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New twist on Russian Support of Iran, A ISLAMIC RED ARMY...

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posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:36 AM
With all of the talk about potential conflict with Iran....and how Russia might respond, I found some interesting info while doing some reading on the subject. I don't know if anyone has posted any of this, but it sure makes things interesting.

These are just a few of the articles I found.

I don't forsee Russia responding to an attack on Iran militarily, at least if it is just an air/naval campaign. (If we actually invaded, maybe, but I don't think that's likely). BUT if Islam really is taking hold in Russia like this, well that definately puts a new twist on it.

Especially if you are looking for the Ezekiel 38 war.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Yeah that could be the one you didn't see coming if ya know what i mean, best too keep an eye on it, good info, nice find my friend

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Well this is somewhat ironic considering the past conflicts with the Islamic Chechnya

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:07 PM
Yeah, no kidding.....

The really weird part is that it is more the Army then the populous (and probably the russian government). That has all kinds of ramifications.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 06:12 PM
I remember watching a documentary called Demographic Winter where it is talking about how in most western countries the birth rates have been too low for a while and soon there will be too many older people and not enough younger people. Basically fewer people will have to support more. They said that this is already happening in Spain and Italy and other places.

Perhaps this ties in with this trend in that the Islamic community in Russia have been making proportionately more babies than the Russians, and this helps explain this trend towards an Islamic Red Army?

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