When it comes to conspiring, everyone has to pick their poison.
As my field of study in this arena is the Illuminat/Mk Ultra and their satanic connections, I would like to present you with an idea.
Recently the “remains” of a young woman’s body – 17 in fact – was found on the Royal Grounds.
You can read more about the case on ATS members thread here:
As I have never been to Britain, or granted guest access to the Royal Grounds, I cannot say for certain ; but I’m betting that the general populace
is not able to freely roam as they please.
To put things into perspective for us Americans; imagine that there was a breaking story in which “mysterious” children’s remains were found on
the white house grounds. It would not be to improbable for us to conclude that something sinister happened to that child – and that remains don’t
just “accidently” appear in places where live bodies have to have top secret clearances.
This new “incident” reminded me of the ATS member thread detailing that Mass Graves Discovered at Closed Mohawk Institute Residential School –
providing eye witness testimony that native children “introduced” and led away by the Royal Queen never made it back
It can be read here:
As I was delving into this case , I ran across this:
Duke in sick attack on the Royal Family
Please note, that though the article attempts to shame (for good reason) the royal Misfit Duke. A few things can be taken away from the material that
is relevant:
1. He clearly ties the Royal Family to this murder, and suggests that the Royal grounds Camera’s security should be checked.
2. He posted this rant under a internet pseudonym and Not in a tell all book
3. Even if he had “other motivations” It does not discount the bizarre incident and other “bodies” and murders linked to the Royal Family –
The problem with the “reptilian” theory mainly, is that if you believe it you run the risk of being a crazy person.
However, the reptilian theory and Illuminati/Mk Ultra similarities are evident.
The character known as Satan/the light bringer and worship to him through the sacrifice of innocence (wether spiritually, sexually, or your energy
life force in its entirety on earth) will always pop up in discussions research based on Mk Ultra and the illuminati. Indeed, he is worshipped for the
“knowledge” or illumination that can be offered. These “bloodlines” have identified ways in which to hone , empower, and keep that knowledge
with in the family – as they use subservient minions to do their bidding.
In the reptilian theory, the supposed reptile (blood line) murders, kills, and drinks blood in order to harness and maintain their life force and keep
power over the sheeple (for lack of a better word).
In Conclusion :
Whether you believe or not the Reptilian or Illuminati Blood line theory – it is improbable to believe that the Queen’s Grounds is so sloppy that
dead bodies are popping up. It is my belief that this new “revelation” is infact the remains of an illuminati sacrifice.
edit on 19-1-2012 by femalepharoe because: (no reason given)