posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 02:24 PM
The Secret Society I belong to remains secret by hiding in plain sight. Our name/names of the society are not hidden, it is up to the members whether
or not to divulge membership, the actions of the individual members are not always kept secret(however, their connection to the society may be), in
fact the Governments of the world are fully aware of our society as we have taken them to court and won many many times(however the membership list is
not known to them). There are millions of sites and articles on the internet about the society. In fact there is even a political party working toward
presidency of the United States. We have millions of members world wide from top business owners to congress persons and everything in between.
What is kept very secret are the techniques contained in volumes upon volumes of books and other media regarding the ins and outs of specific pathways
to wealth and power. Our recruitment is done on a personal level and takes place in the lower incomes of society. We do not accept the rich and or
powerful into the society, but we do, most definitely, make them.
Basically, we are many individuals working together under many names toward the same goal. Our secret meetings are designed to bring together
different types of businesses, like puzzle pieces, that are put together in such a way that that each piece helps and works in concert for the
betterment of all parties involved including the general public at large. We have some very big names within society that are common well known people
and businesses, however, as it is the individuals choice to divulge their connection to the society, it is not my place to give them out, but they got
there by using the techniques proscribed by the society. By not divulging connections to each other or the society our actions remain secret unless
we are ready to make public those actions.
You may search to your hearts content on the society I belong to, in fact I will give you a couple of starting points.
Society name= "Neo-Tech" aka. "The Society of Secrets" (Search both)
Political Party= (This will give you an understanding of how we are attempting to change Government.)
edit on 22-1-2012 by Agarta because: added link