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Strange Dreams are made of these..

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:05 PM
I had a strange dream.. maybe someone can help, I'm a little weirded out.

It started in this strange hotel or inn in the mountains, which we'd driven for a while to find. I remember it being built out of wood, almost like an American log cabin style, but remarkably furnished.. I didn't really recognize the mountains outside, they weren't the Blue Ridge or the Smokies but similar in appearance, at least, height-wise.

So the next thing I remember was that my 'mother' was launched in a rocket of some kind - two were launched at once - but it didn't make it and exploded. The next thing I know I'm getting whisked through a building that appears to be some sort of strange headquarters or scientific building.. I was spinning around in a chair and dizzy, essentially, scenes were going by so fast and I had the feeling that I was in one of those teacup rides at the amusement park. I saw various strange things.. people being served dinner, medical training on a dead animal of some sort, some scientists in a laboratory testing with something, a control room I think. I ended up in this room at the end of the hallway I was spinning around in dizzily and there was this one person that was about to talk to me, presumably to explain all of this or interrogate me or something, and then the phone rang at almost the exact instant he began. >.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:17 PM
Sounds weird.

I know when you spin in a dream it can help with gaining clarity. But apart from that I don't know what to make of it.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by zanysami

My opinion: You might be entering a stage of your life where you start to succeed in places you never expected, but in doing that, you might have to come to terms with certain realisations about yourself. Nothing crazy, just a bit of clarity - as the poster above me already correctly pointed out.

I'm no expert, just someone who loves dream analysis. Feel free to U2U me if you would like to chat more. Don't stress though, it seems to be a positive dream. Good luck

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:41 PM
Okay this is going to sound weird but I had a similar dream last night, except I was in a more desolate, desert-like place (maybe Iran?), in the balcony of what seemed like a hotel/apartment building, with a few other people. We heard something on the radio about an attack, went outside and saw lights from a battle in the distance. There were rockets launched which lit up the ground, followed by plumes of smoke, and finally a nuclear blast in which everything turned white, I saw my body dissintegrate, realized I was dreaming and awoke soon after.

It was strange, to say the least.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by zanysami

I too had a strange dream last night. Coincidentally the beginning took place in a hotel. Me and several of my friends were chasing/trying to find someone. Then all of that turned into a movie I was watching in theatres with the same group of friends. I got up to use the bathroom after an "exciting" scene, and when I got back the credits began to roll, I asked one of my friends if that "exciting" scene was supposed to be the climax, she replied yes, and some old dude sitting in front of me called me a pretty princess which is weird because I am of the male persuasion. Then my phone rang in the dream but I realized I was dreaming so I woke up and answered the phone.

Now I tell all of this because I've been having remarkably bizarre dreams on a nightly basis for the past several months. Even weirder so, many of my close friends have also been experiencing strange dreams lately, with strange connections to the color blue, and blue drugs.

To me it seems like your dreams has some hidden meaning to it. I would meditate on the more prevalent ideas from the dream to try to gain some clarity on their meaning.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Do you dream often?
have you visited ATS often?
What were you watching/eating before you fell asleep?
did you take any drugs(or alcohol) legal or illegal before hand?

Without that information I can only assume 2 things. 1) this site can make the mind wander to areas it had not once thought feasible and 2) recently in my own experience I have felt almost a frequency change over the past year and half. I always dreamt and could remember my vivid dreams better than most and I know exactly the changes that began about a year and half ago, as I said. Before I sleep now, I can feel the bed almost shake and shift every so slightly and I get these flashes of bright colors that almost jolt my eyes open. Odd images stream across my face as if I am racing past still pictures (similar to your chair spinning?).

I am of the opinion that frequency of the earth is changing and our minds are adjusting with it. dreams are the time that we download uninhabited by outside activities and cause us to have these dreams that are disturbing, but only because they are confusing as heck.

I don't want to be to specific and try to read into your psychology because I think that would at best be a suggestion and really only you know what is going on, it will just take time to sit down really think about your environment and how it relates to life and dreams in particular.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:00 PM
For everyone having the "hotel dream"... without giving too much away... if you could answer these questions I'd really appreciate it...

1. Did there seem to be some sort of terrace made of cobblestone with one feature that stood out to you and if so what was that feature...

2. What if anything inside the "hotel" stood out to you...

3. Was it day or night in your dream...

4. What was the weather like...

5. Did you take note of any of the landscaping outside... and if so what stood out to you...

6. Were you able to read anything at all... any signage... menus... see any numbers... etc... that you can clearly remember...

7. What sort of "hotel" did it seem to be... i.e. a resort, casino, etc...

Thanks... and just for the record... me too... otherwise I wouldn't be asking...
edit on 18-1-2012 by SwissMarked because: Forgot about #7

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Okay, well, to answer some of these questions, I guess first I'll say I'm transgender - you can find a little more about me in my intro thread here if you want:

As for my psychological state at the time, I do visit ATS often but mostly for politics and philosophical issues. I never really got much into the dream interpretation/predictions/aliens/whatever side of things. Last night, I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager where they went to a water planet.. nothing at all that could possibly be related to this dream, and anyway the dream happened early this morning. I'm 17, so I wasn't intoxicated or high on anything.. I had some tea before I slept.

Anyway, details to add:

The front of the 'hotel' which now that I think about it may have not been a hotel at all, I just *thought* it was as that's where myself and my "parents" (who weren't my real parents.. I don't know why this wasn't an issue at the time. I knew they cared about me and I loved them but they weren't my parents) were driving to. It was rather remote and I remember thinking "This is stupidly out of the way.." .. And the road and steps up to the building stopped under this big log awning, and the road and stairs was made of sort of cobbly pavement.

There was a smaller building with a metal tower of some kind on one of the other hills in the area (it was mountainous, like the Blue Ridge, but I've been to the blue ridge mountains and it definitely wasn't the same.. the foliage was darker, and it was a rockier area. Almost like the Korrengal Valley, but not quite as sharp mountains). I thought the tower was like the communications sort, you know, like a radio repeater. I love radios, so I can specifically remember that.

The front entrance and reception or security area or whatever had a facade that was sort of log-cabiny, but the inside of the compound/building past that was very clean and modern and basic colors were used a lot everywhere, and sort of sandstone tile floors I think. I went into this sort of waiting room while my "parents" 'checked in' I guess.. It almost seemed like the room was designed for children, since it had various video gaming equipment of the more popular variety and a television. There was a flap under the television which had a cabinet with gaming systems, movies (some I didn't recognize) and some random remote controls, I guess for the TV. All very modern, very friendly, I felt relaxed. It was day, or evening here. Started turning night. The weather was fine.

The next thing I remember is maybe having a meal or something, but it's a little fuzzy there. Then comes the rocekt launch - I don't really remember much about this, except that I was certain my 'mother' was aboard one of them, and it exploded midair for some reason.

When they (I never saw who it was) were taking me down the hall after this, I felt like I was spinning rapidly and moving quickly. Very dizzying. But I was basically looking through doors and seeing things as I went.

One thing I remember was the medical students, at least I guess that's what they were. They were dissecting what looked like a big pile of meat, I thought it might have been a pig's body or something because slices of it and different pieces were piled all up around it. Maybe it wasn't a dissection?..

There were some people in another room eating a meal, that I recall. There was a control or security room with lots of monitors and some people in chairs. A conference room, too..

Anyway, the room I ended up in was sort of dark, and there was a man there, but before he could talk to me my phone rang and woke me up. I was so angry - I wanted to hear what he said. I wanted the dream to come back.

And that's.. all I remember.
edit on 18-1-2012 by zanysami because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2012 by zanysami because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by zanysami

errr well besides your (transgender which may or may not play apart) I used drugs illegal and legal well before the age of 17, so that was legit question.

Most of the things you run into in your dreams are archetypes with broad meanings that only you can give specifics to because you live your life outside of the dreams and no one else. if you can figure out what the main archetypes were from your dreams (things that stood out, like the mother figure and hotel) you can then place an emphasis on them and dig deeper.

people here can only suggest to you things, but only YOU KNOW the true meanings.

such as this, your suggest to me that you are in a part of your life where you are very confused. you feel like there is a lot being asked of you and you dont know which choice to make be it for yourself or for a family member/friend/mentor. There is so much on your plate right now that it seems like the present is flying past you in blur and you are always moving quickly into the next phase of your life, even though you are unsure whether or not the past choice you made was a good one or not.

again this is a suggestion and should be taken lightly, you really should take the time to think for yourself instead falling in the trap of relying on others. good luck

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:49 PM
That could actually prove to be very accurate.. anyone else have any interesting thoughts?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by SwissMarked
For everyone having the "hotel dream"... without giving too much away... if you could answer these questions I'd really appreciate it...

1. Did there seem to be some sort of terrace made of cobblestone with one feature that stood out to you and if so what was that feature...

2. What if anything inside the "hotel" stood out to you...

3. Was it day or night in your dream...

4. What was the weather like...

5. Did you take note of any of the landscaping outside... and if so what stood out to you...

6. Were you able to read anything at all... any signage... menus... see any numbers... etc... that you can clearly remember...

7. What sort of "hotel" did it seem to be... i.e. a resort, casino, etc...

Thanks... and just for the record... me too... otherwise I wouldn't be asking...
edit on 18-1-2012 by SwissMarked because: Forgot about #7

1. There was a terrace but it was either made of mud. Well, probably not mud, but you know that khaki colored substance which looks like dried mud? Besides this, I remember flowers in a vase, though I'm not sure if that was outside or inside. I think they were tulips? yellow in color? I'm not entirely sure.

2. I don't remember the inside much, I just remember hearing the radio broadcast and appearing outside on a balcony/terrace.

3. It was night, but after the nuclear blast it was day. Probably because of the brightness.

4. Dry, the sky was clear, I could see some stars, though my attention was on the flashes of light from the fighting.

5. There were mountains in the distance, plains between the city and the mountains where there was fighting.

6. I didn't read anything.

7. It seemed like more of an apartment complex than a hotel. I think I was there with two other guys and a girl, none of whom I knew. It seems like many people had strange dreams last night.

At one point what seemed like a body or a large chunk of shrapnel crashed into the balcony, destroying part of the wall.

Also, I should note that I haven't been able to sleep for more than 6 hours at a time without waking up in the last two weeks, which is strange because I can usually sleep for 8 hours undeterred.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ImmortalThought
Do you dream often?
have you visited ATS often?
What were you watching/eating before you fell asleep?
did you take any drugs(or alcohol) legal or illegal before hand?

Without that information I can only assume 2 things. 1) this site can make the mind wander to areas it had not once thought feasible and 2) recently in my own experience I have felt almost a frequency change over the past year and half. I always dreamt and could remember my vivid dreams better than most and I know exactly the changes that began about a year and half ago, as I said. Before I sleep now, I can feel the bed almost shake and shift every so slightly and I get these flashes of bright colors that almost jolt my eyes open. Odd images stream across my face as if I am racing past still pictures (similar to your chair spinning?).

I am of the opinion that frequency of the earth is changing and our minds are adjusting with it. dreams are the time that we download uninhabited by outside activities and cause us to have these dreams that are disturbing, but only because they are confusing as heck.

I don't want to be to specific and try to read into your psychology because I think that would at best be a suggestion and really only you know what is going on, it will just take time to sit down really think about your environment and how it relates to life and dreams in particular.

Good luck.

I think you're right about some kind of frequency shift. Some kind of change has definitely happened. Two weeks ago I lost all interest in eating meat, so I've become something of a vegetarian now. Accompany this with many people being unable to sleep and it becomes apparent that something has happened; either that or we're going through something.

I do dream often, though I don't usually think much of my dreams unless something significant happens. I visit ATS somewhat frequently, at least once a day, though I've had similar dreams before discovering ATS.
I don't remember, I did watch the latest Season Two episode of Shameless at some point yesterday. As for what I ate, I'm not entirely sure. I did eat a lot of potatoes throughout the day.

The last time I smoked was a few weeks ago, so I doubt that had any effect on my dream. I seldom drink, let alone take pills, so I wasn't drunk either.

What are your thoughts on our dreams being gateways into parallel universes? Like, ourselves in the same world under a different set of circumstances. If every time a major decision is made time becomes forked and two instances of similar worlds are created which follow those forks in the road, eventually coming to a dead end or rejoining, then could it be possible that in some cases our dreams allow us to glimpse into our lives in parallel universes?

Just something to think about.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy

Originally posted by SwissMarked
For everyone having the "hotel dream"... without giving too much away... if you could answer these questions I'd really appreciate it...

1. Did there seem to be some sort of terrace made of cobblestone with one feature that stood out to you and if so what was that feature...

2. What if anything inside the "hotel" stood out to you...

3. Was it day or night in your dream...

4. What was the weather like...

5. Did you take note of any of the landscaping outside... and if so what stood out to you...

6. Were you able to read anything at all... any signage... menus... see any numbers... etc... that you can clearly remember...

7. What sort of "hotel" did it seem to be... i.e. a resort, casino, etc...

Thanks... and just for the record... me too... otherwise I wouldn't be asking...
edit on 18-1-2012 by SwissMarked because: Forgot about #7

1. There was a terrace but it was either made of mud. Well, probably not mud, but you know that khaki colored substance which looks like dried mud? Besides this, I remember flowers in a vase, though I'm not sure if that was outside or inside. I think they were tulips? yellow in color? I'm not entirely sure.

2. I don't remember the inside much, I just remember hearing the radio broadcast and appearing outside on a balcony/terrace.

3. It was night, but after the nuclear blast it was day. Probably because of the brightness.

4. Dry, the sky was clear, I could see some stars, though my attention was on the flashes of light from the fighting.

5. There were mountains in the distance, plains between the city and the mountains where there was fighting.

6. I didn't read anything.

7. It seemed like more of an apartment complex than a hotel. I think I was there with two other guys and a girl, none of whom I knew. It seems like many people had strange dreams last night.

At one point what seemed like a body or a large chunk of shrapnel crashed into the balcony, destroying part of the wall.

Also, I should note that I haven't been able to sleep for more than 6 hours at a time without waking up in the last two weeks, which is strange because I can usually sleep for 8 hours undeterred.

Ok... in mine it's some sort of large complex that from the outside appears to be a large hotel with an immense underground built into the side of the mountain... there's a large terrace that seems to be some sort of stone pavers with a large fountain in the center of it with pots filled with flowers surrounding it...

Generally speaking (this dream occurs quite frequently) it's night time when "I'm there"... off the side of the terrace if you look down there flower beds with small shrubs that appear almost like rice patties in Japan and China...

The inside of it has the feel of the type of mall they have inside of "Caesars Palace" and it has a casino inside of it that has more of a "Dave and Busters" feel to it than a typical casino... there are various bars and restaurants inside but it all has some sort of "enclave" post apocalyptic feel to it...

While it's "in the mountains" there is a shoreline off to the side of it that occasionally will have extremely rough surf pounding it and huge waves...

I use to only have nightmares and foresake sleep because of them... but as of late the two different dreams that I have that seem to pick up where they left off the last time are at times more interesting than "real life"... so I've been trying to get at least six hours lately...

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:43 AM
Though I didn't mention it, I've also had ridiculous amounts of difficulty controlling my sleep schedule properly lately.

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