posted on Jan, 31 2020 @ 12:23 PM
Sorry if this has already been said. I read your post, but have not read any of the replies yet. I find this post because I was looking for material
to support a hypothesis that I had concerning DID and Quantum physics/mechanics. I don't think that alters go off to alternate realities when they
are not actively making their presence known. However I do think that Quantum Theory could go a long way toward explaining physiological changes when
a person switches. If reality is based on perception then if an alter experiences, or does not experience, an event (good, bad, or neutral) in this
case I am not specifically talking about trauma, then for that identity the event never happened. So if reality really adapts to what we believe to
be true. It is extremely possible that the identities view of it own reality, including health issues etc., could manifest as physiological changes.
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