posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 02:13 AM
One of the threads has gone off topic a bit, and wandered into night photography of Groom Lake. I figured it is better to start a new thread since
some may not be follow the other threads as it digressed.
Here is a night shot wide panorama from Tikaboo.
The quality isn't the greatest. This was in the film days when you didn't get the luxury of seeing the image right away. That is, the exposure was a
guess based on using a light meter.
If you zoom in, you can see I marked it with vectors. Now a decade later, I have no idea where I got the vector information. I might have logged in
while on the peak, or maybe I just guessed after the fact by looking at peaks on a topi map. I know I didn't have a Cammenga compass back then, just
the liquid kind.
In any event, you can see the Luxor beam in the Vegas glare. You can sometimes see this with the naked eye from the front gate area. The Mount
Charleston Peak is easy to spot. There is a spot on the ground a bit to the left of Mt. Charleston that could be light from the NTS or maybe Indian