posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:51 AM
I have read over many topics on Energy Shifts. the dominant vibe in these threads is a common trend of people experiencing: anxiety, sleep disorders,
loss of appetite, feelings of secrecy, an overal "negative" types of symptoms. My question stems from the opposite...
Over the past few weeks, i have noticed the opposite affect in myself. I recently started a new position at my place of employment, and when i took
this position over, my company had several large issues with customer relations. companies were looking to take ther business elsewhere and my
companies drivers were causing several issues (i work in logistics). This was around the same time i began to see threads here on ATS about an energy
shift, and its implications.
the more threads that arose on this topic, the more "negative" type response i read. i do not mean negative in any other sense than to portray the
difference in possitive and negative. not negative in a hateful meaning, just as the opposite of possitive. it appeared to me that a growing feeling
of anxiey, sleep loss, and appetite loss, general uneasiness was sweeping through almost all posters on the subject. this was confusing to me because
i could not understand how an increase in energy could cause negative affects. i am not a scientist, nor do i pretend to understand anything about the
concepts of energy and if they shift, but it seemed odd to me.
sinse taking the new position, i have encountered a strange occurance, contrary to the threads i had been reading-
every morning when i awoke, the first thing i would do is (out loud) state that, "Today is going to be a great day. There will be no issues at work,
and everything is improving. (to myself) Thank you for manifesting my goals and dream. (to myself) I love you." in the past 2 weeks i have not had
one day where there were any issues from the night before, and from my talking to and meeting several of our customers, i have retained business and
increased profits company wide. I dont have a college degree, nor do i plan on paying for any type of post secondary education. i am only in my ealry
20's and have very little work experience. i say this to drive home that a few weeks ago i read the negative energy influence threads, and i realized
that the more support a negative idea receives, the more it spreads and becomes dominant.
in the past few weeks i too have experienced a shift in energy, but i feel more aware, alive, healthy. i feel a greater sense of urgency and a need to
learn more. i am under the belief that each individual creates their own energy, and their own reality. If one is looking for a reason for their
negative feeling, and they find a reason, the negativety will stay, for the focus has not changed away from the negative, it has only moved focus to
"another negative".
When we arrive at the conclusion that we must avoid searching for the answers from outside sorces, maybe then we will find that we hold the answers
inside. the universe is impartial to what affects us in a possitive or negative way, but our minds can manipulate the universe towards its own
desires. if we focus on negative we get negative. if we focus on possitve then that is manifested. I love this site (its the highlight of my mornings
lol) and many other non-mainstream media outlets, but in reality- while they are "exposing" the truth, most topics and responses are of a negative
backing, and speculation of the evil powers that be, and their plan to enslave the globe, they are infact promoting these ideas to the universe, and
making the universe manifest these things because there are so many, with many strong emotions dwelling on these terrible ideas.
i could be wrong, but i believe a politician or two will not create change, and that we the people hold the true powers of change. i also believe we
have forgotten how to use those abilities. My purpose in writting this is to ask if anyone has a reference or source material (or even ideas on where
to look) on the scientific probability that we can influence our lives in this way i have described. i have seen movies like "what the f*** do we
know" and "the secret" which talk about this theory, but in those movies i felt very mislead by the presentation. those films breifly talked about
how it was science...but then quickly swith to how if you tape a fake $10000 bill to your ceeling above your bed you can make tons of cash. WHAT IF
i am recuiting help for my learning experience, and back to the thread title...i am curious if anyone else had felt a great increase in possitive
though and possitive energy.
Thank You in advance for any comments and guidance
Equal Rights, Justice, Peace, and Love to All