This morning in Coquitlam, BC Canada, the gas price was $144.7/liter X 3.785 = $5.476 a gallon today. With prices ever rising I think the $6 gallon
will be north of the 49 this spring. maybe even a $6.50 gallon ($1.70 a liter) which in my opinion would be outta this world, but the way things are
going maybe not out of the question...
Well its finally happend and they said it would Gas prices in the lower mainland of British Columbia have now eclipsed $1.50/L or $5.71/G and all
reports have it going higher in the coming months as they gouge us during the summer driving season. Gotta love the price per barrel going down and
prices for gas rising to where they haven't been. Seems ass backwards too me???
Bassett, Virginia near Martinsville has gas at $3.21 for regular which is the lowest I have seen in our area. Roanoke, Virginia is about a dime more
on average yet the local convenience stores are still at $3.60 for regular.
I usually run premium because I get better gas milage and the 5.9 motor runs much better on it.
84 cents a litre holy crap like a flash back to 1999 here in Canada LoL, how with the rest of the states up around $4 something a Gallon are you guys
getting off so lightly thank your lucky stars eh LoL