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You may be a Ron Paul supporter - Quick test.

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:48 PM
This is a quick test to see if you are unknowingly a supporter of Ron Paul.

Question #1
Ignoring the fact that the CIA and U.S. troops were in North Vietnam since '54 killing and raping their people-
Did President Johnson lie about the Gulf of Tonkin event which had congress declare war against North Vietnam?

If you answered NO then feel free to support any othe candidate.

Question #2
Was the CIA the largest importer of Golden Triangle Heroin to the U.S. during the Vietnam war?

If you answered NO then feel free to support any othe candidate.

Question #3
Do you believe past performance is a good indicator of future performance?

If you answered NO then feel free to support any othe candidate.

Question #4 is the last & key question
Do you approve and agree with the correct answers for questions #1 & #2?

If you answered YES to question #4 you are our kind of person and Homeland Security has a spot open for you in the Home Guard where you can inform on those around you and make money at the same time.

If you answered No to question #4 then it is to the camps for you along with those who support Ron Paul.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Doctor G

Such an intellectually dishonest test. Tell me, how would a supporter of, say, Huntsman answer these? Or Palin? Newt?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:17 PM
The false dichotomy of not liking American politics and having the only choice of voting for Ron Paul or throwing your vote away.

Don't vote either way, let the politicians dig their own hole and we can bury them forever. Ron Paul is a band-aid on a gaping wound, thinking he can solve the problem America has with its own arrogance is not going to go over well; his foreign policies are timid and he acts like the new kid on the block while having benefited from years of American hegemony.

Ron Paul is only an attractive option because voting remains a common illusion, not in spite of the common illusion.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Doctor G
This is a quick test to see if you are unknowingly a supporter of Ron Paul.

Question #1
Ignoring the fact that the CIA and U.S. troops were in North Vietnam since '54 killing and raping their people-
Did President Johnson lie about the Gulf of Tonkin event which had congress declare war against North Vietnam?

I don't see that Ron Paul was involved in any way in those actions. As far as I know, Paul never saw action and he served without making any fuss about the matter.

Question #2
Was the CIA the largest importer of Golden Triangle Heroin to the U.S. during the Vietnam war?

Ron Paul was in the Air National Guard then. Are you suggesting they were aiding or hindering the CIA?

Do you believe past performance is a good indicator of future performance?

Judging by his past performance, he'll be anti-abortion, anti-environment, and for anything that helps big business. He has indicated that he allows things done in his name and does not monitor them (newsletters, etc), that he defines what he thinks the Constitution, and that he can't work with others to form a consensus -- which means that should he ever get into power, he won't be able to do any more than he's already done. Which is nothing.

If you answered NO then feel free to support any othe candidate.

Actually, I answered "yes." And I'm sure not supporting him!

Do you approve and agree with the correct answers for questions #1 & #2?

I don't agree with attempts to shame people into voting for someone. Nor do I agree to accept irrelevant questions as indicators of who I should vote for.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:57 PM
did lyndon johnson try to cover up the u.s.s. liberty incident and ordered admiral william martin not to send rescue ships thus further endangering the lives of the sailors on board.

did the captain of the liberty, awarded the medal of honor, receive the award personally by the president of the united states, or was he awarded the medal by the secretary of the navy in a quiet ceremony, thus breaking from u.s. tradition for the first and only time in u.s. history.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:16 AM
My main concerns about Ron are:

1) his stance on unregulated free trade. We do need some regulations and we are seeing the results of unregulated markets ever since Reagan: its destructive in the end. A beast eating itself so to speak.

2) his stance on the gold standard. If I understand Adam Smith's stance correctly, the idea of backing one nation's currency on gold in a world market causes unfair value balance, and leads to hostile market, more greed, etc. I think there are other options such as a Congress controlled/printed, valueless, debt-free currency.

I agree with many of his other policies though. Especially in foreign policy and smaller government, but maybe not the same cuts to certain departments. I agree with him the Fed must end. But historically speaking, every prez that's challenged the Fed was eliminated, and at some point you gotta wonder how we can finally nonviolently accomplish this? And when we do, do we still want that same 2 party sham where both candidates are chosen for us, not chosen or truly representative of the people? In an confusing electorate vote system most people don't fully comprehend? On an electronic voting system we have heard under-oath has a backdoor that can swing the vote 49/51 to either candidate? Do you see which way the wind is blowing? Me either, all i know is something is brewing.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:52 AM
most people are

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