reply to post by captainnotsoobvious
I have never been affiliated with any political party; voting instead for the person. Over my voting life I have voted for Democrats, Republicans,
even Green party...
Given the current, obvious philosophy of the GOP - to protect and further enrich the rich at any cost - there is no freaking way I will vote for one
of the current GOP "candidates".
I'm not interested in repeating the policies of the Bush administration, which are largely responsible for the current mess (some reasons reach back
to before W). To the current crop of GOP, "debt reduction" is to be done on the backs of the middle class, and no thanks, I've paid my share and
then some.
"Strong national defense" means they plan on starting more wars, and I never hear any of the so-called "serious" GOP types talk about cutting
spending on military adventurism. So no thanks there, either.
"Promoting jobs" is code for removing all restrictions on big business, so air, water and food quality will decline even further. No thanks.
And every ecomonic plan they come up with is clearly designed to further enrich themselves, at the cost of everybody else. No thanks.
Further, since Obama took, office, the GOP has conducted an obvious campaign of opposition to anything he does, without regard to whether what he
wanted to do was in the interest for the country or not. That is obstructionism in its purest, most vile form, and that behavior has done nothing to
improve the smell of the GOP.
Obama has not been as effective as I would have liked him to be, largely due to his attempts to actually work with the GOP, which was doomed to
failure from the start.
Obama is a centrist, and all the frenzy raised by the GOP and its minions, 99.9% of which is pure BS has not helped the GOP either in my book.
So. Given that the policies of the GOP are directly traceable to our current economic mess, and given that said policies tend to start more wars and
further drive up the debt and further degrade US position in the world, and given that the representatives of the GOP lie in practically everything
they say, and given the current crowd of clowns posing as GOP presidential candidates, my vote will be going to Obama.
It is possible someone else will come along for whom I'll change my vote, but given the state of the country in general and the GOP in particular, I
doubt it.
This country is headed for a crash, and it is due to the policies of Democrats and Republicans both.
Sad thing is, still stuck in the trap of voting for the least bad. There are plenty of things about Obama I do not like. But he is orders of magnitude
better than anything else in sight at the moment.