posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:06 AM
Even though I am not a Ron Paul supporter I think it is deplorable how the media has blacked out just about everything about him. I do like him as a
man I think he's a good person I just disagree with them on many of his policies and feel that he would not be able to work with Washington in
achieving change. That being said I like to think of myself as fair and I am currently debating some of my friends about how the media has unfairly
treated him, in other words I am trying to bring to light what is going on, on his behalf.
I believe everybody should be able to choose knowing all the facts. I have seen many good videos on here showing how the media is biased and how they
have cut Ron Paul out as much as possible. I am asking any Ron Paul supporter to please post one of those great videos showing this so that I may
e-mail it to my friends I know there are several on here but I am having trouble finding ones that should prove the point. I do believe that the
current system is afraid of him and that is why they are shutting him out. At one point I was seriously considering becoming a supporter myself so I
sympathize with many of you. I hope this request is not met with bashing or flame because I do not feel this request warrants such. There are so many
good videos I've seen but because I am not an avid supporter I feel asking for help from those who are would get the best results.
If a few of you could help me by posting some videos with the URLs I will send them off and show them to my friends which may or may not give you a
few more supporters. At the very least it will show some people out there just how corrupt and unbalanced our media system is. Please do not try to
change my mind because I have my reasons and I ask you to respect them but as I said I believe everyone should know the truth when making their
decision and I would be happy to pass it along.
Thank you
edit on 11-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)