This isn't specific to any one person or post..although as I write this I see one and another just rolled off the New Topics real time display which
duplicate not one, but SEVERAL other threads on precisely the same story or incident and either from the exact same source, or one covering the exact
same story.
I've been a very vocal person myself about the need for a multi-layered and configurable search within the massive ATS archives of posts. It would
solve much..and as yet...we're patiently waiting.
However, give me a break already ! ! We aren't seeing people just dupe threads from previous days or weeks where Search would have prevented
it! It's getting much worse..and the sheer numbers here seem to be something rather recent. What I am seeing and feel the need to write about are the
posts duplicating threads written within the last 30 MINUTES...or perhaps hours. Often times though, they are definitely within the last 12 hours and
one click shows a 3 column display that can be read quickly and SPOT these duplicates before another one is started.
Is it laziness? Is it a total lack of thought for the fact some of us are tired of trying to participate when comments on the same thing are spread
between multiple, separate threads?? Just in case it really is ignorance (it happens), here is a helper for folks.
Go to your top line menu. Click on New Topics. That should open a sub-menu below it with "New Topics Firehose". Clicking into this area will show the
vast majority of posts written on this site within the last 12 hours. If its a NEW story and isn't there, it's probably safe to run a search for the
sake of due dillegence and posting a new thread.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE though...for the love of all your fellow members..PLEASE check the Fire Hose *BEFORE* posting something you 'just know' is a
GREAT STORY! The odds that you're the very first to think so, unless it JUST highly unlikely on this site. However..ya never know.
All I'm asking..and I feel I'm not alone that one take the moment to LOOK at something so simple as a one page summary display of every
topic currently in play.
OH...... Recent Posts is another good spot, but if getting people to glance at the Fire Hose area is a challenge, I won't even try encourage those
same people to take the second moment required for the Recent Topics menu area.
Imitation isn't flattery when posting threads, folks. It's annoying, rude and generally displays a total disregard for anyone else....OR....a level of
unfamiliarity with the tools here at ATS which sure needs worked on, SOONER...not later.
edit on 31-1-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no
reason given)