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Begin Sex Ed in Kindergarten, Says New ‘National Standards’ Report

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity; of life; of the marvelous structure of reality..." - Albert Einstein

Rather than quoting your post, I've quoted your signature, star.
My point is that little children ARE curious. They have questions. At about age 2 to 3 years old, a youngster will begin with "why?" , "why?" (in my daughter's case, "why do you?" my son's case, "did you eat her?" when I spoke of his sister being in my tummy).

Another little story...I provided in-home daycare while my kids were preschoolers. One of the little guys was my son's age -- he'd been with us for many, many months, even a couple of years. He was inordinately alarmed by bugs when we would be outside riding trikes or playing in the kiddie-pool or planting flowers. He shrieked one day, and my son triked over to him, looked at the cause of his alarm, took out his pacifier and said, "It's a ant." And then pedaled away.

They have questions, and we, as their parents or adult contacts, need to listen to THEM, and understand what THEY are asking...not shut them down with "never mind," or "be quiet", or "because I said so." They show curiosity -- awesome! Answer their questions! One day, all the little bits of information, all the simple answers, the explanations, the ideas and tidbits will gel....into a well-rounded, confident, educated point of view that seeks to learn more. Thirsts for knowledge, thinks about things they hear, and see, and feels comfortable coming back and saying, "Mom, (Dad, Nana, teacher, Babysitter) I heard this. Can you help me understand it better?"

Really, it's not rocket science. It's the nurturing of a curious, wide-open mind.
Let's make sure we are triggering the synapses that lead to a healthy grown mind, and not those that lead to violence, ignorance, and mere survival on the streets.
edit on 18-1-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Glargod What they really need to start in Kindergarden (all the way to college) is "Financial security ED"

Might I add to your post teach the children to recognize the difference between American Colloquial english, legaleze and the language used in UCC law.
Would be nice but would never happen because there is too much money in keeping us common folk in ignorance.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Jana12

I learned about sex at a young age in school from friends, not from the school itself.
Did i learn about sex at the age of 5? Yes, did many of my classmates and friends learn about sex around the same age? Yes. So what do you mean children won't learn about sex at that young of an age? They will learn about it before sex education classes, pretty much guaranteed. I say better to learn about it from a professional Adult then learn about it from you little 5 year old friends that walked in on mommy and daddy and took a porn mag to school.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by zachi
I work in middle school. The 6th and 7th graders are seperated for "nurse lessons." The 6th graders are embarrassed and some of the 7th graders. 8th grade doesn't seperate the kids. 7th graders learn about all the STD and show them in "unusual" places, like shankers on the finger and genital lice on eyelashes.

That's like the same class I had way back in 1959 - - you'd think we'd evolved beyond that.

We all just said: "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww" and really didn't care.

Too bad they didn't teach about Pheromones.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Glass

Originally posted by MaMaa
We teach our kids the idea of to each their own and what someone does in the privacy of their own bedroom is no one's business. We do not exclusively teach that it should only be a man and a woman... do teach them that it should only be a man and a woman?

These two sentences appear to contradict eachother. You say let people do what they want in private, but then turn around completely implying that homosexuality is wrong?

How would you react if one of your children realised they were gay?

Sorry for going a little off topic but this is somewhat mind-boggling.

Maybe I typed that wrong. I said that we did NOT teach that it should only be a man and a woman. Obviously what is in the private bedroom of two people is just that, but we do teach that it can be man and a woman or man and a man or woman and a woman.. ect.. I am in no way implying homosexuality is wrong, I don't think that at all. And if one of my boys turned out to be gay, so flippin what, they are still my boys. I don't care if they are straight or gay, it makes zero difference to me. Just so long as they pick someone who treats them well, respects and loves them and they feel the same.. then that is what I care about. I promise I am so not anti homosexuality, not in any way shape or form.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by wildtimes

I am saying to leave the sex ed until an age where they will not only REALLY listen, but also UNDERSTAND. Otherwise, curiosity leads them to very awkward situations...imagine if their reproductive systems kicked in early. Wouldn't that be something you would HATE to handle?

There is nothing wrong in teaching little children basic things like where babies come from and the basic differences between boys and girls.

I also understood that at a very young age.

Although it was at a much, much later time when i actually understood "sexuality"....

There is no reasons to teach 5 year olds "sexuality" but stuff they can comprehend according to their age, and there is nothing wrong with this. A little kid can "know" where kids come from and it will NOT get permanent damage from learning that for making a baby it needs two people etc.

imagine if their reproductive systems kicked in early.

I had friends working in a kindergarten (how old are kids there, like 5ish 6ish???) and you WOULD NOT BELIEVE what was going on there. I did not believe when he told me, but then i was extremely late in my own development too

edit on 18-1-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:28 PM
If you bothered to read the entire article, it states that:

Recommendations for students by the time they reach age seven include that they "Use proper names for body parts, including male and female anatomy” and “[p]rovide examples of how friends, family, media, society and culture influence ways in which boys and girls think they should act.”

NOTHING about teaching kids sex here.

Starting in the third grade, and upon completion of the fifth – when most children are 10 years old – students should be able to “[d]efine sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender” and “Identify parents or other trusted adults of whom students can ask questions about sexual orientation.”

Still nothing about teaching kids about sex here.

By completion of the eighth grade, the report says, students should be able to “[d]ifferentiate between gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation,” “[e]xplain the range of gender roles,” and “[d]efine emergency contraception and its use.”

Little about sex and what could arise of it (pregnancy).

Upon completion of middle school, students should be able to “[a]nalyze external influences that have an impact on one’s attitudes about gender, sexual orientation and gender identity”; “[a]ccess accurate information about gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation”; “[c]ommunicate respectfully with and about people of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations”; “[e]xplain the health benefits, risks and effectiveness rates of various methods of contraception, including abstinence and condoms”; and “[d]escribe the steps to using a condom correctly.”

Mainly about sexual orientation (NOT SEX) and gender than about having sex. Though it does go into the topic of safe sex and methods of contraception.

And by the time they graduate from high school students should be expected to “[d]efine emergency contraception and describe its mechanism of action” and “[a]ssess the skills and resources needed to become a parent.”

More about what would happen if you became a parent and if you have sex emergency contraception.

NOTHING about what I've read in this article says they are going to teach kindergardeners how to have sex or what that means. NOTHING. Sexual Education does NOT equal teaching kids how to have and about sex.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:30 PM

"the great whore gets her way"

Shame on usa. Shame on america, the greatest of whores. Shame on your ways.

This is not for the kids' benefits, we all know this deep down. It is for the mass amounts of twisted and perverted teachers who want to sexualized 4-10 year olds. This because they might be able to get away with it easier on younger, than older kids. [just say they're "make believing,' then feed them pills to "cure them" and teachers continue on..]

Ever wonder why the world looks at you guys like you're insane?
...Y'make me sick to the stomach ...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:43 PM
OoooOOOOOooo. Tough subject. I would have to say mmmmNO. Leave it up to the parents and once the kids get to the age 12-14, they should know about sexual organs and yada yada. That is just my opinion. My son can know he pees from his ding a ling but he wont know what else it can do until he is 18 haha.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by FreshNugget

"the great whore gets her way"

Shame on usa. Shame on america, the greatest of whores. Shame on your ways.

This is not for the kids' benefits, we all know this deep down. It is for the mass amounts of twisted and perverted teachers who want to sexualized 4-10 year olds. This because they might be able to get away with it easier on younger, than older kids. [just say they're "make believing,' then feed them pills to "cure them" and teachers continue on..]

Ever wonder why the world looks at you guys like you're insane?
...Y'make me sick to the stomach ...

Have you even tried to read through all the comments in this debate?

Do you realize there are European Countries that begin teaching all about sex and social responsible interaction the very first years, all through their school years until final graduation? Some of these very same countries have co-ed bathrooms. Yes, bathrooms where the boys and girls all use the same bathroom at the same time all from the very beginning when they first start school as a tiny child.

Did you know these countries with such liberal and progressive sexual education standards have some of the LOWEST rape indexes in the world? LOWEST teen pregnancy ratios? LOWEST contraction and transmission of STDs?
These countries a woman can go to the beach, or a park, or a swimming pool in public and be comfortably topless or even totally nude without fear, worry, or even the slightest concern about unwanted disturbance?

On the other side, the US is repressed, conservative, and stubborn about even giving children bare minimum sexual education. The US has one of the HIGHEST rape indexes on the planet, Highest teen pregnancy ratio, and highest contraction and transmission of STDs.

As above, if a woman were to take off just her top at a beach, she would be at risk of getting raped.

America is a prude, scared to look under it's own skirt, or to even admit that it has such things and genitals.
America is repressed and sex is a dirty guilty pleasure as opposed to being something beautiful and natural.

I strongly recommend you read through all the comments, and follow the argument points before jumping in like that. You're embarrassing yourself with obvious need of leveling up.
Please, go check yourself before the hidden snickers at your expense turn into outright laughter.

I bet you think sex is something dirty too.
Shame on you.

Originally posted by SaMgLo87
OoooOOOOOooo. Tough subject. I would have to say mmmmNO. Leave it up to the parents and once the kids get to the age 12-14, they should know about sexual organs and yada yada. That is just my opinion. My son can know he pees from his ding a ling but he wont know what else it can do until he is 18 haha.

Really? I mean, REALLY?
Well, good luck with figuring out where all those unusual stains are coming from, because certainly absolutely NOTHING will happen with your kid until he's 18 right?

I'm sorry if all that sounds mean, but, comments like these last two are intolerably ignorant and offensive.
You're actually proud of these beliefs?

Maybe I'm alien-human hybrid after all because sometimes, quite often, when the human species spits outs fine examples like these, all I can really think is "WTF? There's no way I can belong to the same species as that."

edit on 18-1-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:20 PM
If a parent doesn't teach their young child that exposing your parts in public, or other people doing the same is wrong, then who will teach them? And what will happen when that child doesn't know what's happening when an older person pulls their junk out and the child doesn't know something wrong is happening? Your kids aren't going to be taught to stick their dolphin in a cat, they're going to be taught that if someone starts touching them inappropriately that something bad is happening and they need to get help.

And what of the parents teaching their children these things on their own? Are they teaching them everything they might need to know? Are they teaching them properly? What happens when parents teach their personal opinion instead of realistic fact? There needs to be a general consensus on what common knowledge should be taught to every intelligent being by certain ages. Humans need to be intelligent, aware and emotionally strong beings. We need to get rid of our egos and stop crying about so-called injustices. Spreading knowledge will help us.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:56 PM
This is stupid. There is no sense in this at all what purpose does it serve? Why not teach about the diseases that way when they learn in higher grades that they are transmitted sexually they will be afraid of the diseases. No sense in sex ed for children this young.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:59 PM

I think parents need to take more responsibility. My four year has asked me some questions about 'where babies come from'... and I told him that they grow in the mommy's belly and then the doctor takes them out, and that was good enough for him. I don't think it needs to go much father than that at that age.

I agree, it's the parents responsibility, not the school's.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:06 PM
The people behind this entire idea have to have an ulterior motive. I'd like to see some background checks on some of these people wanting this to happen to see if there are any sex abuse charges or something.

I'll be damned if some stranger will be teaching my 4 year old kid anything about sex. They'd get a size 13 boot stuck up their ass.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:07 PM
Somebody tries to teach my child about homo sex at school and they get beat down, no questions asked!

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by daryllyn
[color=dodgerblue]I don't believe that kids are ready for that kind of curriculum in kindergarten. I certainly wouldn't want anyone telling my boys about the birds and the bees at that age...

I think parents need to take more responsibility. My four year has asked me some questions about 'where babies come from'... and I told him that they grow in the mommy's belly and then the doctor takes them out, and that was good enough for him. I don't think it needs to go much father than that at that age.
edit on 18-1-2012 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-1-2012 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

Kindergarten kids don't need to know about sex but they can start learning about their bodies. As they get older they can start learning more about sex. When they are 12yrs old then they should learn about all the consequences of sex including STD's/STI's

The problem is parents are taking more responsibility. Parents are either too busy working and/or they want to be their kids friends. Sex Ed is so important and not being taught enough in schools. There is a high number of teenagers who end up pregnant or getting and STD's/STI's & the more awareness we can bring the better.

A lot of parents are uncomfortable talking to their kids about sex & their bodies and kids can feel just as uncomfortable about the topic. There are sites and books to help guide you through talking to your kids.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Kids do it so they should also know how to do it

*see signature

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

They should know about it as soon as possible.

They're too young to get it when they're kids, and if you catch them young, when they get the feelings to do it, they will have the teachings in their heart.

It's no different than culture or religion or any other education. Would you wait till your older and filled with sin/ignorance/falsity ?

Teach the child young, and he will not do wrong later on. Keep him ignorant for sake of petty "morals" or "innocence" as you people define them, and he is doomed to failure.

If God didn't want you to know those things at that age he wouldn't give you a brain to learn about them so young.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:26 PM
One more reason, out of an infinite number of reasons, not to send your kid to a government indoctrination camp.

Of course, you still have to pay to send other people's kids to indoctrination camps, even if you disagree with the entire curriculum and teaching methodologies.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Vrill
I'll be damned if some stranger will be teaching my 4 year old kid anything about sex. They'd get a size 13 boot stuck up their ass.

Where in the article does it state they'll be teaching 4 year olds about sex? It doesn't. It states that they will be teaching the kids, and I quote:

Recommendations for students by the time they reach age seven include that they "Use proper names for body parts, including male and female anatomy” and “[p]rovide examples of how friends, family, media, society and culture influence ways in which boys and girls think they should act.”

Where does it say that they'll be teaching them about sex, exactly? Plus, it's not "some stranger" teaching them this stuff. It's their teacher. Unless you've never met your child's teacher or have no idea who they are or even their name, which I highly doubt, then they aren't some random stranger.

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