posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 06:33 PM
Lets play pretend.
Gods is simply what I am going to call them, in this thread. Why? Because it is easier to write.
If you would rather call them reptillians, aliens or anything else for that matter, go ahead.
I am not here to discuss whether or not Gods, aliens, reptillians and so on exists or not. I am not here to tell you that they do, cause I honestly
dont know, nor will I ever find out.
I am simply proposing a theory, that might be worthy of discussion.
- He lived to be 950 years old.
- He was never to be seen naked. One of his sons did and was outcasted for it.
- He had more knowledge than other men at that time, as he was able to build such grand an ark.
- He was able to command, trick or trap 2 of each living animal we know of today.
Noah came to save life itself. Not just the human race, but the animals. Certain death was all there was for everything on this planet. So the Gods
send him to save us all.
(Thanks to ATS moderator getreadyalready for the Noah part here)
Lets fast forward a bit and go to Jesus Christ:
- Walk on water (able to defy the laws of physics).
- Could heal the sick.
- Bring the dead back to life.
- Rose from the dead himself.
Jesus came to guide us towards a better state of mind. A state of mind that would prepare us for the truth. His words were twisted and skewed, so that
others could gain more power. So the Gods knew we were not ready.
Can you come up with more examples of historic/religious people that might fit into this theory?
The only reason I used these two religious characters, is because I am sure you all know of them.
I am sure there are many more, but I believe you understand what I am trying to say here.
So what if, there are several Gods watching over us. Sometimes on occasions where the human kind will most certainly die out, or even destroy itself.
The Gods send one of their own to save us, or guide us before it is too late. Any other time they leave us alone, leave us to act on our own with our
free will so to speak. They see us, hear us, but they will not interfeere, because they hope or even know that eventually we will become wiser, more
mature and better as a whole.
One day when we are ready, they will show themselves as they truely are. But they are waiting for us to be ready and willing to understand.
Have I inspired any of you to add to this theory? Perhaps you have thought something similiar?
Maybe you know of some historic characters that would fit into the description?
Where do you think these Gods would live? In another dimension? On another planet? Amongst us?
Are we far from being ready to see them? What would they require of us for us to know them? What would the world be like after they have shown
Again, this is not truth we are discussing here. We are pretending, fantasising, theorising on this. There is no need to discuss wether or not there
are Gods, aliens or whatever. Lets just pretend there is, for the sake of a theory.