posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 04:04 PM
in the inception of the idea inconectivity would be more than the sum of its parts has been a dream of designers and programmers and optical
developers and many many other industries in the world.
the dream of a unifying, unifyed platform that inspires creativity and compasion, expresion and direction,
the dreamers of the pre internet age dared to dream of a network that connected us together.
they designed on their dreams of a world with vast information access available at the fingertips of a future generation.
the thought in global terms of what free flow of information would do to people as they shared themselves and their creativity accross the globe.
what the designers could never see was that the interconectivty would speed up the amount of knowledge there was.
programmers realised that people where the resource filling the net with knowledge, and designed a peoples knowledge database, wikipedia.
others designed a way to optimize web wide searches into pre data based result set updataed as users find what they were looking for.
as the pen was to expression on a mass scale, the net and its ability to promote discusion and debate,
and sites like ats spung up and a new format was born, the blog.
when people make content with camers, some content was funney, some bueatiful, and some just looked down right painful but funny non the less.
the basic idea the email was to be routed by the net and not some centerilzed source, allowing for many paths for the paket data to take, allowed for
the infrastructure to be much more failure resistent, has allowed for a very robust non centerised infrastructure supporting comunities of de
centerilsed networks from around the world.
the basic ingredients were always going to be "what" would evolve from the interconectivity?
would great works be acomplished in art and science and civil society or would people just distract themselves with an infinate knowledge base, or
unite and speak the will of the users?
the interesting result seems to be that the net has allowed creativity to flourish, and has allowed many more debates and funney videoes and email,
but to me it is the fact that people are using this new platform and decideing that they will protect the net, the idea that anyone can compete and
win in this world,
in one unifying moment the internet (the user base over the net) said NO to wall street (hollywood) and the net screamed for freeeedddddoommm
freedom to not be apreassed by people who have little or no knowledge on how the internet works,
and not just the fibre optics and the phone system.
but freedom to have an opinion in a blog,
the freedom to upload videos
the freedom to receive email
the freedom to have debates
the freedom to create with others we have never meet in person
the freedom to be an individual
the simple ability for the internet to have an opinion,
the ability for connetivity to allow for every person to express their opinion,
that we will all fight for this beloved network that allows us our place amongst the knowledge.
amoung the people where we have voice
on the free net science has exploded into a resurgence of interest and knowledge base.
this explosion of content and science data is user generated and allows for the MASS undating of accepted published scientific data from the life span
of a text book, to the very next publication accepted on the subject.over the net.
real time science as it happens, and a trickle effect as the news travels from site to site, blog to blog.
real time news as it happens and a trickle effect as it propogates throught the net like a new DNS entry, sometimes much much faster.
inter conectivity has allowed the free exchange of ideas on all levels and givin the world a semce of global comuity.
the internet collectivly has spoken its first word and that word is freedom,
i do not condone illegal file sharing,
this alone should not be the excuse to kill the miracle that is mass expression on a global level.
for those of us old enough to remember the early days we thank the dream of the pioneers,
a free flow of information and equal use for all.