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Bigfoot Attack...or is the Lizard Man in Georgia?

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posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Uploaded by TheCourtneybarrett on Jan 29, 2012

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

I saw this video posted on Phantoms and monsters and thought I would share it here because there is a fairly big audience for anything dealing with this sort of incidence.

I found the video interesting and you could almost hear the fear in the mans voice describing what happened. Although he never said 'bi-pedal' he said it ran away with my trash in it's arms so I take that as it was walking on 2 feet, obviously making the creature bi-pedal.

The rips on his siding appeared to have been done by claws as far as I could see and it would have to be fairly tall to break that window he shows in the video which is apparently over the mans head.

Anyway t was an interesting video and an interesting encounter and I look forward to others opinions.

Any thoughts?


posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Interesting find.

the marks seem consistent with marks shown associated with the lizard man.

The ground seems a bit soft and semi muddy. It'd've been nice if the guy didn't stomp around all over the place before looking for foot prints. No mention of footprints at all.
The area he was walking in seemed covered in dog footprints though.
edit on 1-2-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:26 PM
I would also have to agree, this seems consistent with lizard man sightings.
Hopefully we get more from this source.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Sasquatch is supposed to be 8 foot tall or so. The claw marks are about three foot off the ground. I have to say it is not Sasquatch.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:43 PM
Not say what in the vid is true or false I was looking for a sitting that happened when i was a kid in Cherokee county from the mid 80's "The sutalee swamp monster" I found this vid 2009 from Lumpkin county just over the mountain from Habersham

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Da da da DUUUUN! LizardMAAAAN!

I'm going to agree that this jives with Lizardman sightings as well, however, this is very reminiscent of damage to a van (I think in North Carolina) that was said to have been done by lizardman, yet when the damage was swabbed for DNA, the results matched up to a black bear. I think the damage to the metal is teeth marks instead of claw marks. Look at the video and you will see little bumps where the metal has been pushed up from underneath. BUT, I wasn't there and didn't see it so I could be way wrong and this could be something very very scary that I never hope to meet up with!

Can someone help me find the show where someone had reported lizardman attacking their van and carrying off their kittens. I remember the damage was to the hood and possibly the fenders? Of course, this will prove nothing, but we could compare the damage and see if it's similar. It *might* have been a Destination Truth episode but I wont swear to that because seems I wouldn't have such trouble finding it if that were the case. My search continues. Will report back if I find it.

But... S&F OP! I love this stuff! Even if the damage is consistent with the black bear damage in that one video, the guy claims whatever he saw ran off carrying something, so that leads me to believe it was on two feet and if he's telling the truth, it's not likely to be a black bear. I hope somebody swabs that damage for DNA! If it was truly claw marks though, there's likely to not be any unless whatever it was managed to cut itself on the metal... which seems likely because it is sharp! And what about the window being broken? Scary to think that thing could have just jumped right on in! Ok, I'm rambling now... off to look for a video clip.


Ok, it seems I was wrong and it was actually South Carolina... Lee County, to be precise. Here's a clip from CNN. The damage is somewhat similar in both videos. It doesn't mention the bear DNA in this clip so I'm still looking for the one that does.

edit on 2/1/2012 by gemineye because: To add video

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Remember, he said it slipped. He implied that it grabbed at the area with those marks.

Pretty cool/scary at the same time. I would not want to have contact.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Those marks on the siding there do appear an awful lot like recent marks found on car hoods from the "second" wave of Lizard Man sightings in SC. The more recent ones from a few years ago.

Then again...just because bigfoot is supposedly 8 feet tall, doesn't mean it could have been a younger one. It most likely was a bear, but you never know....

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:57 PM
What the...?

What gives? The video by OP has been removed!!!!

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Xcellante
What the...?

What gives? The video by OP has been removed!!!!


Really, all it was was a guy walking around his house showing what seems to be claw/tooth marks in some metal stuff. He states that he shot at teh animal, but he doesn't think he hit it as he fired blindly,

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Not funny!

Still... Would have been nice to have least had a view!

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by predator0187

It's like a toss up with you at any given time we get some really great stuff from you. Then there's times like this.
At least I understand your enthusiasm and I think that is fantastic, Keep drudging along my friend I even enjoy the not so great posts from you. Cause I know you.

Sn F for enthusiasm

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Video has been removed by user.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by predator0187

It's like a toss up with you at any given time we get some really great stuff from you. Then there's times like this.
At least I understand your enthusiasm and I think that is fantastic, Keep drudging along my friend I even enjoy the not so great posts from you. Cause I know you.

Sn F for enthusiasm

We all have our times, and cryptids happen to be guilty pleasure. I live bringing the great stuff here, but sometimes there is none, and bringing iffy weird stuff like this is good too. I liked this video even though the suspect in question could have possibly been a bear.

You have to look at the bad stuff to appreciate the good.



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