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Main Stream Media Taking It To Far!!

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:01 PM
I understand the stance on plagiarism. This is about an entire corporate entity, doing the same thing that someone that writes a short story does. These people own internet companies, television stations, etc,.

This is how monopolizing works. This company wants to be the only news source, they will all share the same rights, even if they are stretched a little. That means that you have to be aware that if company "X", said something that the only ones that can you use its its parent companies and affiliates.

This is the kind of corporate shenanigans that causes most local papers, and new-stations to close.

In simpler terms they want to be the Walmart, of the media. Its not just copyright infringement, they will work with you, but for financial gain.

This is the first few steps, and I will keep looking into this as they grow.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
This is how monopolizing works. This company wants to be the only news source, they will all share the same rights, even if they are stretched a little. That means that you have to be aware that if company "X", said something that the only ones that can you use its its parent companies and affiliates.

At any given time, in any given place, there are a number of journalists, mostly independent, vying for the same story. This goes doubly for any 'troubled region'. There are journalists who risk life and limb to get into the action in order to write about it. No single news source can control journalism, not least of all because journalists in most countries have union representation and will fight for their freedom to report. The MSM more than anyone else is dependent on other sources, they do not employ the very best journalists, though they often do employ the best writers to rewrite what good journalists report so as to give it a spin that is more conducive to their advertisers and income generators agenda. As there is no single agenda, and many news agencies still operating in competition, I think it is unlikely that Murdoch or his ilk can control anything. And as the links I posted clearly demonstrate, there are other agendas which have as much power, if not more, in the wider scheme of things. And most importantly, the US is only one country, admittedly a very large one, but it's influence over the media, even through legislator, can only extend so far.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Biliverdin

The relevance of today's journalists and those that give us the "news" is quite different. Journalists have turned into the paparazzi, and those that are true to the news have gone underground, including a group a few years back that wanted to share the truth behind Monsonto, and got fired.

The journalists around the world that risk their lives do so, and get no real media attention. Unless you use YouTube, or Goggle. There are tons of stories, and worldwide news outlets that are controlled by the government.

Even considering what we do here on ATS. We take a story that seems to be iffy to say the least, investigate it and share with the proper research by members. We do more here then many news agencies either in print or television do and they get the most publicity.

If they stamp their stories with an ownership sticker, then there will be no way to discuss it, share it, or even research it. If we disagree with the story, and then say bad things about it, I wouldn't be surprised if they begin to yell "defamation".

Here is also a ton of information.
Media Reform Information Center

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver[/i

The wonderful legacy of Reagan Deregulation!
Let the free market do it's thing, it will be fine....

Your chart speaks volumes.

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