posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 01:09 AM
I am sick and tired of lazy minds suggesting censorship, all over this forum.
I am sick and tired of character assassinations POSING as PROOF, when none is put forth or displaced.
People should actually read the articles referenced and put forth, not make prejudgements on their beliefs.
After reading, they should argue the POINTS of the ARTICLE, with criticism, skepticism, and even personal beliefs, if so referenced.
Today you propose the censorship of the daily mail, tommorow the wall street journal, whats next?
Censorship of words and scientific data?
Don't be a lazy mind!
Don't be a sheepable thinker!
If you, have something to say, if you have something to argue, make your points!
If you prejudge you are just showing your arrogance and ignorance in TRUE COLOR!
Use rationality and critical thinking.
Build an argument.
Don't just repeat the spoon fed mantra, or if you do, at least understand what you are writing!
Otherwise go to the religious forum, where only faith is needed.
Or go to the communist forum, with groupthink and CENSORSHIP.
Otherwise THINK, before zoo write!