At this point my thought was that instead of a police car it must be a helicopter or airplane flying very, very low directly toward us. Once past the trees we could see it clearly.

The object was red light on top, blue light on the bottom, white wispy flashes of light around the outside circumference in a ring parallel to the ground. The white flashes of light were evenly distributed equatorially, and seemed to rotate in a random way. The rotation of the white lights was similar to how a wheel looks when captured on film in a movie. All of the light seemed to be a causation of the distortion around it, and the mechanical part was only faintly visible. The best way that I can describe the "field" around the craft would be like looking into a spinning ball of glass. The object made no sound at all, and hovered along as you would expect a helicopter to fly. The field around the object seemed to be spinning, as for the parts inside, I really can�t say for sure. It was hard to tell the size from the ground. I estimate its size was 7.5 meters (25 feet) internally, and the field around it possibly 12 or more meters(40 feet.) I guess its speed was near 50-60 KPH (30-40 MPH). The altitude must have been close to 100 meters (100 yards), and closest point directly to it through the air near 150 meters (150 yards). The air was clear and it took about 5 minutes for the object to disappear behind the trees of Herry Woods State Park. Its path from when we first saw it was in a smooth arch from the east to the south.
Approximated flight path:

I believe the date was the 16th of January 1995, and it was approximately 3 AM. Overall my impression was that it was something of great power and control. This feeling could have been my adrenal gland; an emotional response to the "magic." Logic tells me that anything that has the power to warp light around it is dangerously powerful. As I understand the laws of physics the only thing that can warp light is gravity.

The shortest description that I can give would be like looking at the pole of a magnet, or an electric motor with the magnetic field lines causing optical distortion. It�s my thought that many may see this same craft, but because of lighting conditions it would probably appear differently and might even be near invisible in daylight conditions. It�s my deduction that the condition of the lighting at the time that I saw it had an effect on how it appeared; because of the blue sky above and orange sodium street lamps below.

Another interesting fact that I came across was from university physics student who said something to the effect that the white flashes I saw may have been from light traveling between the field lines and/or into normal space. The assumption in this is that the craft was using *true* anti-gravity, and the light traveling out of the stretched space time caused these flashes.

I do claim copy write on the graphics, please e-mail me if you want to use them giving me a description of where and how you want to use them.

Thanks for reading; I hope someone finds the information useful.

Edit: link fixed
Edit: Clarification and punctuation
[edit on 16-9-2004 by Seth76]

[edit on 16-9-2004 by Seth76]

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:13 AM
Have you reported this to any UFO groups like NUFORC, MUFON, or CUFOS?

If you haven't, please do so... groups like these keep national databases of UFO sightings?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:15 AM
BTW: You've given some great details with your post. Though the UFO groups I mentioned might not be able to send out a researcher, I'm sure that they would love to have your summaries for their data files... at least.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
Have you reported this to any UFO groups like NUFORC, MUFON, or CUFOS?

If you haven't, please do so... groups like these keep national databases of UFO sightings?

Yea, just looked and I reported it to NUFORC but I think I must have been drunk because the date I posted it as.. I wasn't even in the state. Moral of the story, don't drink and surf I guess...

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:25 AM
Definetly the most vivid description of a spheric ufo I've heard. Thanks for sharing.


posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 02:31 AM
your host is not showing the picutre. if you email me the pic at [email protected] i'll host it with an unlimited connection resource.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 04:54 PM
Does anyone remember the old movie with Jeff Bridges? Starman?
And the ship that appeared at the end of the film over the crater in Arizona?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 05:44 PM
I found something that is a good example of what it looked like from a distance:

Portland Oregon Bright Strobing Object Video Clip

After watching this video a couple of times, I recall my friend�s sister saying that "It's on fire," or "Is it a fire?" My eye�s are myopic, I�m near sighted and had old glasses so really didn�t see it that well when it was far away. This is amazing!

Edit: added further comment

[edit on 16-9-2004 by Seth76]


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 06:19 AM
you can download his pic and avatar which does not have any hosting limits at...

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 02:24 PM
Very interesting... About the only natural explaination I can provide is ball lightning, but even that description has it's faults.

It is a fairly slow speed, so it could be possible it's one of the many balloon fakes. Some were done intentionally, others simply misidentified. The "warping" effect does coincide with the effect seen from the fabric of the balloons.

You mentioned you've reported it to NUFORC. Perhaps they'll check the flight paths, etc. of such objects and have an answer for you (one way or the other).

At this point though, sounds like a remarkable sighting.... Let us know if anything more is found on it!

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 02:42 PM
Thanks Gazrok, I appreciate your input. I keep thinking Bentwaters may have been a similar UFO. I defiantly need to read more on that case. The descriptions that the witnesses give, maybe dependant on the point they saw it from seems to coincide with this whatever it was.

I�ll defiantly post anything new that I find.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 03:08 PM
Wow, that seems a bit more advanced than I would have imagined, but all the more amazing. I would love to believe that what you saw was in fact a genuine extraterrestrial flying vehicle, partly because I want it to be true and partly because it opens up a whole new realm of thinking and ideas probably incomprehensible to us now.

I think that half of my beliefs are powered by my yearning for a more complicated and fantastical world and the other half is my tendency to believe in the legitimacy of people's stories and accounts. Like I said before, it is next to impossible that so many peoples of this world have and still do report the same or similar sightings without there being some truth behind it.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Yes, but you should always first rule out the mundane, before leaping to the fantastic....

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Yes, but you should always first rule out the mundane, before leaping to the fantastic....

It�s hard to explain, and the animations I�ve attempted to make so far don�t reasonably show it. It wasn�t a balloon; you can only take my word for that.
There is no fabric, plastic, or other material that could have caused such distortion and moving distortion.

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