Obviously its because of the money...but
I also feel that SOPA and PIPPA is the entertainment business trying to make sure that people cannot entertain other people through means of ATS,
YouTube, Facebook, etc... That is their business...and they want it back...all of it.
They obviously want to make sure we cannot share music, video, pictures, or anything from any movie, show, etc... without being removed from the
internet (lol not really just type in the ip address) and sued by their lawyers. They want to make sure they scare everyone enough so no one attempts
to post anything they do not approve of.
More people each day use the internet to entertain themselves, as do I, instead of going out to the movies or buying products and merchandise not only
because of the economy but because the internet I feel has more quality content if you know where to look. They want to make sure you are being fed
their lies and their way of thinking. Not someone else's. They want to make sure your children grow up thinking celebrities should be praised and
admired rather than doctors or teachers. They want to make sure you aspire to the "American Dream" by showing you a fancy lifestyle that a small few
actually live through these over exaggerated movies. Which are so poorly made that if computers and special effects did not exist, neither would the
movie business.
This is only the beginning. They and I do not expect SOPA and PIPPA to pass... Which is obviously a good thing.
However they will only come back with other bills that are even worse than these if we do not make sure we continue to spread the message to vote
against these bills and any other bill that mimics its purpose.
Our rights have all practically been taken away already. All we have left is the internet.
DO NOT let them take that away from us too!!!
I know there are other reasons as to why SOPA and PIPPA are trying to be passed and with your comments it will complete my post to give anyone reading
an understanding of what is to come, and what should be expected.
If anyone has anything to add please feel free.
edit on 26-1-2012 by ThinkB4uSpeak because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-1-2012 by ThinkB4uSpeak because: (no reason