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US Consulate Whistleblower Says 9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:06 AM
Did a search and surprisingly did not find a thread already started on this

Here's an interesting bucket of links with related news from MSM

What do you guys think of this?
Unfortunately Mike Springman is a former head of the American visa bureau in Saudi Arabia
I say unfortunately because many people, you know how they are, will say oh ya but he's probably being paid by Saudis or something of the sort

But looking at this statement and all the other articles in the above link that's pretty damning!!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:13 AM
This thread here ?

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

We probably did bring them in they were Saudis.....We let sooooooo many Saudis in all the time....Follow the money

and the Saudis have the money!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by THEDUDE86
and the Saudis have the money!

no suprise. the Bush family and the Saudis Royal family had had ties from much longer before 9-11. Only reason i make that statement is obviously the timing of a Bush President at the same time these passports were used. the history of the corruption of power and money has the same players we see today, from centuries back. the connections and coinsidences are too many to not be studied. imo.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Americans still think we were attacked by "terrorists", this drivel is repeated on a daily basis. Ron Paul or bust.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Most of the terror threat genuinely comes from Saudi Arabia and well educated, rich, Princes who are caught up in power struggles of their own and a desire to return to the Caliphate. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are distractions from the real threat coming out of Saudi Arabia, where our Oil Men are battling for control of the planets dwindling oil resources with their Oil Men.

As ever it's the innocent who suffer, and the ordinary person in the street who pays!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

He has been saying this for YEARS .

I believe it was 13 out of 15 passports were through him , and he was TOLD to give them passports by the CIA.

The 911 detractors have been saying there have been no whistleblowers, there have been lots.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:46 AM
If that man knew what he was talking about, He'd be dead.

Who ever did 9/11 murdered thousands of people, you think they'd leave this guy behind?

BTW CIA never makes american pass ports(thats state departments job), The CIA ONLY makes forged foreign ones. Duh.
edit on 23-1-2012 by truthinfact because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by truthinfact
If that man knew what he was talking about, He'd be dead.

Who ever did 9/11 murdered thousands of people, you think they'd leave this guy behind?

He has been saying this for years, the facts where the passports were given is on record.

To kill him would only shine a light on him, bring his message to the forefront.

They don't want that.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by ModernAcademia

He has been saying this for YEARS .

I believe it was 13 out of 15 passports were through him , and he was TOLD to give them passports by the CIA.

The 911 detractors have been saying there have been no whistleblowers, there have been lots.

You think that Michael Springman issued 13 passports to the 9/11 hijackers?

I'd like to see you prove that one.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
You think that Michael Springman issued 13 passports to the 9/11 hijackers?

I'd like to see you prove that one.

Thanks for correcting me, its important we stay on the facts, in my haste to respond I actually made 2 errors.

It was 15 out of 19 hijackers.
And it was visa's not passports.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
You think that Michael Springman issued 13 passports to the 9/11 hijackers?

I'd like to see you prove that one.

Thanks for correcting me, its important we stay on the facts, in my haste to respond I actually made 2 errors.

It was 15 out of 19 hijackers.
And it was visa's not passports.

So you're claiming that Michael Springman issued 15 of the 19 hijackers with visas?

That would have been quite difficult, I imagine. But let's hear your proof for it.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

So you're claiming that Michael Springman issued 15 of the 19 hijackers with visas?

That would have been quite difficult, I imagine. But let's hear your proof for it.

As I said , in another thread, I will be making a few threads regarding events before sept 11.

We will talk, but I know your mind is not open to change, so , I will make a thread to inform other ATS members.

You are invited to join the discussion.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

As I said , in another thread, I will be making a few threads regarding events before sept 11.

We will talk, but I know your mind is not open to change, so , I will make a thread to inform other ATS members.

You are invited to join the discussion.

You know that, do you? How? Or is it just an erroneous assumption like a few of the others I've seen you make?

In the meantime, perhaps you could explain your evidence for your belief that Springman issued visas to (and I quote you) "15 of the 19 hijackers". Or perhaps you can't and you're knowingly providing disinformation.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade
This is from one of the links in the OP's original "bucket of links:"

Springmann: That's right. And as you recall, they believe that this fellow Sheikh Abdel Rahman over in New York that was tied to the first Trade Center bombing, had gotten his visa from a CIA case officer in the Sudan. And that 15 or so of the people who came from Saudi Arabia to participate in the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon had gotten their visas through the American consular general at Jeddah.


Reading the whole interview, it sounds like he was getting pressure from above to grant visas to a lot of people who he feels he should not have, and that includes "15 or so" of the 19 hijackers.

edit on 23-1-2012 by magicrat because: we all know what assuming does

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by magicrat

If you look into this in depth you'll gain the context that those trying to mislead you don't want you to have. Basically Springman retired from Jeddah in 1989. He's talking about a whole different phase of CIA operations than when the hijackers were active. Unless you think he gave Marwhan al-Shehi a 12 year visa when he was 11 years old.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade
Yes and no...

Looks like you're correct in saying he left Jeddah in 1989, but not that he was talking about a different phase of CIA operations. I'm looking into the article and links here for more context:

According to Springmann, the Jeddah consulate was run by the CIA and staffed almost entirely by intelligence agents. This visa system may have continued at least through 9/11, and 11 of the 19 9/11 hijackers received their visas through Jeddah
There's some conflicting info there, so I won't claim to know what happened, only that it's worth looking into further. If you have evidence to support your claim that he's talking about a different phase, I'd be interested to see that. In everything I can find so far, Springmann definitely seems to be suggesting that the visa program he saw in the 80s was connected to the hijackers.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:46 PM
So, The holes keep ripping in the flimsy fabric of the origonal 9/11 conspiracy theory that was so suspiciously touted by media with in the hour of the attack.
The story of how the terrorists get to their supposed terror acts is often who was that official which put the shoe bomber on the plane when he was withou a passport?
Who was the john doe in the truck before the oklahoma bomb?
All of these amd more incidents seem to point to handlers controlling the participants in these terrorist acts, who seem to be connected to the establishment.
I have no doubts the CIA, or other gov intel agency was responsible for the issuing of visa to assorted terrorists in the a reasonable degree this has been proven already.....

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:02 PM
Posted here

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