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USA: Being funny could send you to prison now

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:35 PM
I beat my wife on a daily basis.

I have a rolled up piece of cardboard with the words " Wife Beater" written on it and another that says, " Ugly Stick" Several times a day my wife gets beaten with the Wife Beater and The Ugly Stick. I thwap her on the head several times and she laughs. It's all in good clean fun and I'm not hurting her in the least. She enjoys her daily beating.

I've actually thought of mass producing these items as novelty items.

Now if iItook a picture of this and got arrested I'd be outraged. I believe in my case as well as the case above that they court has to determine if a crime has actually been committed.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

I hear ya brother, Some people are making a big something out of nothing. These are also the same people who cry "revolt" every time a new law is passed. I guess mot people here are the same "sheep" they speak about nearly nonstop.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The whole "domestic violence" thing is totally out of control in Michigan. It has become a revenue stream for the local gov's. No bruises needed, big argument will get you arrested and put in expensive retraining for a year or longer. There is no defense...

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I beat my wife on a daily basis.

I have a rolled up piece of cardboard with the words " Wife Beater" written on it and another that says, " Ugly Stick" Several times a day my wife gets beaten with the Wife Beater and The Ugly Stick. I thwap her on the head several times and she laughs. It's all in good clean fun and I'm not hurting her in the least. She enjoys her daily beating.

I've actually thought of mass producing these items as novelty items.

Now if iItook a picture of this and got arrested I'd be outraged. I believe in my case as well as the case above that they court has to determine if a crime has actually been committed.

Love that idea, but yet... that is an adult who has consent rights, and who could be questioned by police and found to be unharmed, and that it was a joke.

Children on the other hand, are often made to be too afraid to speak out about the reality of their abuse. That is why we have CPS (child protective services) and mandatory reporting to police by therapists exists.
edit on 28-1-2012 by Aqualung2012 because: typo

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:44 PM
Seen it before. Done similar things in good fun. One would think the determination of criminality would come from the family.. But we live in a paranoid, delusional society that is becoming a police state in which government and wealthy bribers legislate how we can talk, how we must live and how we can spend.

America the fascist, where strangers excercise personal judgement for you.

The system has done more damage to the girl and her family than the joke could ever have done.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 08:40 PM
I'm sorry, but being funny and being an idiot are not one in the same; what this father did was absolutely idiotic, and people have been put in prison for doing idiotic things. The question to asked, then, is whether a real criminal should be released from prison so that this tard can have a cell.

Furthermore, is it justice to throw this guy in prison?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm guessing you're being sarcastic, just in case you're being sarcastic I would like to direct you to countless women who are being beaten, recorded, and then the videos posted on Internet. Those horrendous activities done to women are not considered crimes, but playing with your own child is.

I find it absurd, that's why I said, where's the boundaries? Will the men beaten up women in those videos get arrested also?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Mianeye
reply to post by BrokenCircles

You have to choose your fun visely.

That was not visely.

To OP.
When you throw your kid in to the air, the chance of them getting hurt is pretty big, so i would say, that it's a stupid idea.

edit on 28-1-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

Uh, no... I did it with my kid when he was small enough, my dad did it to me. Typical new age american sissy cry baby crap you are talking about. "oh its a liability, we dont want to be sued"

America is sanitized and sterile. What made this country so great was taking risks, being different, and having fun. Now those things are now a liability.

He should only have been locked up and charged if he hurt someone, or he had ill intentions, which he clearly did not. that's whats wrong with the country, the prisons are privately owned, and people make money during every step from arrest to incarceration.

American freedom is a joke.

edit on 28-1-2012 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 10:37 PM
seriousness is destroying us

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by insaan

I realized it was a joke from the start, and that's an old story now, but I didn't laugh. It's poor humor and he should be jailed for having poor humor.

If he had of rigged it so she could get loose while he's talking and hit him again, then I'd laugh. He should be jailed.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by lukeUK

UH cause he taped his daughter up?

Have you seen the picture?

He TIGHTLY duck taped her hands, feet, and mouth.

She wasn't laughing.

But hey, if that sort of stuff tickles your fancy that's great, just keep it to yourself.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:16 AM
I like the dads look in the mug shot, its like he's saying "Really?".

It could be a harmless joke and no harm done. I mean I played with duck tape as a kid and we always tied each other up and stuff. I don't know the whole story though.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:44 AM
I just want to point out, that she is taped with blue painters tape. Not exactly a strong tape. Not even really a very sticky tape.

Try it, go get yourself a roll of 3M painters tape, and stick it on your mouth. see how long till it just falls off. Then wrap it around your legs maybe 3 times. You will see it will probably rip and break long before you make it the third time around.

I believe it was all in good fun!
Her hands are in front of her, so she could of removed the tape quick and easy.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles

Originally posted by insaan

A dad posts a picture of his daughter on Facebook, with her mouth, hands and feet taped, and a comment under the picture which said "This is wut happens wen my baby hits me back. ; )".

But that isn't funny.

I agree it isn't funny, but I never thought Married With Children was funny. I clearly stand in the minority when it comes to Married With Children and you should see the reactions I get when I announce I don't think that show was ever funny. That point, however, is moot.

If a District Attorney is actually willing to prosecute this case, one would think that D.A. is willing because the child in the picture, or some other witness has given sworn testimony that it is not a joke and is a very real case of aggravated assault. Failing that, it is not an issue of aggravated assault, it is a First Amendment issue regardless of how funny, or appropriate, anyone thinks it is.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Quyll

Even if he says that it was a joke, what he did is disgusting and morally wrong. Taping up his daughter?

What kind of father does that as a joke?!

One that's probably abusive and/or controlling or perhaps even has sexual feelings towards his daughter.

Edit: Just looked at the article. She's 22 months old? That's child abuse. I'm sure children don't enjoy being restrained, and she probably didn't even understand that it was a joke. (IF it was)
edit on 29-1-2012 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:42 AM
Do americans tie up their kids as a joke? Nobody i know does that.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by LonelyGuy
Do americans tie up their kids as a joke? Nobody i know does that.

The creators of Family Guy think it is a joke.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by insaan
If you think things are bad just let Obama and this Congress stay in office another term.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:16 AM
The response from ATS member actually supporting this outrageous arrest in my opinion goes together with ongoing Islamophobia and racism in general. You see a black man mug-shot and your immediate response is oh my god this is real. You are all brain-washed beyond intellectual redemption.

Obviously this was a joke.

1. no history of child abuse
2. no history of any criminality
3. nobody was hurt (unless you count how all this media attention will affect this little girl)
4. posted picture on public forum
5. made joke (admittingly bad) to accompany said picture

This was very likely nothing but an innocent family situation. I remember many similar moments with my dad. We used to fight with each other when I was very small. It was all a joke, but we went real rough. I loved it. I trusted him and knew nothing bad would happen. But if anyone were to video-tape 'these 'combat sessions' viewers probably would be under the impression that my dad was seriously assaulting me.

People so easily take things out of context. When will we learn to not do that. This was probably a funny family moment. The girl was playing with the tape and daddy taped her for fun. I mean, these things happen in a family. Love expresses in many ways you know.

You people please use your logic for one moment or read some books on child abuse. Then you will find out that parents that abuse their children always keep this secret and will never put in on display in a public forum. Just think for once!

So for the people here that wish to see this man imprisoned. I hold you accountable for the destruction of yet another family. Don't even for once pretend to care about this little girl. She is now without a father. Are you happy now? How will this family continue? Who is going to raise her? Who will bring in the money? Who will provide?

.. the Ron Paul charity club?
edit on 29-1-2012 by dadgad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by dannotz
reply to post by lukeUK

UH cause he taped his daughter up?

Have you seen the picture?

He TIGHTLY duck taped her hands, feet, and mouth.

She wasn't laughing.

But hey, if that sort of stuff tickles your fancy that's great, just keep it to yourself.

Excuse me she wasn't laughing? How do you know that, since they blurred out the face?
edit on 29-1-2012 by dadgad because: (no reason given)

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