posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:09 AM
Good Morrow one and all.
As some may know the last days have seen the World Economic Forum on-going in Davos. There is just one thing I would like to share about this.
The BBC as always is providing "up to the minute" coverage of the annual event. so that's nice!
In the advert blurb for the coverage being broadcast on BBC World at the moment there is a nice little sound bite from Christine Lagarde (Head of the
IMF). In this she appears on the screen and says
"There is......HOPE, for the future" *strained smile*
There are three things I want to raise about this.
1, Is the blanket admittance by TPTB that everything is soo messed up, that all that is left is to try to "reassure" the main body of sheeple that
everything is OK, it is in hand, and they should just go back to sleep?
2, The delivery of the sentence stumbles after is and before hope. almost like her brain was telling her to say "NO" but she forced it back. Added
to that the fake smile of a kindly aunt. giving the appearance of a benevolent mother figure. Just like the witch in the cottage gave to Hansel and
Grettel just before she tried to put them in the oven! (I'm going to get you my pretty!!!)
3, Is it true to say, to quote John Cusack in 2012, "When they tell you not to panic, that's when you run!"
And then today she comes out with this
BBC - Davos
And of course it was only last night on the BBC that George Soros said that he expects the current crisis situation "could destroy" the EU
All frog in hot water tactics,
What do our learned members here have to say!??