posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I have been studying the Global Sound Phenomenon for some time now, ever since my wife and I heard (and felt) it ourselves. Although I have found some
unexplainable anomalies in some of the recordings, one factor seemed consistent- they all, in some form, have an oscillating waveform.
All of the oscillations in these recordings seem to be secondary waveforms in the infrasound range, and thus cannot be heard normally by humans as it
is beyond the range of human hearing (generally accepted as 20-20000Hz). I am about to perform another experiment, so here is your chance to
participate in something that may actually serve a purpose other than entertainment.
Everyone can do this themselves, without any "special" equipment, although the quality of the results will largely depend on what equipment you use.
Here is the challenge/experiment-
It occurred to me after reading a myriad of threads here today on the sounds that there are so many factors that affect what we actually hear and
process. Between a short story thread made by trueamerican and a thread I read today about the US Navy not being happy about us being able to listen
to the sounds at the bottom of the sea, it hit me like a brick-
What would these "strange sounds" sound like, say, underwater?
This can be simulated electronically, but it requires a rather sophisticated audio processing solution that most do not have access to. So lets figure
out viable ways to accomplish this using the direct method- sound projection through the medium (in this case, water) and analysis of the resulting
waveform from inside the medium.
This may sound unproductive, but considering:
1) We do not know the origin of the sounds
2) We do not know the purpose/reason of the sounds
it would be safe to assume:
3) We (humans) may not be the intended targets of the sound(then again, maybe we are- TBD)
The purpose of this thread is to stimulate the mind into alternate possibilities of ALL aspects of the sound. Until now, everyone is focusing on the
origin of the sounds, but we may be asking the wrong questions. All ideas/concepts are welcome, but lets try to limit this thread specifically to
things we can actually do ourselves. Humans are very ingenious creatures, so let's see what the collective logical thought process can accomplish.
Let the expansion of human thought begin, and we'll all have some fun while possibly learning something in the process.