posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 02:21 AM
Hi there I would like to direct everyones attention to Lord Pacal/Pakal's sarcophagus lid particularly the glyphs that border it the actual engraving
is really cool and I wonder if it sometimes draws attention away from what is happening around the edge of the lid ,if you look at it as if he were
launching a rocket vertically then the glyphs in the lower left corner are what caught my eye ,to me there is two that look like a standard dress
diving helmet or similar to rockwall paintings found in other parts of the world that seem to display helmeted figures this is what a standard dress
diving helmet looks like:
and now here is an enlarged section of the coffin lid:
I know that the one on the left might look a bit like it but the one on the right definitely has a face plate with rivets going around the outside ,I
noticed this because I am a commercial diver and have used similar equipment here is a pic of a Kirby Morgan dive helmet which is what a modern diving
helmet looks like:
What do you think?