posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:09 PM
I've had Out of Body experiences throughout my life..the last one was in appeared as a dream but it was so real...a craft came from the
sky...all my family was there..."Beings" exited the craft of different races and even creature like...i remember holding an ax and my twin holding a
shovel (i'm sure there is symbolism there) but these "aliens" wore a black-like uniform..when their leader turned his back to me I read a message
on his shirt that said "Supernova 2012"....couldn've been a dream but I was awake in this experience.
The previous one was in 2009...I floated above my body and out of the apartment...i knew instantly i was "awake" and being "taken" ...i was guided
through the universe by an elderly man...I felt he was thousands of years old...he took me to an amazing place that was just geometrically perfect and
was made of a metallic material that looked like concrete...i remember asking him as many questions as possible..."why am I here?" " "what is my
purpose?" ... question after question...and he got fairly annoyed with me and i felt a gentle shove...and then fell back to my body BUT before I
re-entered my body(shell) he gave me a very clear message...and FYI i am NOT religious....I believe in something but nothing organized...he said "The
Great Sun (could've been Son) Will Bring Us Hope". If anyone can help me figure this out I would appreciate it!!
I know there are skeptics out there...but I've had experiences with paranormal, UFOs pretty much all my life....even being visited by people who have
passed over to the other side...I had a recent encounter but will save that for another time.