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Police Lied About Occupy Oakland

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:35 PM

According to this, police and city officials have lied about supposed misconduct on the part of Occupy Oakland, using false claims of protesters attacking police, as a means of justifying brutality. Police have apparently attempted to dishonestly claim that tear gas was not used, which was of course directly counter to twitter coverage of the event. The Mayor has also issued a statement depicting Occupy Oakland in what is apparently, an undeservedly negative light.

The violence reported here, occurred as a result of Occupy Oakland attempting to occupy an abandoned building, and turn it into what they call a community center, for the purposes of feeding and offering medical services to the homeless, among other things. This has become the next phase of Occupy's activity as a movement; attempting to reclaim foreclosed, derelict, and otherwise abandoned buildings for use by the homeless.

It needs to be kept in mind, the degree to which the authorities are willing to lie about Occupy, in order to discredit them in the eyes of the general public. Most of said public will not see this post. You however will, ATS; and I hope it changes the attitudes of a few people here.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I actually heard about this from watching the live-stream last night. Last night people were talking about how they lied about it at city counsel to get their needs met. Supposedly it stemmed from a bad apple who helped the police and did or said something. I got that much information from the hear say of people talking to the camera guy or around him.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Pelvi
reply to post by petrus4

I actually heard about this from watching the live-stream last night. Last night people were talking about how they lied about it at city counsel to get their needs met. Supposedly it stemmed from a bad apple who helped the police and did or said something. I got that much information from the hear say of people talking to the camera guy or around him.

I was accused of being excessively uncritical earlier, when I suggested that OO had been infiltrated by agent provocateurs on the weekend. I think this proves that my hunch was correct.

The police are clearly determined to employ every dirty trick in the book in order to shut down the Occupy movement. The truly interesting thing about it, however, is that the Oakland Mayor was denying knowledge or responsibility. Mayors have cited various BS excuses for police action in the past, (usually sanitation is a particular favourite) but completely denying any knowledge or responsibility is new.

It makes me wonder who is really giving the police their orders. Something tells me, it is someone fairly high up the overall chain.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by petrus4

What is also strange is some of the cops who mace victims in video's. If you notice a LOT of them mace the victim, and then walk completely away from the scene. Almost as if their intended plan was to stir up trouble. Example below
edit on 29-1-2012 by Pelvi because: need to be taught how to embedd

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Looks like the police there are REALLY building up a TON of bad karma for themselves. AWFULLY BAD karma and PLENTY of it!!

I would really HATE to be them when the bad karma comes their way. Karma is a real B!TCH, and it ALWAYS comes back around!!

I just do not understand why some Police are so bitter with the Occupy folks. They BOTH SHARE the SAME ENEMY!!! The enemy of the Occupiers, are the SAME enemy of the police. The police should wake the HELL up already and realize that they and the Occupy folks are ON THE SAME TEAM with the SAME ENEMY.
edit on 29-1-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I've asked a cop what he thought about Occupy and he told me he thought it was stupid and that they don't even know what they want. Let me explain an idea of why I think they are so hostile. Back in the day their normal job was to drive around in their police car and drive real fast to feel like a bady. Well then one day they had to get off their fat ass and burn some calories EVERYDAY. This can be very upsetting when you tell a lazy person they finally have to get up. Last night on the stream there was cops shoving their faces and passing out waters to their fellow cops while they had probably 100-150 people in zip ties not moving. Cops see it as a nuisance and chatter all day with each other and don't have a single idea of whats going on. They have very low IQ's and usually have underlying control issues.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Video footage. It's fairly difficult to argue with this.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Pelvi
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I've asked a cop what he thought about Occupy and he told me he thought it was stupid and that they don't even know what they want. Let me explain an idea of why I think they are so hostile. Back in the day their normal job was to drive around in their police car and drive real fast to feel like a bady. Well then one day they had to get off their fat ass and burn some calories EVERYDAY. This can be very upsetting when you tell a lazy person they finally have to get up. Last night on the stream there was cops shoving their faces and passing out waters to their fellow cops while they had probably 100-150 people in zip ties not moving. Cops see it as a nuisance and chatter all day with each other and don't have a single idea of whats going on. They have very low IQ's and usually have underlying control issues.

Yea, yea, yea, the same nonsense [color=tangerine]PARROTED over and over about them "not knowing what they want".
They know EXACTLY what they are standing up for and have voiced it a ZILLION times but that some things will never penetrate through [color=verdigris]THICK SKULLS.

And that cop is obviously a THICK SKULL idiot, as is anyone who believes that crock of BS that the anti-Occupy devils THEMSELVES spew to the masses with the sole objective of character assassination of the Occupy movement. The foolish folks fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Such folks usually are the same types of mindless fools who believe EVERYTHING that they are told. Weak minded folks.

Here's an accurate comic for your 'cop buddy', (or your imaginary friend), and any other THICK SKULL damned FOOLS who fell for that NONSENSE. Shows how folks are being PLAYED:


edit on 29-1-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Video proof on either sides case will be the judge.
There were cameras there weren't there?
If no film, shame...

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:53 PM

Back in the day their normal job was to drive around in their police car and drive real fast to feel like a bady. Well then one day they had to get off their fat ass and burn some calories EVERYDAY. This can be very upsetting when you tell a lazy person they finally have to get up. Last night on the stream there was cops shoving their faces and passing out waters to their fellow cops while they had probably 100-150 people in zip ties not moving. Cops see it as a nuisance and chatter all day with each other and don't have a single idea of whats going on. They have very low IQ's and usually have underlying control issues.
reply to post by Pelvi

Police are no different than people in any field of work. First of all, to stereotype all police as you have done above, does nothing for your image as a fair-minded individual. Sure, there are police that are slackers, just as there are slackers in every line of work. However, remember that their job is to protect the public at large, and when protestors threaten that, they must act. Furthermore, if citizens are lying about what they saw to a judge or police officer, then THEY are committing a crime, and as such, THEY should also be arrested. Until you have been in a position where huge crowds threaten to cause bodily harm, by their very actions, you should not pass judgment.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Where I come from is much different than where you come from. Wanna know what my tax dollars go to for the night shift cops where I live? They drive around and play tag. Literally. They see a cop they drive up to him flash their lights and drive off real fast. Then the cop will chase him until he catches up and flash his lights. So don't tell me I am judging anything.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors

I just do not understand why some Police are so bitter with the Occupy folks. They BOTH SHARE the SAME ENEMY!!! The enemy of the Occupiers, are the SAME enemy of the police. The police should wake the HELL up already and realize that they and the Occupy folks are ON THE SAME TEAM with the SAME ENEMY.

It called divide and conquer.

Instead of realizing that the occupy protests are setting LEGAL precidents for future activist movements, were all to busy arguing sides.

Even if you dont agree with the protests, even if there are a few rotten apples, REMEMBER most of those are fellow citizens exercising constitutional rights. And were letting them be ignored.
Dont be surprised if when you take to the streets in the future, under a movement you agree with, you are treated as criminals also. That is, if you ever even get the chance.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Pelvi
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Where I come from is much different than where you come from. Wanna know what my tax dollars go to for the night shift cops where I live? They drive around and play tag. Literally. They see a cop they drive up to him flash their lights and drive off real fast. Then the cop will chase him until he catches up and flash his lights. So don't tell me I am judging anything.

If they aren't bashing or unlawfully arresting people, then playing motor tag is completely harmless, as far as I'm concerned. A cop playing games, is a cop who isn't victimising civilians.


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