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Dangerous Women! , Do you know the tricks women use???

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

You aren't the only one who looks at the back of the heels.
My fella has always done it. First thing to put him off is dry cracked heels..

Anyway, you all should read The Satanic Witch, now there's a REAL eye opener.

I don't mind giving away secrets, you all powerless to resist 'em anyway.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

My fella has always done it. First thing to put him off is dry cracked heels..

Here here ! i second that lol , cracked heels! , make up not perfectly aligned (e.i lipstick not fully covering lips , or overlap) and womens heels! we have certainly different tastes , the heels i like on women are considered hooker or stripper wear

Anyway, you all should read The Satanic Witch, now there's a REAL eye opener.

You know what i think i just might check out this book here is a review that got me intrigued .

In fact, being a man, this book practically scared me when I realized just how much power a woman CAN secretly wield. In a way, I'm glad the book has a title blasphemous enough to turn-off the average person, because if every woman used this book, they'd completely rule the world overnight (assuming they truly don't rule it already). But again, despite being for female-applicable, men too can get something out of the book.
pfft rule the world over night ! ha i beg to differ, but will read it and see what this book has to offer :p

I don't mind giving away secrets, you all powerless to resist 'em anyway.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by yourboycal2

I was only jesting with the last comment, but really it is quite a powerful read. Written by a guy no less.
Say what you like about LaVey, but he certainly was a people watcher.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 07:57 PM
Everyones mistake in this topic is believing love and that special somebody exist. Guess what? They don't! Once you realize the pure 100% science-of-relationships you won't really care about them.

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Alyssa
Everyones mistake in this topic is believing love and that special somebody exist. Guess what? They don't! Once you realize the pure 100% science-of-relationships you won't really care about them.

Whoa now , this is all before love , its about the tricks women use to sucker a man into her fantasy and fairy land of "love"

i didn't know science was 100% on anything . It was always 99.9 percent with .1 percent margin of error =)

but can you elaborate a bit more on what you mean by the science of realtionships , and not caring about them?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Alyssa
Everyones mistake in this topic is believing love and that special somebody exist. Guess what? They don't!

Maybe not to you, but I don't think you're qualified to make a judgement call like that for everyone. Putting a blanket judgement on people like that is very shortsighted IMO.

I'm sorry you didn't find yours but there are people who have. And this isn't something that just pops out of the sky, falls into your lap and majically "works". The situation may present itself, but you have to work to keep it.

And that brings me to my point to the OP. You can watch all the "educational" videos you want. There is no better education than experience. If you want to find the love of a woman you're going to have to experience the other side of one first. Same goes for a woman trying to find a man. That way, you know which ones, the manipulative ones, to avoid.

I haven't met a person yet who hasn't been hurt, in one fashion or another, by a member of the oppsite sex. But this is what makes us more keen in finding someone who we can love. I've been hurt many times but you're not going to see me run around all bitter and jaded by those experiences. What's the point in that?

I'm really tired right now so I may come back to this later because I can't find the words I want to describe my thoughts on this. I'll let this guy say it for me right now.

Some men are shortsighted......then there's Tom Waits.

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