posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:43 PM
Not sure if this was a one-shot show or what, but right after the 90th Birthday Special to Betty White, this little half-hour reality show aired.
It was basically a Candid Camera type show, but without the reveal of the gag.
Old people would do very uncharacteristic things, surprising unsuspecting younger people.
Most of it was pretty funny...
Like, an old guy with dark sunglasses and a blind cane needing help to find his car. He's led to the passenger side, but then gets in and drives off
(recklessly), causing the bystander to flip out a bit.
An old nun on a bicycle swears at people to get out of the way, parting with a much nicer "God Bless You" as she rides on by.
An old guy is in one of those electric carts, with earphones, and he's singing out loud the dirty words to a rap song...
Stuff like that. Not great television, but still pretty amusing.