posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 07:34 AM
Okay, this is something I've experienced since I was a child. I remember having dreams like this when I was very young, in fact one of my earliest
memories is of these strange feelings I used to experience in my dreams.
They're not scary or anything, just odd, I did try to relate these experiences to friends and family but was very young and unable to articulate
myself well enough, so I tended to just get odd looks and ignorant comments so decided to keep it to myself.
The earliest memory I have is of a non-visual dream which took the form of feelings which I can only explain as a feeling of contracting and
expanding, feelings which change almost instantly, like one minute I'm tiny, compressed, dense and unimportant...the next I've expanded, huge and
I know they're just dreams but I thought about it a lot as I grew up and it was quite regular when I was young. As I got older they became less
frequent and took on a more visual form. I had two such dreams quite recently, perhaps 2 or 3 years ago and they reminded me of these experiences as a
In the more visual form they actually seemed to have some meaning, but I don't know what, exactly, so if anyone is any good at interpreting dreams
I'd very much like your input.
The first one there was nothing but horizon, no was like being inside a huge sphere and I was laying down and rolling...i came to a
step about an inch high and slowly rolled towards it, I rolled over the edge of this tiny step and everything slowed down. I went over the edge and
time seemed to slow down, despite the small step being only an inch or so high I seemed to fall for a long time, very gently and slowly, when I landed
it was like an earthquake, the entire universe rumbled and shook on impact and it woke me. There was nothing else really tangible, like I said, no
horizon, nothing, just gray and this step...all the while those feelings of contracting and's like going from one major extreme to the
other - tiny..small, insignificant and light to expanded, huge, everywhere and immensely heavy...falling a short distance very slowly and causing an
earthquake on a gentle impact, really odd.
The second dream was almost exact same, no discernable features in the landscape, just monotone...but there was a baloon, I was trying to stop it from
falling and hitting the ground or floor beneath me, but I was moving real slow like I was moving through treacle. I managed to stop the baloon from
falling for a bit, but each time I hit the baloon into the air it became further away, eventually I missed it and had no choice but to watch it fall,
I knew I'd screwed up and had a sense of bracing myself for impact... the baloon fell slowly, gently...but caused a major quake on impact and again I
wake up...still those strange feelings...expanding, contracting...big, small...significant, insignificant.
I have trouble understanding this even now and I'm in my 30's...what business has a child, dreaming of such things and where does it come
from...does it even mean anything? Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Be nice to know that someone has, since most people I've told about this
just seemed to think I was rather odd.
Sorry if it's long or makes no sense, I don't have much to post about on here if I'm honest but if I was forced to ask one question on here and one
question only I think this would be it because they really affected me as a child and even though they weren't nightmares as such they did disturb me
somewhat when I was a child and I've always wanted to know what they mean, if anything.