And then 7 more camera angles (could be repeated ones as the first 3)
Right here
Oh and this one.. I didn't see this one in the 7 angles video.
So only to add more..
But i wanted to make a point that this footage is completely real..
But the object is the only thing that intrigues me when i watch these videos.
I personally can not say what this is... Alot of people on youtube say "IT"S BALOONS!" But that
can't be probably because helium in enclosed space doesn't descend in any circumstance, especially
after it descends it rides and fly;s away.
I'm not saying this if a ufo, but I would love to hear the community's theorys.
Thanks for your elaboration, look forward to seeing some replys.
edit on 26-1-2012 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)