posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:26 PM
This is exactly what the DOD deserves... I can't believe thay actually asked for it back. They illegaly flew an advanced weapon platform into another
country's air space. That's an act of war... I doesen't matter what country it is, it's wrong. Please anyone about to go on an anti America rant.
This is not the will of the American populas, this is our government run a muck. It really pisses me off here. Iran is going to learn everything they
can from this thing then sell it to the highest bidder aka China. Love knowing the us taxpayers just helped advance a communist nations military. Of
course china probably has something similar but now they know everything they would ever want to know about the US drone program.
Side note:
Isn't Obama's favorite color transparent? The amount of transparency he talked about on his campagain you would think clear is his color.