posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:38 PM
I'd like you to participate in an experiment.
Give us your prediction for some important event in one of the years 2015 or 2016.
We have quite a few psychics on ATS and a huge number of people who have personal contacts with aliens and otherdimensional beings who claim to be
able to foresee the future.
So - put your mind to work and post your prediction(s). They don't have to be world shattering, but they should NOT be trivial and easy to predict.
Predictions along the line of "Second term for Obama" or "Landslide loss for Obama" doesn't qualify.
The reason for choosing 2015 and 2016 are that they are far enough away to be relatively uncertain and still be within range of us remembering. But
don't worry. I'll bring the thread to the fore in 2017 if my prediction of the demise of ATS doesn't come to fruition.
My personal predictions are
* that Iran in 2016 has joined North Vietnam in a small "They are all out to get us" club. They are still at odds with the world, but they will have
tried a small nuclear device to emphasize their dislike of world interference in their internal affairs.
* that we will loose one of the major oil producing countries due to civil war and that the western world AKA the good old USofA will be unwilling to
help because of homegrown unrest.
* that a flood disaster in 2016 will cause great financial and human losses in Holland.
* that the Danish queen will die in 2015 and that the cause will be heart related.