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What are aliens? What are your theories?

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posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:15 PM
what do you think are aliens? big bug like creatures, the orginal tall, lean skinny oval head black eye? or look like us? or even small creaters that can controll out mind... or what ever leave ur posts

i think alieans are the orgial one people think of when you say alien. They are amounst us. they do watch us and thee goverment are hideing more than you think.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by tomodachi]

[edit on 14-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:24 PM
aliens?... what do you mean by 'original ones'?

the greys?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:26 AM
yea, the tall ones with big black eyes


Are aliens real? I've been asked this question many, many times and my answer does not change, I believe them to be real because in the vastness of the universe and the universes beyond our own, I think there certainly must be life in some other part of the universe or one of the universes beyond. So, I guess my answer is, yes, I believe them to be real.
Has anyone truly seen a UFO? Absolutely. Besides the numerous reports of sightings there have also been hundreds of pictures taken that have been proven not to be fake. Even the government admits there are many sightings from the old Project Blue Book investigations that can not be explained. (Project Blue Book, in case you are not aware, was the investigation into sightings by the civilian population, the investigations were done by the U.S. Air Force).

If aliens do exist are they smarter than us? I would suspect they are smarter than us. They have figured out some method of transportation from their home planet to ours without encumbrance. It appears they have conquered the ability to travel long distances. These are not things we have accomplished as of yet. So it appears their technology is more advanced than our own. Not to say we won't some day achieve the same - but at this point in time we are not at that level.

If they do exist, do they look like us? I don't know. I've never seen an alien, to my knowledge. I have seen a couple of UFOs in my lifetime but never an alien. Of course, if they do look like us, we wouldn't know the difference between an alien and an earthling would we. We would assume anyone we meet, that looks like us, is from our own we would have no way of knowing the difference.

ah hope that clears things up

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:47 AM
The Greys might not even be Aliens some people think they are humans from the future that time travel back to our timeline.

Whatever or whoever they are its seems they have been here a long time.

This is a cave painting from southern France. Which is thousands of years old.

The resemblance is uncanny is it not

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:56 AM
could be from the future, but time travel is apperently impossible for the human body, that could b a mutation so they can do it, bt why do people get abducted?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:11 AM
ive been hearing alot about that time travel theory these days...
mostly on late-night am radio... if they are human, they are from way, way far off into the future.

[edit on 9/14/2004 by ShiftnSix]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:24 AM
If they are from the future it would have to be millions of years in the future to evolve that much from us.Perhaps 2 million years maybe even alot farther.

I also tend to believe that what people see the Black eyes the all grey body no sex organs is the result of a suit these greys wear. Something like a advanced space suit but so small its like a second skin.

If mankind survives without major darkages stuff as far fetched as time travel might be possible. We would look at their technology with the wonder a caveman would look at our technology I would think.

[edit on 14-9-2004 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:37 AM
ok, say they're human... say they're from the future.

wouldnt you think that they'd be smart enough to know that if you change the past you would be changing your own future? if they are future humans, you wouldnt want to interact with the past for fear of changing the future... so, whats with the abductions and anal probes???

unless they KNOW that all those paradox theories are a load of bull...

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:01 AM
Well there is a theory about time travel that you cant really change anything no matter how hard you try. If you went back into time and say killed Hilter and new Timeline would be created where Hitler is dead and your own timeline would not be effected by this.

There is also another theory that If you went back in time to kill Hitler things would not allow you to do it. Like time would correct it self. If you had Hitler in your cross hairs about to shoot something would happen to you to cause you to miss.

There really just theories so nobody really knows. I dont really know if Greys are Aliens or from the future heck they might be Aliens from the future. Either one is a good choice right now since we know so little about them.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:02 AM
i dont think they could be humans, i dot think earth is going to last that long because of polution and resources running out, unless b4 earth dies and they send humansto antoher planet and they aretrying to get back in time to tell us how to avoid this. but the goverment is stopping this

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:35 AM
Er...what are aliens? They're....aliens. I don't buy the humans for the future thing for several reason. First of all, I don't find time travel very plausible. It's more believable that creatures from another planet would visit us than people from the future would come back in time (Occam's razor and all). Secondly, to be honest, I want them to be aliens. Seeing them as humans from the future shrinks all of our worldviews. Too....Earthocentric?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:43 AM
I tend to go with the Alien theory right now but I keep my mind open to other theories as well since there is as much proof for them as Aliens as for them as Humans from the future or different time line.

For every problem with timetravel theres a problem with faster then light travel they both actually mix in with each other.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:24 AM
im still with the ailen theory, untill someone has proof that is so solid that they dont exist i will chnage my mind... but untill then i say "bah"

also... how would u get proof that something donest exist lol.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Well there is a theory about time travel that you cant really change anything no matter how hard you try. If you went back into time and say killed Hilter and new Timeline would be created where Hitler is dead and your own timeline would not be effected by this.

i dont buy that last bit... for a very good reason. (to me at least).

im a third generation american. my family came over here during WWI from central/eastern europe...

now, i go back in time and stop that ONE guy (i forgot his name) from shooting that dictator guy (forgot his name and the country he ran) i PREVENT WWI.

how ISNT "MY" timeline effected???
without WWI my family wouldnt be here in the states! furthermore, my grand-parents would never have been born. or, if they were born, they certianly wouldnt have met. (each of thier families hail from different countries)...

[edit on 9/14/2004 by ShiftnSix]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:18 PM

Read this, it's a fairly good explanations of what's goin on out there...I've red a lot a stuff about aliens, and it's a good resume. Search those key words on google:

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Amelia

Read this, it's a fairly good explanations of what's goin on out there...I've red a lot a stuff about aliens, and it's a good resume. Search those key words on google:


Ok that site talks about

-The pleiadians (billy meier hoax)
-Reptilians (human like lizards :lol

-Ashtar sheran,galactic federation (
no comment)

that is not reliable information at ALL

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:32 PM

What are aliens? What are your theories?

Theory #63857638-d
A myth, a metaphor for our own badselves. The bug eyed look is a mask that covers our own face, from the cold hard brutal truth that the only beings doing the invading, Frankenscience & mind control are us Humans. Also the desire for us not to be alone, even though we are stripping the Planet of so many species that one day we may truly alone....or at least, just us and the coachroaches.
Not saying that it's my definitive theory...of course.....just anything than the monotonous 'from outer space' mantra/fairytale.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 08:30 AM
O.k, listen, I'm a very equilibrate person. I've red a lot on mayan culture, chinese, egyptians, grecs, indian and so on....I look for everything I can find on that subject...from the librairy to the net, the bible to the boudhist even idians tales....
I've red more than one or two net site written by psychos o.k

So pleiadians: Not only Billy Meier but a lot of other talk about them
Reptilians: Everywhere in ancient scripts with the greys, eye witnesses
Ashtar Sheran: Maybe it exist...who the HELL can prove it dosen't????
U have to be open minded now, you don't have to beleive everything but at least try to search some more if that interest you, or maybe, you are just not ready to hear it

I judge nobody, I send you all my love

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