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Oregon's Bigfoot Trap

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:53 AM
For six years in the 1970's near Applegate Lake, Oregon, a trap was set to try to capture the elusive Bigfoot. Carcasses and large chunks of meat were used to bait the legendary creature into the trap.

Too bad the film Harry and the Hendersons wasn't made yet, or they might have realized that Bigfoot could be a vegetarian.

Oregon is home to what is believed to the be the first and only Bigfoot trap in existence. Built in 1974 with a Forest Service special use permit , it was constantly baited with carcasses but it only ever caught bears before being closed down in 1980.

Sadly, they only caught bears and no Bigfoot was ever found in the trap. In 1980 the Forest Service permanently bolted open the welded steel door due to safety hazards. Since then, the Forest Service has made some repairs to it now that it’s become a popular hiking destination.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 12:44 AM
I guess Mr. Foot is a bit more intelligent than what the scientists had imagined.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 10:31 AM
Why has there never been a serious show put together about Bigfoot? They have these monster quest and finding Bigfoot shows running every time you turn the T.V on. That finding Bigfoot show is STUPIED. I reviewed the Todd Standing or Sylvanic Bigfoot documentary clips and e-mailed him about the full videos and to my surprise he replied back. But to my dismay I later read that his clips or findings have been debunked???? Does anyone know this to be true or not? I guess what I am getting at is if I had the money I would fund an expedition myself, and go out into the forest for months with a team of professionals. I believe if this was done on a serious level and with the right equipment and know how we would have the proof.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 02:19 PM
If they have been able to hide this long from humans, they are obviously smarter than humans.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Surtur
If they have been able to hide this long from humans, they are obviously smarter than humans.

They're seen pretty often, I'm not sure it is so much hiding as just not being accepted by science.

That isn't anything new though, how long did it take for science to accept the gorilla? The Billi Ape? The Panda?


posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 04:36 PM
I'm a lifelong hunter who archery hunts Whitetail Deer, everytime these nimrods go into the woods on that show I have myself a little laugh. If Bigfoot exists (and its a big if) then its probably a highly evolved humanoid with extraordinary smell and sight. It can probably smell these yahoo's over a mile away. I practice scent control while hunting and even then deer can pick you out easy if the wind is wrong. I never see this addressed, then again these goofballs don't look all that serious.


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