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Police State: Rise in Official Attempted MURDER of Americans...Why, and how will this END??

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:27 PM

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:36 PM
This makes me mad beyond words. Just wait, these cops will be the main target when the country hits anarchy. No gun and badge will save them, when people with real guns show up at their doorstep. It's only a matter of time

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:44 PM
The girl in the video kicked her shoe at the officers. Judging by their reaction it probably hit one of them. They subdued the girl, and took off her other shoe. The head shots by the officer seemed overkill, but they were subduing a hostile subject.
Where is an unedited video of this? There are defiantly cuts in this video.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by randomtangentsrme

No matter what this girl did or said, she is 15 years old. How tough do you have to be to sling a 15 year old girl to the ground by her hair, then punch her several times, and then PICK HER UP by her hair. If I was a cop and a girl kicked her shoes off at me after she was probably asked too, I would honestly blow it off and just talk to her about it after the situation calmed. You will NEVER help a teen out by scarring her for life and teaching her the best reason of all of why to hate a cop. You want to know why everyone hates filthy pigs? Well because we were taught too, and the sad thing is that usually it wasnt the parents. The sad thing is the cops taught us to hate them themselves.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
The girl in the video kicked her shoe at the officers. Judging by their reaction it probably hit one of them. They subdued the girl, and took off her other shoe. The head shots by the officer seemed overkill, but they were subduing a hostile subject.
Where is an unedited video of this? There are defiantly cuts in this video.
You definately don't have a daughter or kids for that matter.

Let's say she hit one of them in the face with the shoe. She's 15. She's a tiny girl.

That guy rammed her head into the wall, slammed her to the ground by her hair, punched her in the back of the head a couple of times, then picked her up by the brain stem area of her hair.

You can not tell me that was subduing her, or just overkill. This is how people die. Attempted murder would be the right charge.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
The girl in the video kicked her shoe at the officers. Judging by their reaction it probably hit one of them. They subdued the girl, and took off her other shoe. The head shots by the officer seemed overkill, but they were subduing a hostile subject.
Where is an unedited video of this? There are defiantly cuts in this video.
You're either a cop or someone very submissive to authority. Bowing to the King won't get you any special treatment. The King will know where to come for toilet paper, though.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 07:58 PM
This is an older case and your title is misleading and sensational.

Where does this show attempted murder and where does this show a rise in attempted murder on Americans?

It shows a bunch of testosterone driven jerk cops breaking the laws they are suppose to enforce. Probably shouldn't have been cops to begin with. This case has been settled if I remember correctly. I;ll look for the link and add it to this.

15 yr old assaulted by cops

This is the original thread on this when it came out in 2009. There are some updates on the last pay. According to that thread felony chargers were being pursued.

These guys don't belong on the street. They took pure advantage of their status and used it on a child. Sick. Who knows what people like this would do to others if they are sick enough to do something like this.

edit on 1/29/2012 by mblahnikluver because: add link

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Pelvi

I cannot bring emotion into this. I do not know if this is the girls first or tenth visit. I only know what is in the video. She provoked the attack, and used her shoe as a projectile weapon. Shoes hurt when they hit you.

Remembering back to when I was 15, I defiantly knew some tough gals who could give me a good (friendly) fight. At the time I was a wrestler/ weightlifter.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
The girl in the video kicked her shoe at the officers. Judging by their reaction it probably hit one of them. They subdued the girl, and took off her other shoe. The head shots by the officer seemed overkill, but they were subduing a hostile subject.
Where is an unedited video of this? There are defiantly cuts in this video.

My God, there is something wrong with you. "Overkill, BUT...."

There is absolute NO excuse for this, ever. Period.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by addygrace

The human body can take way more punishment than that. I watched a 14 or 15 year old girl win a wrestling match, than crawl off the mat to get 2 dislocated ribs looked at.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by addygrace

Nope. I work in live entertainment as a stagehand and/ or a drummer. The trick I've found is no one has power over you unless you give it to them. And I've never had an issue in 31 years.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by imalitehaus

The but is in there because the video has been edited down, be it for time or content. She may have provoked the attack. We do not know what is missing from the video to support either of our positions.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
reply to post by addygrace

Nope. I work in live entertainment as a stagehand and/ or a drummer. The trick I've found is no one has power over you unless you give it to them. And I've never had an issue in 31 years.
I haven't had a problem either, but you said you fought some pretty tough girls. Maybe you have some pent up anger, towards girls. Also, that girl isn't Laila Ali.

Yeah if those cops wouldn't have let that girl dominate their mind with her 15 year old wit, maybe they wouldn't be all over Youtube looking like maniacal cops.

The cops could just shut the door, so why retaliate from a shoe?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:18 PM
As others have said - this is an old video, from way back in 2009.

The Deputy in the vid is. Deputy Paul Schene. In my humble opinion, he's a dirtbag. But, that's the great thing about opinions everyone is entitled to them.

He was fired.

Sheriff fires deputy accused in jail cell beating

He was charged and tried twice..hung jury both times.
No third trial for ex-deputy accused of jail assault

It mentions above the girl did get $125,000 out of it...

He somehow saw fit to try and get his job back - but even the police union told him to take a hike. You EVER hear of the police union not backing a cop - no matter what they've done? I hadn't either until this. Maybe they didn't want this officer on the force with them?
Union won't support deputy fired over jail beating

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Frogs

He only costed them 125,000 dollars
. To me he sounds like a liability. Someone who only costs money and gets everyone in trouble.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:28 PM
i would like to add to this thread with my personal story that just happened this past friday 1/27/12

i live in merrillville,in a full time student at gary in the nursing program. at nights i moonlight as a hip-hop artist. just so you have some info about me and what it is that i do. on friday i left my house in hobart with my buddy to goto merrillville(about a 20 minute drive) to goto the music studio to pick up my music for my show in Lansing,il. as we get to the studio my buddy was driving and we had to make a left onto 53rd from broadway. as we are waiting to make a left(kind of in the middle of the intersection) the light goes form green to yellow, and finally to red. as the light was going from yellow to red we had time to turn so we did. as we turn we get pulled over. the cop comes to the driver window and ask my buddy for his license and registration. tells us he pulled up over for blowing a red light. my buddy ask him what red light, and the cop tells us the red light you blew when making your turn. so my buddy asks him would you prefer that we stayed in the middle of the road blocking traffic or put thr car in reverse and drive it back. the cop clearly didnt like this. but as we all know in driving school they teach you when you goto make a left hand turn this is the proper procedure. so i say man this is insane cops are looking for any excuse to pull people over. the cop then come to my side and demands i show him my id. now being an avid ATS reader and a person who knows his right, i ask the officer why he needs to see my I.D. the officer then replied because i #ing said so thats why. after the officer said that i told him i didnt feel safe as he was cursing at me and i feel threatened, and that i would like a C/O(commanding officer) at the scene to supervise. to which the officer replied gimme your id or im going to arrest me, so i whipo out my phone and call 911 and ask for a commanding officer to arrive at the scene because i didnt feel safe(the whole time im talking to the operater the officer is screaming obscenities at me) i get off the phone and the officer open the passanger side door and instructs me to step out of the vehicle. i ask him why again and he tells his buddy looks like were gonna need the taser here. i look at my buddy and tell him here we go. as i go to step out the vehicle i tuen my head and the taser is point 4 inches from my face, i very calmy tell the officer "isnt it against procedure to point a taser at a persons face" i get out the vehicle and the cop turns me around takes my wallet out of my back pocket and immediatly cuffs me. he asked me like 5 times were is your id and i told him its on the roof of the car in my wallet that you took out of my pocket. by this time there is 5-6 squad cars blocking the road in and out of the parking lot in the studio. they move me to the back of the car and start searching me and pulling things out of my pocket. as hes doing this he repeatedly his my penis with his hand, with enough force to make me flinch, every time i flinch he yells very loudly stop resisting arrest. after the 4th time this happend i yelled out "Dude stop touching my dick". thats when this big tall P.O.S fat slob of a cop turns me around and starts just yelling full throttle at me, im not your dude, im a cop you do what i say when i say how i say it. but while hes yelling at literally face to face, he is spitting on me. this went on for close to a minute. after that they put me in the back of the squad and started to transport me to LAke county jail. its like a 20 minute drive. as were driving i see the cop driving 45mph in a 30, while texting on his phone with one hand and typing on his laptop with the other while controlling the steering wheel with his knees. so i ask the officer if he knew that texting and driving was illegeal, or if he was aware the speed limit was 30 because his speedometer says were going 45 and i do not feel safe at all. this happened friday afternoon 5pm. i was never read my miranda rights(not sure if they still have to do this), i wasn't booked in the system or allowed to make a call till the following day Saturday the 28th at about 10:30 am. also the cops put the cuffs so tight on my hands that even now on sunday at 8:25 local time i cannot feel my thumb, its just numb to any feeling. i told the nurse there and she didnt seem to care.

the reason i bring this up, is because during this incident all of the cops made sure that they told me that if a cops asks for my id i have to produce it or face being arrested. now i know this is a lie because maybe 2 weeks ago i read this article.

the headline for the article reads: Court: Passengers can refuse to show ID to cops

i will say this i am not a big fan of cops, had many bad experiences with them, but i am respectful of them. when i encounter cops like these it just pisses me of

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by addygrace

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
reply to post by addygrace

Nope. I work in live entertainment as a stagehand and/ or a drummer. The trick I've found is no one has power over you unless you give it to them. And I've never had an issue in 31 years.
I haven't had a problem either, but you said you fought some pretty tough girls. Maybe you have some pent up anger, towards girls. Also, that girl isn't Laila Ali.

Yeah if those cops wouldn't have let that girl dominate their mind with her 15 year old wit, maybe they wouldn't be all over Youtube looking like maniacal cops.

The cops could just shut the door, so why retaliate from a shoe?

The only pent up anger I have is being the little brother of twin sisters 4 years older. I will have a woman standing with me as a groomsman at my wedding as soon as my fiancee and I set the date. And yes "fought," as in wrestled, not punched.

Back on subject, if that girl didn't kick her shoe at them the situation would not have been present. At 15 I could reason, she should have been able to as well. And kicking a shoe at captors is not a smart move.

That I do not know, and that is probably why the cop in question got fired.


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