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ACTA/SOPA/PIPA: What we don’t care to admit.

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:29 PM
Please read all of this before responding because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.

Put simply, the response to these bills has shown how selfish and ignorant the population is. No, I am not saying that I support the bills and we all know they are bad; but.
We have not seen such a response to any unjust government action probably since the Vietnam war.
Because other more important issues such as war, environmental destruction, indefinite detention, the scam banking system etc.. Don’t obviously affect the individual.
Even tho millions of innocent people are getting blown up, thousands of people are dying of disease or the oceans are almost destroyed the majority of the population can ignore this because for most it doesn’t affect them directly.
I’m sure we could all agree that these bills are not the worst things to have happened in recent times, yet people our outraged.
Does it not seem a little wrong that people care more about watching free episodes of the crappiest new TV show then all the other things I have listed.

This human psychological flaw gives the governments and corporations a huge power.
And I think it’s time people realise what our society has become.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:44 PM
you are correct, if people would get out and protest real issues like they have these issues, things could possibly be different, the problem is a vast majority of people are uneducated to the issues that are facing this nation and this world. You threaten to keep a suspected terrorist indefinatly and no one bats an eye lash but you threaten to take away there porn, and all hell breaks out it is sad. Though i must admit anything that helps to get people out there thinking and standing for themselves is a good thing even if it is for selfish personal motives.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:52 PM
Without insult, I disagree. I don't care about Hollywood, piracy or profits. What I do care about is free speach. When the government has the ability to shut down a website, they can use piracy as a pretense to shut down unpopular positions and discussions. Then, when all is said and done and the internet is completely moderated (i.e., China), nothing else matters because people will not be able to communicate about that of which you speak. We will then be under total control. This one one of our last freedoms left and it is fading fast as it is.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by crimsongod21
you are correct, if people would get out and protest real issues like they have these issues, things could possibly be different, the problem is a vast majority of people are uneducated to the issues that are facing this nation and this world. You threaten to keep a suspected terrorist indefinatly and no one bats an eye lash but you threaten to take away there porn, and all hell breaks out it is sad. Though i must admit anything that helps to get people out there thinking and standing for themselves is a good thing even if it is for selfish personal motives.

oh god, when people DO protest, you people slam them and call them lazy freeloaders.
oh human scum. the police proceed to beat the crap out of them, and its back to the status quo.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Question Fate

You people? I'm not sure what people i am, but ok. You are wrong i think peaceful protest is a great thing and a right of all people. I have no problem with people protesting even if i disagree with the cause for which they speak. I think you should reread what i posted.

Though i must admit anything that helps to get people out there thinking and standing for themselves is a good thing

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:04 PM
All I can say is that if we protested the real issues years ago we wouldnt have to protest crap like this today.
There are bigger problems at play and things like acta/sopa/pipa are just a small by-broduct of it.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by TheCommentator

I agree, we are fighting the symptoms of the disease if you will, not the root core of the disease. We as a country, have let the powers that be get by with selling our rights and freedoms, and we as a collective couldn't find our voice, but now that these bills have threatened to take away some aspects of our online world we have a nation have come together to fight under a unified banner if you will. Unfortunately for a majority of these people it was not about there right to free speech, or there right to information that got them up in arms. It was the restrictions it placed on free media, pornography, comedic web pages and the like. If we could muster this kind of showing on other topics and issues we as a people could be a true force of change.

thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Question Fate

Originally posted by crimsongod21
you are correct, if people would get out and protest real issues like they have these issues, things could possibly be different, the problem is a vast majority of people are uneducated to the issues that are facing this nation and this world. You threaten to keep a suspected terrorist indefinatly and no one bats an eye lash but you threaten to take away there porn, and all hell breaks out it is sad. Though i must admit anything that helps to get people out there thinking and standing for themselves is a good thing even if it is for selfish personal motives.

oh god, when people DO protest, you people slam them and call them lazy freeloaders.
oh human scum. the police proceed to beat the crap out of them, and its back to the status quo.

I know this post wasnt at me but I think you ment it for me as well.
I do support the protests, but I was trying to point out why people were protesting. Its a bit weird to me that people would protest this and not so many other things. It really does show how selfish we are.

Anywhere is a start tho, but I doubt these protests are going to extend to other issues. But in conjunction with occupy and other protests its obvious the young generation is going to keep fighting, the older generations are the problem.


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