posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 06:12 AM
According to Wiki -
The second law of thermodynamics distinguishes between reversible and irreversible physical processes. It tells how this shows the existence of a
mathematical quantity called the entropy of a system, and thus it expresses the irreversibility of actual physical processes by the statement that the
entropy of an isolated macroscopic system never decreases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind are impossible.
So - I came up with this idea the other morning, and have not done any calculations (cause I am not very good with math), not done any testing (cause
I am not very handy) nor have I spoken to anyone with extensive knowledge of physics (cause I do not know any such people).
But I have an idea – which according to the laws of physics shouldn’t work. But so far I have not been able to see why it shouldn’t. Maybe you
can help me?
To see my concept click here - I am sorry I could not figure out how to
upload it directly - and forgive me the crude illustration, I hope you will be able to figure out what i meant with it.
It’s a wheel (ferris wheel if you will), and because of the design there should always be more weight on the right side of the wheel than on the
left – I think – and this should make it run.
I am not sure if it should run constantly. I imagine it might reach a maximum speed and at that point the weights will spin out and stabilize the
contraption. So I think it would have a repeating fluctuation in speed.
I have not given much thought to the number of arms.
And I am well aware of the fact that entropy will eventually wear the machine down, at which point it will break and stop, so it isn’t a perpetual
motion machine in the sense that it will run for ever, but it should produce more energy that it consumes.
Please, any thoughts? I am hoping that some of you might be able to debunk it, or add knowledge in some way or another. Feel free to ask me about it
– but do not expect me to be able to answer in detail. English is not my first language and I do not know the first thing about this subject.