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Global Elite vs The Masses (and the masses don't even know it)

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:11 PM
In order to control the population on this planet, the global elite needs to represent a genius/near-genius intelligence level as compared with the masses. Some claim they actually created our civilization as we know it, i.e. ''gave us their mores''. This would indicate they are much brighter than the vast majority of the population.

Without this level of mental acuity, they would not have been able to ''engineer'' the masses. I do not see how the global elite is incompetent, as some try to depict them. How could they be? Their puppets are, but that is a different story altogether. The puppets - the frontmen - are meant to be this way.

Think about the following: we can present the current situation on Earth as divided into three camps:

1. The awakened ones - people who question what is going on around them; it is fair to say these people are more intelligent than

2. the masses - the ones who are automatons and/or only think within the paradigm provided by the system. Here, of course, one could argue we simply don't know how deep the conditioning really goes. Regardless, the masses are completely oblivious to

3. the awakened ones - the global elite. In essence, they are just like number 1, except they have a huge control apparatus at their disposal/mystery school knowledge about the nature of reality and their intent is - for the sake of simplicity - evil from the perspective of 1. Most likely, control/harvest/etc.

This does not mean there are no individuals who are of the same mindset in 1 and/or 3. It means a person from camp ''1'' has the necessary potential - in theory - to become part of the global elite, and vice-versa.

Ironically, the masses constitute the highest percentage of the population, which - thanks to democracy - clearly indicates their view is the view the elite wants the masses to have.

This is like ''good versus evil'', with blind masses stuck in the middle.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

From what I've seen I would mostly agree with this. The main difference I've seen between 1 and 3 is 3 are brought up to believe they are somehow different from the rest of the human race. This results in an inbuilt mental illness. I saw a tiny example of this today, my behaviour was misconstrued by one of the local snobs. They feel themselves to be persecuted when the persecution is purely in their own imagination. Much like other minorities who get fixated on the idea of persecution and see it everywhere.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:41 PM
I would also add in to this a sub group for group 1 "the awakened ones" not in the elite. It wouldn't be to hard to imagine someone thinking themselves aware yet they were led to this particular behavior for one reason or another. Just like the whole 99 percent movement. I don't think many of them are awake at all. The whole response was not only expected but more than likely orchestrated.

Then you have to define the nature of evil. If I have power am I obligated to use it for the benefit of everyone else? Why should I give up what is mine to appease others? Simply put if I can why shouldn't I? And what is good? If the elite have been in power so long then you have to question is our definition of good the right one or the one they selected for us? Could it be the current definition is meant to keep us docile? God will punish you if you do this or that. You shouldn't pursue personal power it's evil. You should wait to be saved it is the good thing to do.
How is it we can think the masses have been controlled but still think we got the right info on what's good or evil?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Sounds like you are looking to be recruited by the "higher" class.

Intelligence? Maybe.
Money? Ding. ding. ding. That would be the winner.

Now, one could argue that intelligence tends to equal success which tends to equal money, however, this only works with "new money".

The problem really is that most of the current lot of elites derive from former elites, that became that way due to their enormous wealth. Much, if you follow the trail, came from corruption, murder, and illicit practices in general. I am not really sure that that equates to intelligence since I certainly am aware of how one could illegally obtain wealth, I just choose not to go that route because I have morals.

The funny part is, is that if the elites are ever turned against by the masses, I can almost guarantee that someone along the way will connect the existence and necessity of the elites in order to ensure that should a catastrophe occur on Earth, it is the "best of the best" used to repopulate. Also known as -- Survival of the Fittest. Of course, an entire world or country completely populated by elites would surely implode as they fight one another for the crown of best of the best -- or at least the power that such a crown would represent. That's one thing that always cracks me up when I see all of these rich celebrities buying up silo shelters -- who would want to survive in a community with them? They'll be sitting around waiting for room service I can guarantee!!

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:54 PM
Reminds me of a teaching:

• 85% of the population is deaf, dumb, and blind to Truth and knowledge of Self.
• 10% rule over the 85% through ignorance, trickery, deception, illusions, and lies.
• 5% righteously attempt to awaken the 85% to the control systems of the 10%

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by survivaloftheslickest

And yes, the people of camp 1 and 3 are on level ground and can easily choose either path.

Any awakened person must make certain choices:

1. Service To Others (STO) or Service To Self (STS)?

2. Right-Hand Path or Left-Hand Path?

3. Steps of loving unity or means justifies the ends?

The answer to these questions will determine if an awakened person is of camp 1 or 3.

However, to go beyond this, there are no separate camps. We are all one mankind and one united consciousness. We are all eternally bound to each other. There is only One.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:11 PM
I am of those 5% trying to inform humanity of what is really going on here.
In our current system, its a complete scam. Follow the friggin money, that's all you need to do. And the global elite are geniuses and psychopaths at the same time. They have access to all the higher education they need, plus all the hidden knowledge that we do not have (admit it, they have it, and those who say they have it are labeled conspiracy nuts), its all conditioning. No one will listen to anything that has to do with 'conspiracy' because its been painted in a negative light.

The masses will get their wake up call, and it will be in the form of people taking their weapons, homes, when there is no food left, and the economy is smashing into the ground.

"We told you so" comes to mind, im not saying im more intelligent then anyone other people, the masses have been brainwashed into denial to continue to perpetuate this failing system.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
I am of those 5% trying to inform humanity of what is really going on here.
In our current system, its a complete scam. Follow the friggin money, that's all you need to do. And the global elite are geniuses and psychopaths at the same time. They have access to all the higher education they need, plus all the hidden knowledge that we do not have (admit it, they have it, and those who say they have it are labeled conspiracy nuts), its all conditioning. No one will listen to anything that has to do with 'conspiracy' because its been painted in a negative light.

The masses will get their wake up call, and it will be in the form of people taking their weapons, homes, when there is no food left, and the economy is smashing into the ground.

"We told you so" comes to mind, im not saying im more intelligent then anyone other people, the masses have been brainwashed into denial to continue to perpetuate this failing system.


posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:22 PM
It has been said time and time again: The only way to know the truth is to know your own heart. You must know, trust, and love your Self or any glimpse of the truth will be lost to you. It's as simple and as complicated as that. When people say we're running out of time with this thing, we are in the sense that self-discovery takes a long time and a lot of change. The longer you hold on to old paradigms and not give way to the fresh energies that are constantly working their magic here, the less chance you have of certainty that you'll end up on the side you'd hoped to. There is a place for those undecided too. We will all be surrounded by our own kind when all is said and done. Make haste to discover You. You are your only hope.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:41 PM
It's amazing how perceptive ATS posters are. This particular thread is a little more cogent than most. Usually someone gets on here and says, "Wake up, sheeple!" That's kind of a condensed version of the usual schtick. The question is: How do these posters know? How do they know what the Global Elite is doing to the masses who don't know? Do they know the secret password? Do they have some esoteric knowledge of the Illuminati by virtue of having joined the Demolay in High School? Could they be so extremely intelligent that they can perceive patterns out of the noise of the MSM to discern what is "really" going on? Or did their Mommy just tell them?

Now one probably shouldn't be surprised given that ATS is a "cranky conspiracy site." (Someone in the MSM said this when it was discovered that Rep. Gifford's (D-AZ) assassin had an account here.) And once in awhile we get someone on here who really does have some real-world experience in the subject matter. But when you get right down to it, it's rather an elitist position to take claiming you KNOW what TPTB and the NWO have in store for the "masses" who, except for a select few ATS posters who are immune to MSM propaganda, remain cluless.

What qualifies me to say this? Well, I know I don't know and can readily admit that. My Mommy didn't tell me anything useful and I do not have the secret password. I did not join the Demolay and I'm not a Mason. I don't know anyone in the Illuminati (or at least they haven't admitted it to me) and, though I do know a Mason, he's kinda fat and not all that impressive. I do know a guy who goes to Bohemian Grove "all the time," but I believe those guys dress up in silly hats and embarrass themselves on stage with amateur plays (though it pays to make connections, just like on the golf course.)

So I wonder how it is that some people here have come to believe that they know "The Truth," After all, many people here have neither the education nor the experience that qualifies them to mow my lawn. How is it that they find themselves in a position that they can discern the largest conspiracies of the day? As one ATS poster recently said, and I quote, "People on this site overestimate their importance in global politics."

Now THAT is a true statement.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
(Someone in the MSM said this when it was discovered that Rep. Gifford's (D-AZ) assassin had an account here.)

Did she die?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:45 PM
Behind every great fortune, there is a great crime.

In the first issue of social justice, 25 years ago, Hi Schwendinger's "Editorial" and Tony Platt's article, "Prospects for a Radical Criminology in the United States," laid out an agenda that to a great degree has been fulfilled in the pages of Social Justice. Today more than ever, there is a need to widen and deepen the scope of research on crime - state, corporate, and financial criminal behavior that now reaches every crevice of the globe. Criminology is central to social analysis of what the ideologues of imperialism refer to as "globalization." Whether in corporate campaign financing, the executive branch's illegal transfer of billions of dollars in overseas bailouts, or in the unilateral bombing of Sudan and Afghanistan, criminal acts are committed, contrary to domestic and international law, with impunity. In a word, where criminality becomes respectable, the respectable have become criminals. Impunity is linked to power, dominance, and exploitation: billion-dollar hedge funds gamble trillions and the Federal Reserve intervenes - bypassing Congress and the electorate to bail them out ("they're too big to fail"), while the elderly and poor are arbitrarily cut out of medical insurance by HMOs (they're too small to care about)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I don't know what you're alluding to. The truth I'm talking about are the ones that are self-evident. Sadly, many are simply too distracted with the bread, circus, and lack of.... as the Beach Boys said, "good, good, good, good vibrations."

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