posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:04 PM
So I've been noticing the recent series of reports about violence, attributed to the Occupy movement; primarily the flag burning and the condom
What I want to ask ATS is, do people here think that these acts were genuinely carried out by people from Occupy, or by agent provocateurs who someone
paid/otherwise put up to it, and told them to look as though they were affiliated with Occupy, in order to discredit the movement?
I've had someone call me naive when I first had that thought, but I'm honestly not sure. It just seems a little too predictable, that violence
would be attributed to them at this stage in the game. I think someone is trying to shut down Occupy for good, and make sure they don't come back
when America's winter ends. From the reports I'm reading about public opinion now, it also looks as though said attempt is going to be successful.
Camps are being shut down and raided world wide, and opinion of them internationally has apparently been dropping like a rock over the last 24 hours,
as well.
It reminds me of how coincidental the Arizona shooting was, in terms of discrediting the Zeitgeist Movement. It happened about a week before the
release of the movement's biggest film yet, Moving Forward. The timing made me think that was false flag, not to mention the incredibly
stereotypical "psychopath/terrorist," appearance of the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner. Did anyone see his mug shots? He looked almost identical to
Uncle Fester, and he had this dramatic, cartoonishly evil looking grin on his face. It would have been hilarious, if it wasn't tragic.