[font=Arial]Living abroad and being away for a decade has allotted me a unique perspective on being from America. I now see how most Americans remain
in a bubble of propaganda and all that is Americana… The principal of what the founding fathers conceived is sound and I am a patriot.
However I have found recently that certain rights and freedoms are being ‘removed’ so to speak; specifically certain economic freedoms which I
will elaborate upon. As an AVERAGE (not rich, famous, politically connected, elite or otherwise special) American citizen in suburbia with a net worth
of 5 figures or less; in regards to your own small personal finances and simple abilities.
Many Americans may not even be aware of this information that follows. Did you know that as an American resident; and to a lesser extent American
citizen, you are all but forbidden to utilize the same privileges and aspects of international currency and commodities trade on the FOREX markets?
Most non-US FOREX brokers will not accept US clients anymore.
Every other nation on earth affords it’s citizens (regardless of “class”) – [The modern Cast system] the ability to utilize; if they so choose
a leverage of 200:1 or more to participate on a small scale (as most people are not worth a million dollars or more) in simple FOREX trades. As using
a high leverage allows one to participate with relatively smaller amounts of capital. Foreign brokers allow you to hold a contract position overnight
(WITHOUT any swap fees/credits) if so desired. In addition the US forbids its citizens to utilize hedging even at such small scales. This is an
“opposite” position opened to “counter” a position going negative and also save you from a margin call. This is not so with foreign brokers.
There are even FURTHER restrictions for the trade of commodities such as gold, silver, oil, etc. Whereas a foreign broker allows one the freedom to
trade currencies, metal, etc. with no restrictions the US brokers will not only have several qualifying restrictions for each, but also you will most
likely pay a commission on top of everything else. The foreign brokers will usually only take the spread.
Citizens in other countries except the USA have the ability to EASILY utilize alternative and electronic currencies. For example all over the world
people are using e-currencies and services such as Liberty Reserve, Webmoney, Ukash, Bitcoin and many others online and in conjunction with banks,
FOREX brokers, investment programs, businesses, credit cards, and services. It is not illegal for Americans to use these international currencies and
systems (yet); however it is difficult for the average American to use without much hassle and research.
You will hear that regulations and laws and “acts” are all put in place to protect you. Yes to protect your freedom and to protect your money. In
fact, I was told “never put your money in a foreign broker, they are not regulated and you might lose it...” Well, then you hear about Lehman
Brothers, MF Global or Bernie Made-off with the money; but foreign brokers are regulated; usually by their respective nation’s laws. And even if
they were not, it’s up to the individual to decide if he wishes to risk his money in the hands of whomever wherever. Citizens of other countries
might find a bank that offers a savings account with up to 10% interest. Yes, if you look hard enough you will find foreign banks offering a little
more than the American standard of not quite a percent. Now is that not a slap (or spit) in the face? YOU will pay up to and over 20% interest on
credit cards, or maybe 3% to 10% or more on a loan of whatever sort. But YOU won’t even get ONE percent on your money from them. Should they just
call you “bitch” as they slap you?
If you are a middleclass person with an extra 500 dollars/euro, in Europe you could go to a corner shop, buy 500 in Ukash at the counter, go home,
login to your Webmoney account and upload your Ukash voucher numbers to add funds to your Webmoney and then instantly transfer that balance to your
FOREX broker account and place an order for gold. Plop! (It takes about 5 min at the PC to load your funds, transfer them and buy your gold)
If you are a middleclass person with an extra 500 dollars/euro, in the USA, there is no FREE cash voucher service that is usable. US brokers will NOT
accept transfers from cash vouchers, or alternatives (available everywhere else) such as Liberty Reserve or Webmoney. You would need to use a bank
wire (fees apply of course) or a credit card possibly. Even if you got your 500 in your US account it would not be enough to make even the smallest
order for gold or any commodities. In fact you would not qualify to even see the buy/sell buttons with anything under 10,000 minimum. No buying of
gold for you today.
You can go to
tradersunion.com... and see if ANY of the numerous brokers on that long list will accept someone from the USA.
You may still find one or two but most will flat out deny Americans. No, as an American you are the only group on the planet that is specifically
barred from participating. You are NOT free in this aspect of bureaucratic crap. Some brokers will tell you it’s due to strict IRS reporting
regulations, others will tell you it’s due to Frank-Dodd Act, and still others will tell you it’s because they do not want to get sued by the SEC,
and still others have other reasons. But in the end; YOU are BANNED. Want to bet on the markets? Try this site:
Now is this to protect you, or us or our way of life and economic house of cards so that it does not fall down? Really? Do we need to stifle the
average small guy while congress passes legislation that allows them to be exempt from select laws? It seems to have no real effect on folks of
“means”, those individuals, entities, and interests worth millions and billions that seem to be able to do whatever they wish regardless. It is
not the average citizen that is causing or has caused all of the economic problems, the wars and generally all that is screwed up with society. So now
no American can take part in what the rest of the world is doing. No, you have to use the controlled, monitored, taxed, fee charging, limited,
stifled, expensive, and out-of-average-guy’s-reach brokers of the amerikan homeland.
By the way, if you were to make any money outside of the USA, you are the ONLY citizens that will be taxed double as the USA is the ONLY
industrialized nation to demand its cut to your pay earned abroad taxed or not. You knew this right? See America, you ARE special. Used to be a guy
could take his last 2500, put it in the FOREX account, place a few orders in oil, and actually get lucky and make 10,000 in a day. Now those days are
gone. Oh wait, it IS STILL possible; just not in the United States of America.
So as an –average working class, not rich-- American, were you aware of this? Do you care at all? Do you have any comments on these new stifling
regulations that are “intended” to “help control our out of control economic entities” – but only wind up reaching right down to you and
yours and in essence preventing you from even having a snowball’s chance of an alternative financial means in this regard?
Well, there is no recourse I suppose. No protests, no marches. It would not be enough. We would need to do something like boycott the super bowl to
get anyone’s attention. If as many folks that root for the sports games on TV got together in unity to make a point, maybe that would raise an
eyebrow; however most folks are too distracted by.. Whatever; you get the idea… Ciao4now… Oh and if you have the heart, send any bitcoin tithes
to: 1Ewb5Xg2KUiy5agSJ39MGGTFBqjSv5xyTT and you will be blessed; and I will go off and perform a good deed. Have a nice day. RDDS[/font]
edit on
3/2/2012 by revdrdrsunshine because: Formatting.