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The Global Sound Phenomenon and an interesting experiment we can ALL participate in.......

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I have been studying the Global Sound Phenomenon for some time now, ever since my wife and I heard (and felt) it ourselves. Although I have found some unexplainable anomalies in some of the recordings, one factor seemed consistent- they all, in some form, have an oscillating waveform.

All of the oscillations in these recordings seem to be secondary waveforms in the infrasound range, and thus cannot be heard normally by humans as it is beyond the range of human hearing (generally accepted as 20-20000Hz). I am about to perform another experiment, so here is your chance to participate in something that may actually serve a purpose other than entertainment.

Everyone can do this themselves, without any "special" equipment, although the quality of the results will largely depend on what equipment you use. Here is the challenge/experiment-

It occurred to me after reading a myriad of threads here today on the sounds that there are so many factors that affect what we actually hear and process. Between a short story thread made by trueamerican and a thread I read today about the US Navy not being happy about us being able to listen to the sounds at the bottom of the sea, it hit me like a brick-

What would these "strange sounds" sound like, say, underwater?

This can be simulated electronically, but it requires a rather sophisticated audio processing solution that most do not have access to. So lets figure out viable ways to accomplish this using the direct method- sound projection through the medium (in this case, water) and analysis of the resulting waveform from inside the medium.

This may sound unproductive, but considering:
1) We do not know the origin of the sounds
2) We do not know the purpose/reason of the sounds
it would be safe to assume:
3) We (humans) may not be the intended targets of the sound(then again, maybe we are- TBD)

The purpose of this thread is to stimulate the mind into alternate possibilities of ALL aspects of the sound. Until now, everyone is focusing on the origin of the sounds, but we may be asking the wrong questions. All ideas/concepts are welcome, but lets try to limit this thread specifically to things we can actually do ourselves. Humans are very ingenious creatures, so let's see what the collective logical thought process can accomplish.

Let the expansion of human thought begin, and we'll all have some fun while possibly learning something in the process.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:15 PM
I like that you are attempting to look at the sound from all different angles, rather than just the "origin" angle. But I am a bit confused with what exactly you want to do - to wait until we hear the sound and then stick our head in the bathtub to see what it sounds like? To record them and then stick our head in the bathtub while the recording is playing to see what it sounds like? Something else that doesn't have anything to do with the water - was that just one possibility out of a potential myriad of different ways to investigate the sound?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:29 PM
A+ for thinking out of the box

I noticed a few videos that have sufaced today have the exact same sound. And I mean exact, down to birds and frogs going nuts in the background.

I wish there was a way we could tell which videos have been dubbed over and which ones are actually recording the sound from their location.
any ideas ?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:30 PM
Haven't heard that sound in my area and i live in arkansas, so wherever that sounds is coming definately aint here.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by spacekc929

Thank you for participation. For obvious reasons, the most accurate way would be to record the sound as it happens, but we may hear enough bandwidth through the recordings played through a vessel of water and re-recorded with a microphone. Remember- it doesn't have to be perfect, and it's not going to be. We do not have access to sophisticated research equipment, but that may not really be required to solve the anomaly. That is the purpose of the thread- we CAN do something, even if it is unconventional.

And no, water is by no means the only medium......

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

Thanks for joining in. I feel determining the validity of every recording is unproductive, and here is why-

We all know there are fake videos of almost everything on the internet. We would waste far too much time validating every one, as opposed to taking some of the earlier recordings (Kiev, for example), and experimenting with the sound itself. I equate this as not seeing the forest through the trees- we are worried about cause and validity, but we should be concentrating on purpose and effect. The sound is real- I have heard it with my own ears, and felt it with my own body. For me to second guess the experience would be counterproductive.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 07:56 PM
im way behind on this strange sound thing but find it very interesting, i'm glad people are researching into this.
i have not heared them myself but if i do i will record it and if possible work with friends to try and locate the direction/source of sound.
i'll take my sister's dog, he is a living radar.
edit on 17/1/2012 by listerofsmeg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:01 PM
Don't put me to task bc I'm lazy...

I live by a regional airport and hear Jets not very often, bc it's a slow airport. I have the runway in view out my window and can see when a jet fires on down the run-way. I've also heard similar reverberations in the atmosphere while seeing a rather slow airport remain silent out my window.

And bc I'm against a canyon/mountain downwind from run-way, the jets are distinctive yet very similar to reverberations talked about here and elsewhere.

Another opinion piece

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Quantum Logic
All of the oscillations in these recordings seem to be secondary waveforms in the infrasound range, and thus cannot be heard normally by humans as it is beyond the range of human hearing (generally accepted as 20-20000Hz).

Would you tell me how you determined this - seeing that 99,99% of Youtube videos and recordings are done with cell phones which are not even REMOTELY capably of recording anywhere near such deep frequencies.

There is no way to come to such a conclusion without having made recordings and measurements with very high grade high-tech equipment which is able to measure infra/ultra sounds. Not even good consumer grade electronics equipment and microphones would be able to record infra-sound. Just wondering how you come to such a conclusion.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by flexy123

I'm sorry you have come to your limited conclusion so quickly. Perhaps you should research null frequencies, how they can be created, measured, and used, and the oft times destructive effects of standing waves.

At the very least, thank you for responding to the thread.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:43 PM
Too many is either qualitative research or quantitative research and the constructs are to varied...for instance...suppose I say "it just happened outside my door and I am in..." but I am lying!

In this case you can control the dependent variable (to some degree) but the independent variable it to wide and unpredictable...even a purpose hypothesis under scrutiny...would be batted out of the park.

Good thought...but not probable to be empirically scientific.

Good luck either way just might want to tighten up the variables a least so the covary!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:59 PM
The only place I have seen this mentioned is youtube and ATS. Ats source is youtube.

If this was real it would have been tweeted and facebooked to death.

At this stage I think it may be fake.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by jerryznv

And therein lies the crux of the issue- overcomplexity. We are taught that to go from point A to Z we must go through everything in between. But what if you could jump from A to X? It may be possible to still fill in B through V by going backwards- think of it as reverse engineering. Our scientific process has been stifled by the rigidity of the system itself, and can only eventually come to a complete standstill as the system becomes ever more rigid. While my thought processes and methods might not conform to the "mainstream" process, the will work. If they did not, then others with unique visions, like Nikola Tesla, would never had accomplished what they did, and the world you know now would simply not exist.

Thanks for the reply and the support!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

I see you are new here- welcome! I also see that this post is your first, and that it mirrors, almost word for word, many responses to the "strange sound" threads, also made by new members as their first post. Given these facts, I must ask- what do you wish to contribute to this thread? The purpose here is not to debate the validity, as stated earlier in the thread, but to examine the sound itself in greater detail using unconventional methods coupled with creative thinking. Would you like to add something constructive?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Quantum Logic

I lived in Great Falls Montana from February 2010 through February 2011, I heard and felt the rumblingloud sounds that would last hours. I've never heard it before or after. I now live in southern Texas. When I did experience this my first feeling was earth movement.
If this is coming from outer space, being navy is not happy regarding civilians being able to record and hear odd sounds in the oceans, knowing humans are something like 70% water, earth is 70%+ water, maybe your onto something here. Analyze the sound under different conditions- types of blockages which would alter the sound?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Quantum Logic
reply to post by pheonix358

I see you are new here- welcome! I also see that this post is your first, and that it mirrors, almost word for word, many responses to the "strange sound" threads, also made by new members as their first post. Given these facts, I must ask- what do you wish to contribute to this thread? The purpose here is not to debate the validity, as stated earlier in the thread, but to examine the sound itself in greater detail using unconventional methods coupled with creative thinking. Would you like to add something constructive?

, I can take a challenge!

1 Record the sound on a device that can record infra sonics ie 10Hz to 20Hz

2 you need a speaker (transducer) that will work under water.

3. You need a .................

Oh hell, most of us don't have all that #. I do, but I have not heard the sounds. Of course sitting here I can here quite a few noises including road work and such like.

Play the sounds through a good loudspeaker really loud and stick your head in a full bathtub. Simple and effective.

Watch the whales for any strange behaviors.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Find a long recording of the sound and replay at higher speeds. Man made mechanical sounds follow precise patterns while natural sounds may be rhythmic without being precise.

Sound through different medium is basically a change in speed together with a change in pitch. Both of these may be simulated through audio software. First you need a recording in say MP3 format.

I have only seen youtube vids and these can not be saved as far as I am aware.


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:46 AM
Yo Quantum Logic

I'm too new hear so I am not allowed to.


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