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Time for OTHER countries to start solving their own problems in their states and their neighbors cou

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by flexy123
Pakistan and India, Israel and Iran what is the difference? If they want too nuke each other they will or go toe to toe they will , all the US could do is pick a side, Pakistan or India, the other well that is a given.

LOL! You REALLY think that these countries are not worried about what the U.S. would do should any of them start a Nuclear War with each other...thus allowing any remaining Nuclear sites easy prey for those who would love to steal one?

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by flexy123

Originally posted by tetriswoooo
reply to post by Revealation

... is far more meddlesome than any other country and when i say america i dont mean americans i mean your government

define "meddlesome".

When EVER has America (or NATO for that matter) *initiated* a war?

If you go through history, America has always INTERVENED, and with good reasons.

If i go through this forum on a day-per-day basis and read the lies and nonsense, i see people constantly lying and spreading things like that the US is just too keen on invading other countries without a reason, mainly for the reason to "kill innocent children".

Funny that the OTHER governments and regimes which usually initiate violence and who TRULY kill innocent people and commit genocide are "conveniently" ignored - as long as you can spread your nonsense about how "aggressive" America is.

If you hate the government so much, why don't you move to North Korea, Iran, Syria etc...i am sure they will welcome you with open arms in their "peaceful" countries. LOL

im not saying they just invade whenever they want im saying they intervein in other countries things like iranian oil sanctions recentley the govt has no problem in telling other countries how to do things
p.s i have no idea how you got invasions from meddlesome that is a huge leap

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by tetriswoooo
why would we need help? if all aid is cut off, this includes exporting our oil , why would we need help? [aid is in the form of trade that too is gone] our oil price would be in the price range of say , $1.50 per Gal this includes road tax, state and fed tax.

by aid i assumed you meant in a disaster and if for example a volcano goes off and another country helps because america will have a natural disaster and want aid at some point

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:21 AM
There is a problem here. Its huge. Yes, the first world nations should not be bombing, raping and pillaging the third world nations and calling this solving problems.

However, the problems encountered in all the other nations, third world and middle east, are created by the First World Nations, particularly the US/UK coalition.

These problems are like this:

Taking out progressive governments and with the CIA/MOSSAD setting up dictatorships and repressing human rights enormously.

Moving military bases in and completely enslaving the people and women as prostitutions, ensuring criminals run the country and taking people off their traditional lands and farms, murdering farmers, whole families and villages, setting up Corporate Farms, and using CHILD SLAVE labor for vanilla, coffee, chocolate,

Shell oils gorillas killing whole villages.

And leaving people in hideous conditions.

For cheap goods for the slaves here. Even for computer parts.

Taking small minority groups such as primitive and barbaric Sharia regressives, and via their good boy Hitler/NAZ ism, very endoresed by the Bloodlines, creating the Middle East problem now being seen in the world and complete abuse of all the citizens of the World.

ie. Google Banna and Nazi (banna was the founder of the brotherhood)

Bullying and abusing all the Nations, and demanding money to be paid to their Black Operations. For example Japan said NO. And Japan was outing some interesting futuristic technology and oil less vehicles, so the Rockefellers reactors had an accident, and the energies coming in to harm those plates where intensified with HAARP, not to mention Israel, came in for a security check on their computers 1 month before it occurred. STUXNET virus is a creation of CIA and MOSSAD.

So, its not just a question of not being invovled, its a question of how we're involved.

The world should be equal and free and sharing, empowering all its citizens. Topple the evil fascist pyramids.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by tetriswoooo
yes I do, no aid of any kind should the US give any more, and to answer your question there was one time in our history we received aid and the US was still young.

edit on 24-1-2012 by bekod because: editting

edit on 24-1-2012 by bekod because: editting

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

You is unfortunate that you cannot have all the information because if you would have a totally different opinion.

Think about this...whenever there is a massive Natural Disaster...who is the first ones to arrive? Answer...The U.S. Navy or other branches of the U.S. Military. We even gave aid to our enemies during the Gigantic Tsunami where many island nation in and around Indonesia...were Muslims who had been previous to the to join terrorist groups.

Does the U.S. have an agenda...of course it does! We have to look at the whole world and measure actions done by us to preserve BALANCE and STABILITY. I have been places and seen things that you could neither stomach or believe that a person could do such a thing to another person or child or even a family member or in one particular case...their own Wife and Son.

In some countries a Mans Honor is Paramount and most of you on this board...unless you have served or done what I sometimes do...would neither understand it nor could you stomach it....most...if they saw these things...would run as fast and as far away from the scene as they could...some of us...have to watch it and act like it never even happened as to show...ANY... reaction would indicate WEAKNESS...and when negociating with another NEVER want to be seen as the WEAK SIDE.

When things like this is not the strongest or most numerous party that WINS. The Party that wins is the party that has the greatest resolve and the WILL to do whatever is necessary to acomplish the goal. A single person can control or scare off THOUSANDS by a single action of will. Sometimes...very bad things must happen to save the lives of the multitudes. Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
I am so SICK of reading Anti-American posts by people who have plenty to complain about but no solutions or inclinations to actually DO SOMETHING on their own. They whine and bitch about what the U.S. does but never do they propose a solution that they might carry out or participate in.

Right now...thousands upon thousands of one time residents of states that were behind the Iron Curtain are flooding into European Countries and a level of HATE has appeared in the Media as well as the Legislative bodies of these countries about what they have actually called...the Barbarian Hoards...contaminating their countries...PURITY of Idealism and actions as well as absolutely demanding a seperation of these people their words...Subverting their own states ethnic identity.

No where is this more prevelent than in FRANCE...where they consider immigrants a scourge in their nation.

The U.S. has always welcomed diversity...and it is our it is these outher countries WEAKNESS! Split Infinity

Split, do you have an expose' related to what you are talking about that you could post up? Eastern immigrants are flooding Western European countries and causing economic and ethnic issues based on Western governments points of view? Huh? This is the first I've heard of such issues, and I consider myself well read regarding foreign affairs.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by flexy123
Pakistan and India, Israel and Iran what is the difference? If they want too nuke each other they will or go toe to toe they will , all the US could do is pick a side, Pakistan or India, the other well that is a given.

LOL! You REALLY think that these countries are not worried about what the U.S. would do should any of them start a Nuclear War with each other...thus allowing any remaining Nuclear sites easy prey for those who would love to steal one?

Split Infinity

Now this is foreign relations subject matter.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by tetriswoooo

If their crap WOULD STAY in their country we wouldn't get involved but if we completely stop all outside activities,prior administrations have screwed with the world so much.They want payback against their children...thats us.So what happened was wrong. I'm very sorry about that.That is all.You can't take revenge out on me because I'm not going to take the blame for it.I will help if our idiotic leaders and sociopathic rich"old money" people get out of the way.But I will not accept any attacks for it from overseas,this board,or media in any way shape or form unless of course it is constructive and helpful.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:47 PM
Some reading suggestions,+%22Ethnic+Unrest+during+January,%22+Report+on+Eastern+Europe&source= bl&ots=biCKrFg8cK&sig=O-ngh73vU7anoGc5i7C6iahC8O4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=oH5ET_r9C6jiiAKsmdXbDg&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=Stephen%20Ashley%2C%20%22Ethnic%20U nrest%20during%20January%2C%22%20Report%20on%20Eastern%20Europe&f=false,+%22Ethnic+Un rest+during+January,%22+Report+on+Eastern+Europe&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiD7qgbQiTDEWZs_usjy3X6vxjss_3519N2l75tC9ruLcoKile6DSrtIM4xOBuW1Fgc6wrJ ie3_FkmGAaB1DciJpnN-WJr7YfFnk-7NySWRJM_rqculodYOeojUb1s1k49w2KJt&sig=AHIEtbRdov_U3uOaCkZXjNsZSOmT-LYy-Q

Sometimes America can score some real talent due to ethnic intolerance. Example

Remember we scored this guy years ago.

I say, if those intolerant fools want to brain drain themselves more power to them.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Note the top few post links are duplicates. One should at least work. I had the darnedest time getting them to work so I figure I'd leave all of them up.

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